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The Wonder Years – Stained Glass Ceilings Lyrics 7 years ago
Just some lines I'd like to comment on:

Took the blind fold off then left chalk outlines where the future was
(A kid he knew from an after school program was killed...they left chalk outlines where this kid was, and kids are the future.)

It's a goddamn war of attrition
It's a death by a thousand cuts
(this flaw in the education and judicail system is so crippling to think about and widespread it feels like any fight against it is a long war with no progress, and ultimately failing.)

They're gathering anchors
They're gathering rope
You push into heaven all alone
They're grabbing your ankles
They won't let you go
The ebb and the distant flow
(I think he is refering to the policemen and society that limit the children and hold them back, and the kid goes to heaven all alone because no one supports him.)

They're cutting your wings off
Built your ceilings out of stained glass
(Wikipedia: "A glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that keeps a given demographic - typically applied to women - from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy" I believe Campbell is relating to this, and making the glass stained glass to either show the complexity of the issue, or relating it to religion and trying to get into heaven. It could also be that people built this beautiful glass ceiling so that the people metaphorically under it can see how amazing it is up there but know they can never get there.)

Well you cut like gravel in my skinned knee
The wound will close eventually
You'll stay as a reminder of how fucked this world can be
Held your funeral on a Tuesday
Holy waters, November cold
The kid who pulled the trigger
Knew too well, couldn't promise him hope
(Campbell will never forget about the kid that died, and knew that the kid who killed him was oppressed under the same system)

They were cutting your wings off
I was staring at my idle hands
Maybe I could've done something
Maybe I could've made a difference
(he feels non-active in trying to prevent something like this from happening)

John Wayne with a God complex
Tells me to buy a gun
Like shooting a teenage kid is gonna solve any problems
Like it's an arms race
Like death don't mean nothing
(John Wayne is an actor who played a cop a few times, so here he is referring to when the cop told him to buy a gun after he was robbed, and how the cop thinks of the robber as sub-human and has no problem killing him.)

So know the heavy price of living poor poor
The world in my red lines, backed into a corner
Not knowing growing up what it's like to belong here in America
(Wiki: "redlining is the practice of denying services, either directly or through selectively raising prices, to residents of certain areas based on the racial or ethnic makeups of those areas." Things are not equal for everyone, especially for certain races.)

Now I know what's in a name
Not just my father
Three fifths a man makes half of me
Why should I bother?
(Letlive's singer, Butler, has an African american dad, so here he is referring to the three-fifths compromise where African Americans had 3/5th's of a vote, already setting him up for lower opportunity.)

The Wonder Years – Stained Glass Ceilings Lyrics 7 years ago
AP magazine, September 2015 (magazine #326):

"Repressed memories also come to light on"Stained Glass Ceilings," which features a blistering cameo from Butler and chronicles two major events in Campbell's life: the murder of a student from the after-school program where he volunteers between tours and the police response to Campbell being robbed at gunpoint years ago in South Philadelphia.

'When he got there, this cop told me that I should buy a gun,' [Campbell] says of the latter incident. 'I was kind of taken aback that that was his solution-that somehow I would be content taking the lives of two teenage boys over a cell phone and the absurdity of that--how little he seemed to value the lives of the people who robbed me. His solution was more violence and more death. He had no interest in education or looking at the system that would cause someone to rob, to feel like they needed to rob. He had no interest in the disease that was causing the symptoms, only what he could see and dismiss without having to face the hard truth: These people are robbing you. They are evil. You can shoot them. That's not the truth. There's a very serious system in place that's causing these kids to feel like their recourse in life is to take my cell phone. It's painting people with broad strokes. He's ignoring their struggle; he's ignoring their humanity. he's willing to kill over petty theft.

'There's this bullshit idea of "bootstrapping," that no matter where you came from, pull yourself up by your bootstraps," he continues. 'It's this lie we've been fed that everyone stands on equal ground to succeed if they put the work in. You're born on a level playing field. There are so many people who believe that if you aren't successful, then it's your fault--only your fault--because you didn't put the fucking work in. It's a patent denial of privilege. The song isn't about the KKK or a neo-Nazi group; that's not what this idea is. It's about a flawed education system. It's about a flawed judicial system. It's about neighborhood redlining. It's about poverty tax. It's about the war on drugs. It's about the school-to-prison pipeline.
'You can work as hard as you possibly can and still struggle--and maybe still end up dead. And that's not a reflection of character or work ethic; it's a reflection of a flawed system.' "

Twenty One Pilots – Ode to Sleep Lyrics 8 years ago
@[djmojo21:4554] I really like your interpretation!

Twenty One Pilots – Truce Lyrics 8 years ago
Similar to what people are saying but here it is...

