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Red Hot Chili Peppers – One Hot Minute Lyrics 10 years ago
yes. many of the lyrics in this song directly reflect her lyrics and/or imagery to her music videos. Anthony and Tori also exchanged one hot minute when he met up with her backstage at one of her shows, she said to him something like i gotta go on stage. he told her he is a big fan and he hit on her. she didn't recognize him, she said in a later interview, in which she said Anthony is one those guys you could just run away with. years later, Anthony searched her tour schedule, discovering she had four days off. He came to and asked her if she would "run away" with him, to Borneo, to which she declined because she had a boyfriend at the time, who later became her husband. She mentioned Borneo in her lyrics, either before or after their encounter. It is also a possibility that the red-head playing the piano on the album cover is a likeness of Tori, as the fairy and other things refer to her song lyrics.

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