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Soundgarden – Black Hole Sun Lyrics 9 years ago
@[lastanzabianca:1925] Love your interpretation. Although Cornell stated he would just let the words flow lyrically and hasn't thought so much about the meaning and that it has no actual meaning at all, I do very much believe that his subconsciousness would let flow his actual views and feelings about the world and society into it. In "automatical writing" it happens too that the subconsciousness plays it's part, so I agree very much to every word you wrote here.

Garbage – Stupid Girl Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Sojus:1207] Oh, but keep in mind BPD and NPD have similar symptoms but are two different things, have different reasons and characteristics. They often get confused with each other cos they have so similar symptoms.

Garbage – Stupid Girl Lyrics 9 years ago
This screams BPD or NPD (Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder). People who have this do exactly as described in the lyrics. They're perfect actors and manage for many years to show an imagine of themselves they're not. It's ok in a relationship as good friends, but if people get closer than that, like Love etc, they get burned and get "painted black". BPD's/NPD's cannot handle people coming too close but at the same time they crave for it, need to be desired and loved. The full blown ones are very selfcentered and have no real empathy for the people they hurt. The full blown ones also cannot handle to be left so they rather leave themselves when they see signs of abandonment, cos that's the fear that drives them. And if in their reality they feel betrayed (even if that's not happening and it's just projection) they will payback until they see you suffer cos this makes them feel better and forget their own shame. If a person ever sees through them, the BPD/NPD people run, cos they're filled with shame and can't take responsibility for their actions. Until then and until they're tired of you they'll tell you everything they know you want to hear. Most of them also tend to cheat and/or triangulate. And they repeat this pattern over and over and over, and each victim thinks it's the love of life and cannot believe to be one of many who just face a repeated pattern.
You just end up shipwrecked. You can never get closure with such people and this is when one ends up writing such a song.
It is a shame cos they could have everything but they sabotage it themselves which makes them "stupid" people.
It's a very interesting subject, people should read up on, to be wary and see red flags.

The Cooper Temple Clause – House of Cards Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Arlborn:740] DITTO!!! Let's pray it's gonna happen someday. One of the guys wrote on Twitter a while ago that they've actually even discussed about this option via mail, but somehow it seems to not be the right time. When I read this I thought there's still hope that someday.............

The Cooper Temple Clause – Written Apology Lyrics 9 years ago
Oh shit, even more typos. Sorry!

The Cooper Temple Clause – Written Apology Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Sojus:739] "to get DOWN from the whole ride" ! Damn typo!

The Cooper Temple Clause – Written Apology Lyrics 9 years ago
Since 11 years I wonder if this is from the band's perspective, thoughts addressed to their listeners? Talking about and to their fans? It somehow always sounds to me like it.
I wonder what anyone else thinks (?).

Anyway, I love the "We love the way you move" line so so much.
And when it breaks out at "And it's all a request", until the end, I just can't hold still, have to freak out and I also get goosebumps. This just never gets old, none of their songs get old!

I just wanna share some thoughts/ideas that always come up when I listen to it:

- "Haven't you heard it's getting that time
So go spread the word and get practising your rhymes "

("Hello, haven't you heard the news, here's a new record. So go spread them news and also pracitise our lyrics!")

- "Signature moves"

(Giving autographs?)

- "And look who's doing stuff"

(The band, smashing it again)

- "I know we've been gone and we're never around "

(They feel they haven't been around enough, playing shows, getting "confrontational" with their fans, took quite some time to get their shit together and make a new record)

- "But we're coming home and we've missed getting down "

(They came home from an ass-long tour, promotion, which is all energy draining and just didn't have time enough to get town from the whole ride, be with friends, family and relax etc... That's their excuse for having been gone for quite a while)

- "You'll always remain the beautiful boys
So don't ever change and just go get the girls "

(The fans will always be for them what they are and they will never change their feelings and love for them, that they are thankful and cherish each of them, so they ask them to never change and stay who they are, to keep going with their love for the band and never stop believing in them and just go and have fun, enjoy their time and life)

- "And it's all a request just to carry it on
A force of a habit to drag us along"

(Continues with what I said above... That their fans are their drive. The fans keep on kicking their asses to do what they believe in, the music.
Which leads to: )

- "We gave you excuses we gave you a song "

(Their excuses I mentioned above. And they give a song in return as a thank you for holding on... For carrying on.)

- "We love the way you move"

(To their music. At their shows. At cluvs where there stuff is played. At home while flipping out to their music.)

Maybe I am far off, this is just what I always felt when listening to it.

I'd be glad to hear other thoughts on here. Carry it on! :)

The Cooper Temple Clause – Film Maker Lyrics 9 years ago
I agree with both of you. It also sounds pretty much like he's a very obsessive person, watching every step of her and invading her privacy. Of course she's doing shit, but he isn't acting right either. Like the kind of people that would go a tad further than just sneakily checking their partner's textmessages while they're on the loo, but also maybe placing keyloggers or whatever hacker material onto their computers to spy on them if they cheat or not. This is basically what he's doing here with CCTV etc. When one gets cheated on like he does here, it's always hard to draw a line which actions are right or wrong. But in this case he wouldn't have found out for quite a while if he wasn't "stalking" on her, so he'd have had this behaviour of checking on her anyway. smells of trust-issues.
So very smart written. One of my favourite lyrics by them.