"Now the night is coming to an end
The sun will rise and we will try again"
In "Holding on to you" they say how usually your darkest thoughts come at night, so this person is feeling those negetive thoughts, but you must think positively--that you'll go to sleep and tomorrow will be a new day for you to try to be your best and to try to be happy.

"Stay alive, stay alive for me" Saying it to someone who feels like they want to end their life.
"You will die, but now your life is free" You will die one day because you're mortal, But right now your life is wide open and full of possibilities.
"Take pride in what is sure to die" Take pride in what you do because one day it will be gone (when you die or when your'e no longer able to do certain things).

"I will fear the night again He knows that even though he's trying to think positively, there will be more nights he'll feel this hopeless.
"I hope I'm not my only friend" Just hoping others will be there for you if you ever need them.

Pierce the Veil – Kissing in Cars Lyrics 9 years ago
@[bdraheim:4192] thank you for sharing! That's a great story and it's great to know the original intention of the song!

Twenty One Pilots – Holding on to You Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Aetyruzen:3757] Wow I never took it this way, but that could very well be it. I think its fine if people who aren't religious take it a different way though, and take it as holding on to their friends and loved ones since everyone copes with their problems in different ways.

Fall Out Boy – A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More "Touch Me" Lyrics 9 years ago
@[thnks0fr0th0mmrs:2020] that's amazing haha

Against Me! – Searching for a Former Clarity Lyrics 9 years ago
I think it's interesting how several of their older songs hinted at Laura being a girl, and no one ever really caught it, but now it's so obvious.

Streetlight Manifesto – We Are The Few Lyrics 9 years ago
@[Jimmifrisbee:844] I noticed that! I like that too!

Streetlight Manifesto – We Are The Few Lyrics 9 years ago
@[theidle:839] you don't have to be an asshole about it, let people think what ever they want.

Streetlight Manifesto – Somewhere in the Between Lyrics 9 years ago
Streetlight Manifesto is my absolute favorite band, and this is one of their best songs! The over-all premise of the song, and the whole album, is that at one time, you were born, and given this life, and one day you will die and it'll be gone, so it's up to you what you want to do with it, but please do something!

The chorus pretty much explains that--
“So you were born, and that was a good day
Someday you'll die, and that is a shame
But somewhere in the between was a life of which we all dream
And nothing and no one will ever take that away”

Now I'm gonna try to figure out the storyline with some of the lyrics…

“You were gone when we found you
You were practically surrounded, you were trapped
But the opposition stalled, their blood ran cold
When they saw the look of love in your eyes”
Something is after the person, and they’ve got him trapped, and they have him in a position where they can easily kill him, but they refrain from killing him because they see he is living for something (love), and it’s too hard to kill him knowing that.

“Maybe the times we had, they weren't that bad
And everything else was part of the plan
We sang: "I don't know where we go from here"”
(Life isn’t always good to you. At some points in life you won’t know what to do)
This is the alpha, omega, beginning and the end
And we all just idolize the dead
(Some people choose to live their life admiring people who have passed. Focusing so much on life and death that they don’t actually take the time to live)

So you were born, and that was a good day
Someday you'll die, and that is a shame
But somewhere in the between was a life of which we all dream
And nothing and no one will ever take that away
(You have the right to do whatever you dream of with your life and no one can take that away from you.)

You had a love and that love had you
And nothing mattered, you were fine
And some will complain, they're just bitter, what a shame
They know that loving and losing is better than nothing at all
(You were in love with someone/something and they loved you back. It’s one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Some say it’s not worth it to fall in love, but they’re just bitter. quote “ 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” -Alfred Lord Tennyson )

This is the anthem, the slogan, the summary of events
And we all just idealize the past
(When we think of the past we just think of all the great things and remember events and people as perfect, when really nothing was perfect and it was a lot more difficult than you remember it)

And someday soon my friends, this ride will come to an end
But we can't just get in line again
(Amazing quote about how one day your life will be over, and you can’t just rewind time and live it over again. You only get one chance to live.)

Streetlight Manifesto – Somewhere in the Between Lyrics 9 years ago
@[TomPowers724:625] I agree on the album cover. The only thing that bothers me is that the song is saying how the life - earth part is so great, but for the cover its boring brown bumps. Haha. Idk, I think they could have made 'life' look more interesting xD

Panic! at the Disco – Mad As Rabbits Lyrics 9 years ago
@[MilesCandyKane:414] This is an amazing interpretation, thank you so much for taking the time to go through and explain it!

Against Me! – Because of the Shame Lyrics 9 years ago
A song about an old love who left to start a new life, had a new life and then died, and Tom goes to her funeral. I love the details he hits at the funeral & how Laura/Tom writes, she's fucking amazing <3

Panic! at the Disco – Northern Downpour Lyrics 10 years ago
From wiki...
"drawn to the ones who never yawn" is a reference to the quote "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn..." (Jack Kerouac, On The Road)

The Wonder Years – An American Religion (FSF) Lyrics 10 years ago
Oh wow, @rwiggum I hadn't pieced together that that's what the whole album was about--I knew a few songs were but now this makes sense haha. Thanks!

