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Sufjan Stevens – John Wayne Gacy, Jr. Lyrics 18 years ago
To me, this song is overtly religious. You can't refute that. And about the "outrageous" claim that all sins are equal in God's eye, yes, that by itself sounds ridiculous. But if you care to know, the other half to it is that no one is good enough to save himself. Whether you are familiar with Christian beliefs or not, realize that it isn't so easy to disprove a religion founded over 2,000 years ago with a simple statement of logic. Geez, show a little tolerance and if you don't like what some people practice, don't do it.

Sufjan Stevens – John Wayne Gacy, Jr. Lyrics 19 years ago
Aw come on, it's not very often that we uptight ole' Christians get a Christian artist who actually tops the indie charts and has become a favorite of music critics and music blogs all around. What a hero!
But really, why is it so annoying that Christians view a Christian songwriter's lyrics from a Christian point of view? You could hardly expect anything else. It's just another meaning to look at, and it's probably the most elucidating at times, isn't that what we're discussing and trying to figure out by posting on this website? Sorry that it may seem like Christian listeners are "claiming" Sufjan, but my guess is that if he were a devout follower of any other religion, like Islam for example, there would be far less fuss and resistance raised in response to Muslim interpretations and whatnot.

"I doubt that god enters into everything stevens does -sure his religion is an influence but I think it would be a mistake to say that his beliefs influence his songs any more than say, the town where he grew up or his childhood."
Personally, I must disagree with the first part of this statement. From examining his lyrics, I find it clear that Sufjan is a strong believer, and as with true religion, your faith causes you to strive to bring glory to God (or whatever ultimate deity) in all aspects of your life. And to me, this song had the most blatant Christian reference on the album.

pstans, going along with the "sinner" interpretation, then it must follow that Sufjan, in talking about his "best behavior," means that his very best isn't good enough to put him above the sinful state of the human race, of which Gacy is a part.

Sufjan Stevens – He Woke Me Up Again Lyrics 19 years ago
the last line of the song is "you woke me up again ... to be holy." (It is pretty much whispered.) And I think it is "changed now," not "changed out." This song is encouraging to me and reminds me of the God who "wakes us up" and calls us to be holy.

Sufjan Stevens – The Lord God Bird Lyrics 19 years ago
i wonder why sufjan never says "lord god bird," like the title. so beautiful.

Sufjan Stevens – Seven Swans Lyrics 19 years ago
It does sound pretty intense, this song. However, it's good to know that for Christians, Christianity isn't really fluffiness and blue skies at all;why wouldn't an all-powerful God be frightening sometimes? Sufjan takes some of the imagery from the book of Revelation and in it are described many sinister creatures and the like. The last few lines do sound a bit creepy and stalker-ish, but they describe the true nature of "the Lord" in His pursuit of men; that is why He is sometimes called "the Hound of Heaven." Great song either way, if you take it or you don't.

Sufjan Stevens – John Wayne Gacy, Jr. Lyrics 19 years ago
Well, from a Christian perspective, when Sufjan sings "I am really just like him," it is harking back to the foundational belief that all men are sinful and none of them are worthy in God's eyes. So even though Sufjan probably hasn't ever murdered anyone or committed any act that heinous in human terms, the state of his soul (before coming to Christ) was no better than John Wayne Gacy's.

Sufjan Stevens – For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti Lyrics 19 years ago
About the line, "If you have a father, Or if you haven't one," I think it's God calling out to people to respond to Him, that He'll be a father to the fatherless. I don't believe that Sufjan has such a naive view of God, that He is some sort of benevolent grandfather who showers us with what we want. God is good, and goodness encompasses much more than mere kindness. He is a Father to His children, aka His believers ("I have called you son").

Sufjan Stevens – The Transfiguration Lyrics 19 years ago
Gaw, this is a good song indeed. It's based on the very passage in the Bible about the Transfiguration. There are 3, but the closest one to the song is Luke 9:28-36. What a glorious and unabashed ending chorus! Can you imagine Sufjan's songs being sung and performed in churches today? They definitely put me in a more reverent and meditative mood than any contemporary praise song out there..

Luke 9:28-36
The Transfiguration

28 About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. 29 As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. 30 Two men, Moses and Elijah, 31 appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem. 32 Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. 33 As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters–one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (He did not know what he was saying.)

34 While he was speaking, a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. 35 A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” 36 When the voice had spoken, they found that Jesus was alone. The disciples kept this to themselves, and told no one at that time what they had seen.

Sufjan Stevens – To Be Alone with You Lyrics 19 years ago
Ouch gummi, PemberleyTea did offer some good insight on the meaning of a couple lines in the song, mind you. I agree with your last two paragraphs, though. Absolutely gorg. For me, a Christian, knowing that this song is about Jesus opens up a deeper connection with the lyrics which in turn allows me to enjoy the song even more. I find the last line, "I've never met a man who loved me" very intriguing. It could mean one of two things, depending on perspective.

1) Sufjan saying "I've never met a man who loved me.." except for Jesus.
2) Jesus saying "I've never met a man who loved me." But he loved man anyway.

That's my take.

Sufjan Stevens – For the Widows in Paradise, for the Fatherless in Ypsilanti Lyrics 19 years ago
Today I heard this song in full for the first time and I nearly wept at the lines "I did everything for you." Sufjan's Christian lyrics are painting a picture of the greatest sacrifice of Jesus for him and all of humankind. He is the father and we are his sons and children. Awesome song.

Sufjan Stevens – Vito's Ordination Song Lyrics 19 years ago
I'm actually just listening to this song for the first time now. We can infer from the title that this song is celebrating the occasion of his friend's ordination into becoming a reverend. I will try to analyze this song from a Christian viewpoint. (I feel that Pemberley Tea is correct also, by the way.) "I always knew you" even as a baby, in Psalms it says something to the effect of "I knit you together in your mother's womb." The bridegroom refers to Jesus Christ, as he if referred to the world's bridegroom in the Bible. Basically that this man is living out God's perfect plan for him.

Interpol – Take You on a Cruise Lyrics 19 years ago
Great great song.
Why does he say "the anatomy of kisses and the teacher who tries"?

Interpol – Slow Hands Lyrics 19 years ago
he talks about weights again..
good single!

Interpol – Slow Hands Lyrics 19 years ago
he talks about weights again..
good single!

Nada Surf – Paper Boats Lyrics 21 years ago
The climax is utterly sublime! Everything fits together so well and their voices are so harmonious. I love how he sings a conversation between him and his girl. Plus, it's not that hard to play on the guitar.

Death Cab for Cutie – Title Track Lyrics 21 years ago
me too

Coldplay – Brothers & Sisters Lyrics 21 years ago
What an anthemic song! The guitar line is heavenly. It's one of my favorite Coldplay songs, I wish they'd produce more songs with this feel. There seems to be re-occuring theme of runnning away from something evil in a lot of their songs.

The Flaming Lips – Race for the Prize Lyrics 21 years ago
for some reason, this happy-sounding song makes me so sad
the price of discovery..

The Brilliant Green – Nagai Tameiki No You Ni (Like a Long Sigh) Lyrics 21 years ago
nothing. but it moves me

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