The Cooper Temple Clause – Been Training Dogs Lyrics 9 years ago
My absolute favourite lines in that song:

- "I wouldn't wanna be ya
Cos we're drawing blood if we see ya."

(When I hear this, I just wanna grab a fucking spray-can and bomb the streets with these words, haha.)

- "And we're not afraid to use animals
Or anything else that'll tear itself a hole
Yeah we'll be just like dumb fucking animals
If that's the kind of game you want to play"

(This line is so fucking brilliant. Metaphorically using digging animals as a reference to digging someone's grave and just bury them. This is by far the best revenge song ever.)

The Cooper Temple Clause – Been Training Dogs Lyrics 9 years ago
My absolute favourite lines in that song:

- "I wouldn't wanna be ya
Cos we're drawing blood if we see ya."

(When I hear this, I just wanna grab a fucking spray-can and bomb the streets with these words, haha.)

- "And we're not afraid to use animals
Or anything else that'll tear itself a hole
Yeah we'll be just like dumb fucking animals
If that's the kind of game you want to play"

(This line is so fucking brilliant. Metaphorically using digging animals as a reference to digging someone's grave and just bury them. This is by far the best revenge song ever.)

Michael Jackson – They Don't Care About Us Lyrics 9 years ago
@[mira_love:36] You are so right! I rather think that what he noticed happening around him in the world was one of the reasons he ended up building his own world (example Neverland) to make life in this world bearable for him. And it was also one of the reasons that he stuck to his thought about metaphorically being "Peter Pan". Kids are honest and pure at heart; kids don't do wars; kids usually cherish nature, animals and people no matter of which background; through kid's eyes the world is a better place and there is lots of hope, because kids haven't yet experienced the struggle of a frustrating every-day-life, traumatizing experiences and life-events etc. It was ridiculous when media and people said stuff like "Haha, he really believes he is Peter Pan! He is so out of touch with reality!". But have they ever read between the lines? Have they ever thought he means it metaphorically? Have they ever heard his message? People can be so shallow and stupid it hurts.
I'm still sad he is gone. It's hard for me to listen to his music because it makes me miss him even more. There were times when I thought "As long as MJ is still in this world, everything is gonna be ok."... Then he disappeared. But when I see his kids, I have to smile and think it's still gonna be ok. I'm so curious what they will do artistically someday in the future. I believe in them.

Michael Jackson – Who Is It Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Shazaza:34] Thank you for hinting the secret phone conversation.. Didn't know it existed.
I just love your interpretation so much and I think you hit the nail on it's head. Remember the part in "Dirty Diana" where he kinda quotes the girl as she says "I'll be your everything / If you make me a star"... It just all adds up and makes sense to me. Using MJ and other "boys in the band" (other famous artists) and their fame to gain more success and popularity herself.

The Jesus and Mary Chain – April Skies Lyrics 10 years ago
It seems to me like that somewhere between "Hey honey what you trying to say / As I stand here / Don't you walk away" and "But that's the way that you are / And that's the things that you say" some parts are quotation? Like stuff she tells him? Kinda like emotional games and always going on and off? And he believes this time is the last time, that she's gone too far with such talking, that she never comes back and he's sick of her behaviour anyway, when truth is that she has him wrapped around her finger and thus he will always fall for her as soon as she longs for him because he's obsessed and in love with her? Maybe I'm far off. Just a thought.

Voxtrot – Berlin, Without Return Lyrics 10 years ago
"They say they're in love and want to get married, but that might just be because of their dire circumstances. Their lives might end soon"

could be. the "without return" in the title could suggest that.
also since he sings about kodachrome which was a film manufactured in 1935 and pretty much used during the 40s it could suggest that they're stuck in ww2 in germania aka berlin the reichshaupstadt. maybe they smell what's going to happen and that they can't escape that situation but only take the chance to marry now before it's too late. but maybe it's also just meant metaphorical as that is the way he feels.
i wouldn't even think their love isn't deep..maybe just buried under miserable circumstances which often tends to make you feel and act like your love is not strong enough anymore. "when i see you naked, i see more than the flesh" and "don't question my love" pretty much says it.

"Do you spend your whole life trying to get back home?"
"What do you know about where I come from?
What do you know?
Tell me, what do you know?
About who I am?"
"And I don't know you, baby.
You don't know me."

1. i come from berlin and i heard stories from family how it was when the hometown was bombed..that it was kinda like your whole familiar background and hometown vanished and i bet it feels like you don't know anymore where you belong and where you come from. i often feel like this with my own history, since i come from the gdr and it's vanished and changed so much, too. you feel kinda lost.

2. not only do i get the feeling they're lost about where they come from but also lost in general... with themselves and both stuck. so marriage could give you some kind of "home" and stability. people often do such a thing or make a baby in hope it would change things to the better.
"It doesn't make much sense, but maybe nothing does." -- could suggest that since they seem pretty hopeless and so they grab for any little straw.