Against Me! – Black Me Out Lyrics 10 years ago
I guess it was directed towards her father (who hasn't spoken to her since she announced her transformation, and has therefore blacked her out)

Against Me! – Black Me Out Lyrics 10 years ago
"I don't ever want to talk that way again,
I don't want to know people like that anymore.
As if there was an obligation,
As if I owed you something."
I think this is her saying that she never wants to be a guy like she used to be, and that she realized she wasn't obligated to be a guy and not feel right...that she had the choice to change her life for herself, and dosen't owe anything to anyone else. All the versus like this are showing that she didn't feel comfterable in her old body.

"Black me out.
I want to piss on the walls of your house,
I want to chop those brass rings off your fat fucking fingers.
As if you were a kingmaker. Black me out."
To all the people who don't accept her transformation, and to the cops that will treat her differently. She can't show that it bothers her in front of them, but it does and she's letting it out in the song."

"All the young graves filled.
Don't the best all burn out so bright and so fast?
Full-body high. I'm never coming down."
Perhaps relating to the statistic that 41% of transgenders attempt suicide, and therefore so many die to young, and she's had these feelings to, and she is still fighting feelings, but she loves her new body and she is never going to give in.

Just my thoughts on the song. Could be totally off.

Against Me! – Paralytic States Lyrics 10 years ago
Damn this is a sad song. I think HomoHominLupus hit it right on, but I just have to add...Laura Jane Grace did such an amazing job at creating scenery in this song. You really get a picture of what she sees & hears, and of course her emotions. Hopefully people will be inspired by Laura Jane Grace so less transgender suicides happen.

Against Me! – Two Coffins Lyrics 10 years ago
that line made me think it was for her. :) Awe <3

Less Than Jake – The Rest Of My Life Lyrics 10 years ago
Seems like it's a bit similar in meaning to Streetlight Manifesto's "If Only For Memories"
About leaving the past and people behind and moving on with life because it's what is better for you, but it isn't easy.

Fall Out Boy – Miss Missing You Lyrics 10 years ago
Great interpretation, I agree with it all. It's such an amazing song!

Bring Me the Horizon – Death Breath Lyrics 10 years ago
"so tie a rope around my neck, pull it tight
until it breaks. You can't kill us
we'll never fucking die."

best part of song. People will always try to bring you down but it's your decision whether you let it bother you or not. He's letting them go and try to kill him but he won't let them because he's stronger than that.

Defeater – Warm Blood Rush Lyrics 10 years ago
Not sure all of this is right but it seems like.... his 17 year old brother committed suicide by standing on the train tracks. And he can't forgive God for letting this happen and he can't forget about it. His mother believes in God and begs for him to help, but God never helps. His and his brother used to go on the train tracks and play chicken for the "warm blood rush" or 'thrill' you get from doing something so risky. When the son left the house before doing this like he was running away, the father was just like "where are you going to go? You’re only seventeen years old." knowing his son will just come right back. But when he found out what happened he was shocked and "layed cold".

The Wonder Years – An American Religion (FSF) Lyrics 10 years ago
Overall I feel like this song criticizes American millitary and the ignorance and perceptions of citizens.

"I can see the gallows all lit up in neon just waiting for me.
The limelight started burning" He uses juxtaposition comparing death with bright neon lights, inviting him in, and lights on stage at a concert.

"They're all paying for bullets to shoot at my feet.
Does that make you happy?"
Complete satire of the military. Americans are shedding out money to the government and the government is spending it on the military. Everyone at home is supporting the military and are so proud of the soilders they know who are fighting for America. However, the siolders are experiencing terrible times and seeing that this isn't a fun game and they are killing innocent people. If you get shot you get to go to the hospital and possibly go home (or always do, idk), so soilders would shoot their feet or have a friend do it for them because it wouldn't be fatal but would get them out of the war.
So pretty much, america is happy to be fighting but in reality is paying for the bullets that soilders shoot at their feet to get out of the misery of war.

"Truman will always be remembered for dropping the bomb.
I'll always be remembered for my fuck ups but I'm still living in Richie's basement.
I'm still sitting at the coffee shop with Ken.
We still talk about nothing. I still feel like the same person I've been."
People think he's worth nothing because he still lives with friends and dosent have anything important to say (ha). And how people just remember what you did wrong. Truman did lots of things but everyone will think he's a villian for dropping the atomic bombs even though I'd like to see them think of a better solution with the knoledge he did.

"I knew a lot of talented kids who got lost in painkillers and turned into nothing.
Sometimes I can still feel it pulling but I just can't let that happen."
Some people have so much potential but get lose in the wrong crowd and end up bums, because it's so much easier than working hard and doing something with your life. He feels the temptation to just stop trying but he won't let himself do so.

