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Bon Iver – Holocene Lyrics 11 years ago
Great insights. I have also put this song on repeat ... many times actually. To add to your thoughts about emotions spanning borders, I'd say when I look for a border between me and the love that I am, I am unable to find a border. In my experience, when I am feeling the emotions you list, jealousy and depression, I am actually creating the illusion of a border between me and the love I already am. Yet, when I look for the border, I cannot find it. When I can't find it, the illusion dissolves and I experience myself as the truth of who I am. This truth goes beyond any words I have to express it ... but you can experience this too by looking for where you begin and the emotion ends and vise versa. Do this as best you can from your heart, "repeat" it and see what you find.

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