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John Mayer – Gravity Lyrics 7 years ago
I think that this song's meaning could fit almost anything anyone feels it is. Whether it's relationships, careers, life choices, or just plain ole' gravity. For me as an alcoholic/addict in recovery it has a deep meaning for me.

The fact that if you think of it in simple terms, gravity is what keeps you on grounded. And without gravity we would float away....a.k.a get high. "Gravity wants to bring me down" furthers that thought. Then he sings "Oh, twice as much ain't twice as good, and can't sustain like one half could. It's wanting more that's gonna send me to my knees." Speaks deeply to me in a way I can definitely relate to when it comes to my alcoholism. It's the intense feeling of wanting to numb yourself, get high so you don't have to come down to earth and face reality. But it is truly the wanting and craving more of what is killing you that is ACTUALLY bringing you down. Bringing you to your knees. Which hints at the fact that getting high, getting drunk, using something to get high, in the end only brings you down further than even gravity itself could. There's a saying in recovery about "rock bottom" and how it doesn't exist. You think you've hit rock bottom, but then you realize you can sink much lower than that if you continue on the path of self-destruction. Then he sings "Whoa, gravity has taken better men than me. Now how can that be?" Suggesting that people he looked up to, people he holds in high esteem, have been overcome and brought down to even below him (may six feet below) and his confusion because they seemed to have it all together unlike how he sees himself. And the ending really drives it home by the lyrics "keep me where the light is" over and over again. Because if you suffer from addiction you know what a dark place it is to be. But you can change, you can overcome it, and you can stay where the light is.

With all that being said, that's just my interpretation. I can easily see how it could refer to love and relationships. Like I said before, really it could be about pretty much anything you want it to mean. That is the beauty of music and art in general. It's not just about what it means to the creator, but all the different ways it can speak to others. As long as you find meaning it their work, they've done their job as an artist.

Great song. Great lyrics. Great art.

Much love,

Alice in Chains – No Excuses Lyrics 9 years ago
I've heard this was a song written by Cantrell for Staley about his drug use. Probably just a rumor. I can see it being more universal than that. I think everyone has a time in their life that they just don't have the motivation and patience to deal with others. Even family and friends. Depression is a bitch. But if you tell people "I'm depressed" most won't understand. They'll take it as just an excuse to get out of doing something, or an excuse to isolate, or an excuse to get drunk and high. I think the lyrics definitely seem to fit Layne's attitude towards the last years of his life. He knew he was a drug addict. He knew he was throwing his talent away. He didn't want to lie and give some bullshit excuse for his bad behavior. He, unlike most people in that position, was honest. There was no excuse, so he didn't give any.

Personally I can relate. I'm an alcoholic in recovery. Sober from booze since July 17th 2011. Once I quit drinking I started to realize I wasn't the happy go lucky person I had been in the past. Drinking gave me confidence, gave me the energy to want to go out and socialize. I didn't know until I stopped drinking that I suffer from social anxiety, really generalized anxiety all around.

Now that I don't drink I don't have that urge to go out with friends. Even if drinking isn't involved. I am a freelance photographer, I started in 2008. But after getting sober I found myself more and more anxious about shoots, being around people I didn't know, being judged, facing all the pressure (I specialized in weddings, so LOTS of pressure!) Right at the peak of my "success" I got sober. And it was hard to accept that I couldn't face the world, and do the job I loved, now that I was sober. I've done three shoots in the past 2 years. I barely even bring my camera out of the bag. I find people like my Mom, who have never suffered from anxiety or alcoholism, always say things like "you just gotta get out there and do it!" or "you'll never know if you don't try" or "isolating yourself isn't healthy" "you're just depressed, and if you got out of the house more you'd feel better." As if it was all that simple. I can't be mad about it, they just don't get it because they've never felt it from the inside. And when they give all this advice they expect a response. But I don't have one. There is no excuse. It just is what it is, and I'm doing my best to figure it all out. But to give an excuse would just be giving them a lie.

