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Puscifer – Breathe Lyrics 11 years ago
Im pretty sure Maynard is criticizing celibacy and monogamy, telling listners to indulge in their instinctual feelings of sexual promiscuity.

eg. ("the body has needs") ("surrender to the hunger")

Maynard/Puscifer/APC/Tool always delivers great music, no exception here.

Oh, and anyone know if tool will be releasing a new album any time soon?

Matchbox Twenty – Real World Lyrics 11 years ago
I think Rob is feeling guilty about his status as A famous artist,

Ex- "If I were someone else, would this all fall apart?"

And how society today pressures people to want the fame and all the glory, but doesn't talk about the afflictions that come with that status.

"I wish the real world would just stop hassling me"

I'm probably wrong, but that's just my two cents!

A Perfect Circle – Fiddle And The Drum Lyrics 11 years ago
This song is a direct criticism of the Military Industrial Complex.

It explains how America used to be a peaceful nation, then turned on both friend and fo, branding anyone standing against her as an enemy and using war to acquire whatever our nation so desires.

Quite accurate definition of our "great" nation if you ask me..

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