Ylvis – The Fox Lyrics 10 years ago
because no one knows what sounds foxes make but they actually make various sounds that are similar to the ones he makes for the fox...the singer is a comedian so it is supposed to be funny x.x

The Wonder Years – We Could Die Like This Lyrics 10 years ago
Sadface, no one has interpretations on here, I was hoping someone would!
This song has so many nice lines and so much to think about but I think overall he's just looking into his past at all his childhood memories. He connects the memories to their location very well. The memories aren't as good as actually being there though...they're "drab with muted colors". I think he's saying he grew up in the suburbs and he wants to go back there to grow old and die? He wants to relive the good memories with everything that they are, the smell of his grandma smoking ect. A line I also like "They only hear it when your voice cracks. " meaning they only hear your weakness when you aren't confident.
I'd love to hear others' interpretaions! :D

The Wonder Years – Passing Through a Screen Door Lyrics 10 years ago
This song has so many scenic moments and emotions--I love it.
He's been on the road with the band for years and he's realizing that all his friends and family are moving on and growing up--his cousins are getting married and are starting why isn't he? What did he do wrong? (that's how he feels)

"the highway won" because he's choosing to continue touring with the band instead of settling down
"i was born to run, ect....." he feels like he turns around every good opportunity that comes to him
"I've been looking for a tear in the screen door..."he's been looking for an escape or an answer to his problems?
the next verse is unbelievably amazing, "I'm terrified....." It shows how he's so scared he's never going to have stability in his life and that noone really cares about him too much.
"I keep a flashlight and a small knife
In the corner of my bed stand.
I keep a flashlight and the train times
But you wouldn’t understand" To me this sounds like he's referring to cutting to take the pain and unknowing away and no one could understand what goes through his head and why he does it.
"esus Christ
I'm 26
All the people I graduated with
All have kids
All have wives
All have people who care if they come home at night
Well Jesus Christ, did I fuck up?" restates a point made in the beginning of the song that everyone is creating families and moving on and he's being left behind and wants to know what he did to deserve this.
"I was kind of hoping you’d stay" Someone (referring to a girlfriend or just a best friend that he thought was always going to be there for him) has left his life and he thought that person was mean't to stay with him but even they left him.

The Wonder Years – There, There Lyrics 10 years ago
Overall I agree with jabx that it is an anthem for socially awkward people haha :D
I think it's even more than just being socialy awkward shows the feelings of worthlessness and and never feeling like you're good enough and that you're always a draw back to people.
And oh my gosh, I always laugh at the wrong times.
That one line..
"Is this what it feels like
With my wings clipped? "
I think that's saying he takes his freedom away from himself by thinking that everything he does annoys people and he needs to stop being himself because he dosent feel accepted. That's the one line i'm not 100% sure on.

Pierce the Veil – Stay Away From My Friends Lyrics 11 years ago
really nice idea, but i think your thinking about it too ...I think it is about a girl and near the end theres a part about cutting b/c he is depressed about it. Idk tho

All Time Low – Heroes Lyrics 11 years ago
Well I don't listen to All Time Low much, so I can't relate to all of the people saying this song is about them selling out, etc. I'm sure that might be possible though, thinking of bands that I do fallow and who have sold out. They probably did write this song thinking about that, but as all songs, it can be taken more than one way.

Listening to this song, I thought of a completely different interpretation...

To me, it seems as though they are refering to suicide, saying that people who commit suicide are not the strong ones, and instead of paying so much attention to them and thinking of them as saviors, we should help the people who are still alive and need help.
starting with "Now this is moving in the same direction" it switches talking about a personal experience with suicide.

"They're gonna miss me when I'm dead and gone
They're gonna talk about me over and over and over
They're gonna find me under latest nostalgia, happily ever after"
That part is thinking what goes through ones mind when they want to commit suicide (well obviously the are depressed and many different things are going through their mind, but sometimes part of the reason why someone might choose to commit suicide is knowing that people will actually care about them then.

"But I'm not a hero, I'm a liar
I'm not a savior, I'm a vampire
Sucking the life out of all the friends I've ever known
We're a train wreck, not winners
On a soap box preaching down to the sinners"
Saying that committing suicide wouldn't be a good decision, it wouldn't actually make the majority of people learn anything important, and he wouldn't be making life better for anyone.

"On a soap box preaching down to the sinners, but noones listening"
Wikipedia- "A soapbox is a raised platform on which one stands to make an impromptu speech"
So he is trying to talk to people and change their lives with his words, but as he said before, he isn't a savior, people won't listen.

Overall, people often think that the only thing they can do to make people care about them and make right decisions in their life, is to commit suicide. But when you do, people don't change (well the people very close to you that love you are very effected, but in a bad way anyway).

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