The 3rd verse means a lot to me because it reminds me of my best friend. She's an alcoholic/addict too. But she doesn't want help. I know from my experience it's not something you can force someone into. I mean, you can get them to go to rehab. But if they don't want to be sober, if they don't feel they really have a problem, it's all a big fucking waste of time. Because of my sobriety I don't get to see all. We might as well be living on different planets. Even if I was to see her, spend time with her, it would be in vain. She doesn't understand where I am coming from. She's been baker acted, and I visited her in the hospital while she was there. I told her then that no matter what I will always love her, she will always be my best friend. She's the closest thing to a sister I have. But I just told her straight up, if she didn't get help I would have to keep my distance from her. Not just because to protect my sobriety, trust me, there is NO place you can go where you aren't reminded of alcohol in some way. Whether it's when you go out to eat, or go to the grocery store, or watch a football game with every other commercial promoting some beer or liquor. I would have to keep my distance because I have a kid, and she was getting high on bath salts and coming over to my house high as a kite talking bat shit crazy stuff. Like the world is really flat, and her Dad was in the CIA. I can't have that around my child. And the stuff I listed was actually pretty mild for the stuff she was using. She could have done literally anything when she was high on that shit. I couldn't put my son in danger. But even more than all that, I couldn't be in her life if she didn't get help because I couldn't stand to watch her kill herself slowly in front of my very eyes. I told her if she was getting help (even if she wasn't able to be completely sober) I would be by her side through it all. Go to meetings with her, even though I don't do the whole AA thing. Just didn't work for me personally, not putting it down in anyway. But basically I would support her in every possible way I could if she was willing to make an effort to help herself. That was over 2 years ago now, and needless to say things didn't work out that way. I haven't spoke to her in I don't know how long. And not because I'm not willing to. Even though I won't allow her to come to my house high, I would never stop talking to her via phone, email, letter, etc. She doesn't want to talk to me, and I get it. She knows I don't approve so she doesn't have anything to say to me. She looks at me as the enemy now. But that's ok. I get it. I hope someday that changes, because she's a beautiful intelligent woman who deserves to be happy. But no matter what the future holds she will always be in my heart. She'll always be my best friend. And even if I can't see her, and spend time with her, I will always love her. Nothing she could do could change that.

Anyway, sorry for writing so much. I tend to talk a lot. This is just what the song speaks to me.

A Perfect Circle – Magdalena Lyrics 9 years ago
OR it could refer to drugs or fame. Because of the lyrical content I don't think it's just a song about strippers. Just my opinion though.

A Perfect Circle – Magdalena Lyrics 9 years ago
I believe the "Magdalena" or "Black Madonna" could refer to many different people and/or things. I see how people may think it's about a stripper. In my opinion it's about religion, church, the leaders of them, and/or God himself. OR the other thing I believe it could refer to is America.

Bon Iver – Wash. Lyrics 9 years ago
give us the ground.

Ryan Adams – When the Stars Go Blue Lyrics 9 years ago
I've always loved this song. I used to listen to this song a LOT before my husband and I married. As I would listen I would dream of "dancing in my wooden shoes and a wedding gown." When we did marry this was one of the songs I thought about having our first dance to, but my final decision ended up being "Across the Universe" by the Beatles. It's hard to beat the Beatles :) ANYWAY! Back to my whole point here! I ran across it on youtube this morning after not hearing it in quite awhile. As I was listening to the lyrics I noticed how similar the meaning of the song is to the song "I will follow you into the dark" by Death Cab for Cutie. This song came out before DCFC's though (I'm pretty sure?) Who knows, maybe this song inspired their's when they wrote it? Either way I love them both. And I love the concept and meaning behind each of them. Many people have this fairy tale image of what marriage will be. I did as well when I was younger. After actually experiencing marriage, commitment, and real love, I've learned that marriage is nothing like a fairy tale, not even close. It can be really hard at times, it takes compromise, patience, selflessness, and a hell of a lot of work. Which I guess is why a lot of marriages don't last, because people have unrealistic expectations, and when they see that it's not all rainbows and butterflies they want out. But when you truly love someone no matter what struggles you may face you don't give up. You'd walk to the ends of the earth if that's what it takes. When my husband and I said our wedding vows we promised to love each other through it all, bad times and good, sickness and health, and most importantly til death do us part. I think this song, and DCFC's "I will follow you into the dark", capture what true love is really all about. Loving a person completely unconditionally, even the deepest darkest parts of who they are. Loving a person so much that you'd follow them anywhere, even to death. Loving a person so much that even if the world was ending, and the universe was collapsing in on itself, there's still no place you'd rather be than by their side. THAT is true love, not the stuff you see in the movies. And even though the lyrics are dark, just like real life can be, there's something so beautiful about the struggle. It shows you that if you truly love someone with all your heart and soul, and they love you the same, there's nothing that can't make it through together. And the hard times teach you not to take the good times for granted. When you go through those difficult times that come (because they will, NO ONE is immune to problems) it makes you appreciate the good times that much more. Without the bitter, the sweet just ain't as sweet <3

Daniel Merriweather – Red Lyrics 10 years ago
I think this song could fit so many different emotions and relationships, not just about lovers.

