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Jethro Tull – Thick as a Brick (Parts 1 & 2) Lyrics 8 years ago
@[soad127:9714] how did the MB show go? Do you have a recording on YouTube (though 2002 was before Youtube).

Olivia Newton-John – Have You Never Been Mellow Lyrics 8 years ago
It seems to describe all the benefits of meditation (from what I hear about mediation).

"Have you never tried to find a comfort from inside you? "

"...lay back, kick your shoes off, close your eyes"

One can be productive and mellow at the same time. In fact, higher productivity likely results in the long run.

Jethro Tull – Bungle In The Jungle Lyrics 11 years ago
"He" and "His" is capitalized mid-sentence, which is grammatical standard for pronouns referring to God. I assume these capitalizations appear on the original liner notes, as most of the online lyric reproductions have them capitalized too.
The rivers are full of crocodile nastiest
And He who made kittens put snakes in the grass
He's a lover of life but a player of pawns
Yes, the King on His sunset lies waiting for dawn
To light up His Jungle as play is resumed
The song is likely pointing out the irony of "He" (God) who made [cute] kittens also made [mean, ugly] snakes. We are entertainment for the King in his jungle.

The line "I'll write on your tombstone, 'I thank you for dinner' " likely refers to survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed.

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