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Radiohead – Subterranean Homesick Alien Lyrics 10 years ago
Yorke feels that he has more in common with the aliens than his fellow man... Think back to the scene in the bar in Paranoid Android — they’re all small-minded, they have no sense of the bigger picture. Thom feels like the majority of people can’t look at the world from an overall perspective. This song is about being isolated by your intelligence, or at least the fact you choose to use what intelligence you have. By the end Thom is also uptight, because he knows he will only be rejected if he expresses his views. The worst thing is that our silence will make other thinking people think they're alone... Let's hope they listen to this song! Lyrically probably my favorite song ever.

The Beatles – Happiness Is a Warm Gun Lyrics 11 years ago
How I see it, and I could well be wrong:

A girl who has a life of wealth and is always busy (although clueless as to "like a lizard on a window pane"- could refer to some downside to her life

A man who is poor but hides it. This makes his relationship with his wife suffer?

They both need a fix

Mother superior jumped the gun... She has it easy not dealing with the problems most people face in life? Possibly saying drugs provide people with an escape?

And happiness is a warm gun John explained he saw on a gun magazine. Although is it literal? Sarcastic I'd say.

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