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Bon Iver – Holocene Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Detroitdregs:4162] Thank you for your service. Life excepts only those how have the ability to rise above their environment, has you have. It doesn't matter how you arrived or the catalyst, you have been welcomed. Seeing with experience eyes has allowed you to touch the life's of others. Congrad's all though it was hard for you, it was meaningful, Some live a life in just one dimension you my friend have grown so others can follow from you example. By all mean please continue, Thanks for sharing. My name is Vince

Bon Iver – Holocene Lyrics 9 years ago
I am probably much older than those who have posted a comment on this haunting song/music. I know that age isn't important and possible meaning to this thought provoking expression of life.

When first heard, as part of sound track of "The Judge" the song sort'a took over my concentration from that point and now in idle times runs across my mind, ripping away the now , the past and gives a glimpse how we all affect each other. It brings me to a point where understand has not been before, or transgressions I have committed to someone and indeed I feel small sometimes, not at all. It has inspired me to think more of others and less of myself and for this I am grateful. Take care my friends..

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