


I'm a Musician, Writer, and Painter. Pretty much anything that seems like a worthwhile pursuit, but doesn't make much money unless you are famous. One day maybe...
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Nirvana – In Bloom Lyrics 10 years ago
Sorry for repeating the first paragraph. I didn't notice it when I posted it and I'm not sure how to edit that out.

Nirvana – In Bloom Lyrics 10 years ago
I have to say that this has to be one of the most well thought out comments that I have ever seen about lyrics. It's been a while since I've read the liner notes from Nevermind, but I'm inclined to believe your interpretation. Well to some degree at least.

I'm not so sure about the message that you took away from it, but I think that you are spot on about the structure of the song; i.e. each line in the first verse corresponds with the same line in the second verse. The meaning seems to become a bit more clear when you read it that way. Just in case it would help others, I’ll list them all together:

V1.A) Sell the kids for food
V2.A) We can have some more
V1.B) Weather changes moods
V2.B) Nature is a whore
V1.C) Spring is here again
V2.C) Bruises on the fruit
V1.D) Reproductive glands
V2.D) Tender age in bloom

It's still wide open to interpretation, but the stream of thought is a lot more coherent this way. From what I know about him, it seems to me that this is exactly the way that Cobain would write a song. I’m not sure I buy into the whole seemingly abstinence related message that you took away, but I can agree that it’s written as a cipher.

As far as what I take away from it, as with everyone, it is largely colored by my experiences in life. All of the best songwriters have the ability to write in a way that is both personal to them and personal to the listener as well. Again I am basing this on my life and the little that I know about Cobain.

I believe the A Lines are about hypocrisy, not valuing what should be valued. The B & C Lines hold a different mean for me, that being, illness/addiction/pain. The D Lines expound on this, and to me express the frustration of being young and being sick, in a sarcastic way.

To me it is about seeing everyone around you take, what is natural for the majority of society, for granted. The imagery is intentionally shifted from the expected meaning to the polar opposite. “Spring is here again”, but there are “Bruises on the fruit”. Spring normally represents youth and renewal, but in this context Spring is a time of decay for the writer; youth and illness.

Again I fully admit that my experience is coloring my interpretation, but that is the great thing about songs like this. They are wide open to be viewed from different angles. I may be off base, but from what I understand Kurt Cobain was self-medicating to treat multiple health and psychological issues with heroin.

It doesn’t seem like a stretch that he would express his frustration about life in this way. Something to the effect of, ‘life comes so easy for everyone else and you all take that for granted’. “He likes to sing along”, “But he knows not what it means”.

Sorry for rambling and thank you for pointing out the structure. It added a whole new layer to this song in my opinion.

I'm not so sure about the message that you took away from it, but I think that you are spot on about the structure of the song; i.e. each line of the first verse corresponds with the lines in the second verse. The meaning seems to become a bit more clear when you read it that way.

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