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Arid – Little Things Of Venom Lyrics 10 years ago

The National – Pink Rabbits Lyrics 10 years ago
My interpretation:
In short I think it's about a breakup, one that was ended by the girl, leaving him with feelings of confusion and huge amounts of pain. After some time, when he is fighting to get his life back together, she'd suddenly let him know that she wanted to be a part of his life again.

"I couldn't find quiet I went out in the rain
I was just soaking my head to unrattle my brain
Somebody said you disappeared in a crowd
I didn't understand then I don't understand now"

There's a lot of confusion in his head about why the girl broke up with him and he needed to clear his head. In the end he still doesn't know why things happened the way they did. Speaking to someone else about it is not helping, all there is, is "why?".

"Am I the one you think about
When you're sitting in your fainting chair drinking pink rabbits?"

He is wondering if she is thinking about him at moments where she doesn't have anything else on her mind. Are you even thinking a little bit about me while I’m thinking so much about you?

"It wasn't like a rain it was more like a sea
I didn't ask for this pain it just came over me
I love a storm, but I don't love lightning
All the waters coming up so fast, it's frightening"

His pain and sadness cannot be described as painful raindrops falling upon him, no, it’s much worse than that and he's drowning in it. Even though he is not afraid of some trouble in his life and assumes some struggle to be perfectly normal (the storm), the sudden and enormous amount of pain he now is suffering from, is way too much.

“I was solid gold I was in the fight
I was coming back from what seemed like a ruin
I couldn't see you coming so far
I just turn around and there you are”

After a while he is fighting to get his life back together. He was building something up again that was once shattered. Just when he reached the point that he was accepting that things where the way they were and not thinking that she might come back anymore, she suddenly was there.

“I'm so surprised you want to dance with me now
I was just getting used to living life without you around
I'm so surprised you want to dance with me now
You always said I held you way too high off the ground”

He was getting over her and now she wanted to be back in his life. Even though there were troubles in the past that made it difficult to have a relationship with him. (“way too high of the ground” can be a metaphor for putting someone on a pedestal. So he was always idolizing her and being too nice. It can also be read together with the metaphor of dancing, which is a (possible) relationship. You cannot dance correctly if you lift someone up too high. So in that case there were troubles in their past relationship that she held him accountable for.)

“You didn't see me I was falling apart
I was a white girl in a crowd of white girls in the park”

After the relationship ended she did not see how much pain he had to endure. He felt that he meant nothing to her at that time, he was just another person in a crowd of persons; indistinguishable from the rest.

“I was a television version of a person with a broken heart”

In my opinion the most beautiful sentence in the song. Television portrayals of someone with a certain emotion are mostly simple but also very pure. When someone in a movie or television drama feels heartbroken (or any other form of ‘heavy’ emotion) that’s everything he or she feels. That is, someone who loses all hope and purpose in life and becomes irreparably depressed. Unlike most cases in real life where these feelings can still predominate, but where there’s also a time and place for a little smile, a normal conversation, mindlessly doing the dishes every now and then. So… he is simply trying to say how profound the pain was that he felt after she broke his heart.

“You said it will be painless
The needle in the doll
You said it will be painless
It wasn't that at all”

Someone said some reassuring things to him after the breakup. (This can be his ex-girlfriend but I think it’s someone else close to him.) “You can still be friends” “You’ll get over it” and things like that. Still it feels like he is at the other end of a voodoo doll and all the memories and thoughts about her are the needles that are hurting him. Even though she’s away, she is what’s causing him so much pain.

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