I've read all the other comments, I was kinda surprised only one person had mentioned the line "took something perfect, and painted it red" as relating to blood. For me that line means "you took something perfect and killed it."

Of course each of us relate to songs like this in our own personal way, which is one of the most amazingly wonderful things about music. For me, it makes me think of my relationship with my Dad.

My parents divorced when I was 2 years old, and I never had a relationship with him until I became an adult with a child of my own. He ended up being the very verbally abusive. He's all messed up. I don't know if it's just depression or worse. But his moods change constantly. It got to the point that I was afraid to answer the phone when I would see it was him, fearing what mood he might be in that day. I could go on and on about all the ways he hasn't been there for me as a father, and now as a grandfather, but it would take all day. Just put it this way, I've probably seen him for a total of 2 weeks my entire life. He's never lived close enough to see me much. For the last 10 years he's lived out of the states. The only way he knows to show love is to buy me things. And I can see how that might sound great, but it gets old. When what you want is a Dad, materialistic crap isn't enough. The last time we talked he told me I was loser, and he hoped I rotted in hell. He was mad because he THOUGHT I had talked about him behind his back to my Uncle, who he hates and can't get along with. He's PARANOID. I never did. That was it for me, I knew then I had to let go of the hope I had and walk away for good. I'd rather have no relationship with him, if all he can offer is an abusive one.

I can relate every lyric in this song to my relationship with my Dad. I won't break it down each lyric, one by one. Because with what I've already said, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to see the connection.

I wish I could play this song for my father, but it wouldn't change anything. So I'll just keep listening to it, because it means everything to me.

Flyleaf – Again Lyrics 10 years ago
For me this song is all about surrender. How hard it is to really do. How hard life is even when we are surrendering. I can be my own worst enemy. We fall, we get up again. But in those moments when we are down and we feel like we'll never get up again, that's when we cry out to God the most. When we are broken, He is right there with us. Because in those moments we tend to open up and accept that love and mercy, in others we tend to think things are ok so we can handle it all for ourselves. So in the end when the chorus sings, here you are down on your knees again, trying to find air to breathe again, RIGHT WHERE I WANT YOU TO BE AGAIN, SEE AND BELIEVE! I love that, because I believe though God wants us to be happy, He loves close intimacy with us, and He has that the strongest when we are on our face before Him.

Linkin Park – The Little Things Give You Away Lyrics 10 years ago
I know this song is most likely about Katrina. But for me it has a very different and personal meaning. I am an only child. Or so I thought, until I became pregnant myself. My mother was trying to explain to me I had "options." I told her I knew I just couldn't live with myself if I had an abortion. She told me it wasn't that bad. I asked how does she know? She looked at me and I instantly knew the answer. Come to find out when I was only a few years old, as my parents were splitting up my mom slept with someone else and became pregnant. I can't explain how much it hurts to know after all these years of feeling alone in this fucked up family, I wasn't an only child, I am a big sister. Even though I was robbed the chance to meet them here on earth I know I will one day. I did not make the same choice as my mother. My son is seven years old now. I remember the first time I heard this song I immediately felt connected to it. Let me elaborate a little.

"Water gray, through the windows of the stairs,
Chilling me, like an ocean everywhere,
Don't want to reach for me do you?
I mean nothing to you.
The little things give you away."

To me it speaks of the womb. In won't get graphic, but if you know the different ways abortions are performed you may see what I mean. The lines "Don't won't to reach for me, do you? I mean nothing to you. The little things give you away." especially are fitting.

"All you've ever wanted,
Was someone to truly love come to you.
And six feet underwater I do."

My mom did what she did because she was more worried about how she would look, having another baby by a different man out of wedlock. All she wants is someone to truly look up to her. And six feet under her lost child forever will.

"Hope decays, generations disappear,
Washes away, as a nation simply stares.
Don't want to reach for me do you?
I mean nothing to you.
The little things give you away."

This verse really hits me hard. "Hope decays, generations disappear." Because I often wonder what life would be like if she had not made that choice. Would I be an Aunt? A sister in law? How many lives really are lost by taking that one?

The next line "Washed away as nation simply stares.Don't want to reach for me do you? I mean nothing to you. The little things give you away" Speaks of how millions and millions of children are killed by abortion each year in this country, while the rest of the nation does nothing. 26 children were killed in a Kindergarten class and are whole country mourned, but millions are killed by abortion and there is silence.

And mostly the title of the song sums it all up. The LITTLE things give you away.

I know this is not what the song was wrote about. But this is what it means to me.

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