Voxtrot – Berlin, Without Return Lyrics 10 years ago
"They say they're in love and want to get married, but that might just be because of their dire circumstances. Their lives might end soon" ---- could be. the "without return" in the title could suggest that.
also since he sings about kodachrome which was a film manufactured in 1935 and pretty much used during the 40s it could suggest that they're stuck in ww2 in germania aka berlin the reichshaupstadt. maybe the smell what's going to happen and that they can't escape that situation but only take the chance to marry now before it's too late. i wouldn't even think their love isn't deep..maybe just buried under miserable circumstances which often tends to make you feel and act like your love is not strong anymore. "when i see you naked, i see more than the flesh" and "don't question my love" pretty much says it.

Tyler, the Creator – Yonkers Lyrics 10 years ago
there will always be people who think they have a clue when actually they don't understand at all what an artist portrays...and you are a good example.
how you judge his listeners/fans and put them all into one box.. unbelievable. i am no such fan as you claim everyone to be. i am a 31 year old lady that has a pretty wide angled taste in music and rap is a genre i am very picky with, usually don't listen to unless it's really good. i don't listen to shit for shock value... tyler caught my attention because of his sound which i fell deeply in love with on first listen. capturing the lyrics came later... seriously, who starts to listen to music for it's lyrics!? then you could just go and buy a book and read some "american psycho" or so if you want something shocking. first comes the sound and if it's worth listening to, you listen deeper and step by step catch up the lyrics while the song grows on you.

Tyler, the Creator – Yonkers Lyrics 10 years ago
@seantaylorbro: lady gaga? are you serious? when you obviously can hear and see where she stole everything from? regarding her madonna, ace of base, club kids nyc and leigh bowery etc have been what truly changed art and music otherwise gaga wouldn't have to steal from them. all of gaga's work is just a mash-up of successful eurodance and pop.
when odd future are actually really daring and creative to invent something honest and unique. and most of them guys have been only teenagers when they started this massive stuff. more kids nowadays should not just give a fuck and create like this.

Tyler, the Creator – Goblin Lyrics 10 years ago
because his lyrics are too good, too honest and to spot on to be mainstream.. same for his sound. his work is something that "normal" people aka the masses won't understand. and i'm glad he writes and does what he does. for being not mainstream he has quite a reputation that not many independent artists have unless they're crazily hyped, which he doesn't even need since his work speaks for itself. tyler is raw and dirty...they don't want this on heavy rotation on the radio etc. he is a true punk. i just love him.

Ladytron – Beauty*2 Lyrics 11 years ago
agree about the open relationship...

"I sent you out to play last night" --- Could indicate that maybe she was even the one initiating to have an open relationship.

"Funny how I'm not laughing now
He's not coming home to me" --- Sounds like she never showed/admitted how she truly felt, laughing her feelings off maybe cuz she was scared of letting him too close (which could have led him into the arms of someone else stopping his experience of "open relationship" for something serious)... But at the same time took him for granted and thought he would come home to her anyway, like usual.

"The alarms went off at three" --- Since she can recall the exact times during night it could indicate that although she thinks he's coming home anyway she secretly stares at the clock wondering when he is coming home because deep inside she knows one day he won't which in the end turned into reality.

The tragic is that she now realizes that f*cking around is not what she truly wants either and the irony is that she now ends up f*cking around again (with #2) to fall out of love.

Maybe I'm far off... just some thoughts.

Ladytron – Beauty*2 Lyrics 11 years ago
Must add some more thoughts I missed in my last post:

The feeling of the break symbolizes for me:
Before the break it's her moaning. A retrospection of hers... how things went and why it made her lead to (the break) finally getting out of her shell trying to meet someone new. It's interesting how before she was talking to herself and then talks to that new guy (in her head). I find it amazing how artists/musicians can reflect such inner thoughts and situations into sound and make listeners understand. This song creates pictures in my head, like a scene out of a movie and I can actually see her (or even see me).

Ladytron – Beauty*2 Lyrics 11 years ago
When the break kicks in and she sings "Hey can I go with you, my beauty number 2?" it feels like by number 2 she is referring to someone else she dates to get over the pain and to distract herself from the loss of her number 1, which didn't come home to her and got involved with someone new. So she asks #2 if she can follow him home after their date since in the first phrase she sings "Loneliness a guarantee" and as we all know being and sleeping alone in bed (which you shared with #1) after a breakup is the hardest and one needs some closeness, warmth and distraction to fall out of love and often we choose some beauty number 2 right after to get over number 1.
In the end though when she says "When the rendevous' over" at the same time she ends up swinging back and forth between realization that her love with #1 is over and denial that it can't be over:
"It's over
It's not over
No, it's not over"

Beautiful, heartfelt and sad lyrics... besides "International Dateline" my favorite song on that record.

Broder Daniel – I'll Be Gone Lyrics 11 years ago
the song you are referring to is called "whirlwind". i always wonder why people outside of sweden always call it "superstar". :)

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