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Manchester Orchestra – Pale Black Eye Lyrics 2 years ago
Sometimes in a relationship you get to the point where you forget why you're even there in the first place. You become an emotional organ donor who is only there as life support for a partner whom you don't feel the same love that you used to. You would do anything for them out of rote obligation. You would bleed yourself dry and die for them but you can't even touch them.

Twenty One Pilots – Stressed Out Lyrics 2 years ago
I'm married, had and sold a company, own my own home and... I'm sitting in the kitchen of my home and listening to this song and sobbing because I just want it to go back to how it used to be...

Live – Call Me A Fool Lyrics 7 years ago
This is the song that made me connect the dots and realize that V is a journey. A complete story. Perhaps even a play.

The intro is an overture. Or perhaps a proscenium frame. Begins with a childish jealousness and bravado. An illusion of enlightenment. He hears a message he doesn't yet understand or accept in People Like You that is misinterpreted by the ego. He falls into the trap of that misinterpretation in Transmit Your Love. He's become a leader with a popular message and it's so easy to be that person. The false god arises within. Forever May Not Be Long Enough shows this separation between himself and those viewed as his subjects. Don't stop to look at the clock... don't consider the illusion. Revelation of something more occurs here in Call Me A Fool. Flow finds him accepting he is a part of something bigger than himself. The world and the spirit of it, God, is a flow that we're all a part of if we can allow ourselves to perceive it. To surrender to it. He starts to share what he has learned in The Ride. To try to call for a cocoon crash and acceptance of our collective godliness. He tells how easy it can be. His previous life as a false prophet of selfish desires, turned to liberation of mankind. Nobody Knows shows him falling back into old habits for a singular love. Fighting to be both god and man. There is beauty in that love and sacrifice yet it turns him back to him ego for guidance. He struggles to come to terms to what could be in OK. Is this world worth fighting for? Is he worth saving? Has he really embraced love or is it another illusion? He begs for the trap to be taken away, like excess food you don't want to eat after you're full but still can't stop from picking at. Overcome shows such sorrow and joy. Allusions to baptism mix with imagery with a world in crisis. He himself is overcome with the sensation of letting go. He says "I" but there is no ego to that. There is a separation between body and spirit. There is piece in his mind as his body goes through a rebirth. Finally he is the hero of the story revealed in the final song. He can no longer be a leader, but a follower with a message. He travels to share that message and learn what it means for himself. There is no perfection to this man like he once believed. There is a dirty admixture of what he once was and who he has become. He has been left broken by his journey like so many who perceive something greater about this reality. You get the sense this journey that he is on, will never end... But he in turn will inspire as he was in Call Me A Fool.

At least I can see the Jesus Christ Superstar like story going that way...

Get Set Go – I Hate Everyone Lyrics 7 years ago
@[aimsnapalright:18125] They do! Mike TV is still at it, kicking ass and taking names. You'd likely love Fury Of A Broken Heart.

Toad the Wet Sprocket – Walk On The Ocean Lyrics 8 years ago
@[LHSto03:10357] To be clear, I'm not sure where that information is coming from, but it directly contradicts Glen Phillip's interview with Songfacts. In the interview, he states that he was on a vacation and the lyrics just came to him. They had no basis in experience or any reality. They weren't about anything in particular. The lyrics were originally intended to be scratch lyrics because the music was there and he didn't want to just say "Blah blah blah" over them.

All in all, it's a very interesting interview and worth the read.

Superdrag – Sucked Out Lyrics 8 years ago
@[grimjack:6881] I was going to say some of that and will just add to your LP concept.

A LP without spacing between tracks can be 45 minutes long each side. So it seems to be referring to the idea of playing non-stop for all he has and then being left with nothing when he is used up.

He had a dream to make music that the people would hear and now his five minutes of fame has passed. Fans already used him up. The groupies had their fantasies. The company got their money.

Now he's left with songs that have already been written, even though he could create something new. He wonders why he should bother.

Manchester Orchestra – The Only One Lyrics 8 years ago
@[curbsquerl:6275] One thing though, is that so many of his songs are about his difficulty with his faith. Just off the top of my head, the lyric "Jesus don't come round unless we pray each day for 500 days" sung in an angry staccato, speaks of someone that isn't as close to god as you imply.

Barenaked Ladies – In The Drink Lyrics 10 years ago
Minor minor correction: Twitterpated. First used in the 1942 film Bambi. Meaning completely head-over-heels in smitten love.

Rodriguez – It Started Out So Nice Lyrics 10 years ago
All I can say is... Amen.

K's Choice – Hide Lyrics 10 years ago
I'm not a religious person but you don't have to be to know many biblical stories. I do know that Sarah is a religious person at least to some degree (and I believe a significant one).

This to me, has always seemed to be speaking of the Anti-Christ as a woman. The outwardly perfect golden one who under the surface is a liar, corruptor, and beast. The completion of 'the circle'.

The bible (which I wholly do not believe in myself, but find some entertaining stories in) told us all of the coming of the Anti-Christ. Thus we should have known, we should have seen this character for what she is.

mewithoutYou – Paper Hanger Lyrics 10 years ago
I'm an agnostic and do tend to find songs with dogmatic religion included in them (stuff like Flyleaf's "Cassie" or Live's "Heaven") ... distasteful. This however, is amazing. It's pure poetry that lets me have my own experience with the words. It reminds me of the idea behind Nirvana's lyrics. Kurt never wanted to explain the songs, or have them mean one thing. He wanted to have poetry that anyone could interpret as it made sense for them. mewithoutYou feels much like this to me.

The Damned – She Lyrics 10 years ago
I got to hang on a bus with the band after a show in Orlando years ago, just after Grave Disorder came out. Weird show in a smallish place. The Toilet Boys opened for them. Anyways, getting into the show, me and my friend Brian were waiting in line when Monty came up and was trying to get inside at the front door and the bouncer had no idea who he was and wasn't going to let him in. We (me and my friend) affirmed who he was since Monty wasn't being all that articulate. In thanks, Monty brought us in with him so we got to hang out while the show was still being set up. After the show, which was awesome, we were invited to join the band on their tour bus. Was a weird scene. The rest of the band was cool, but David clearly didn't want us there. He was working on two groupies while Patricia was there talking to my friend Brian. ...strange, but fun, night.

Rush – Available Light Lyrics 10 years ago
The song, to me, seems to be saying that the experiences worth having in life are not going to come to you. You have to pursue them. You have to act. Chase the wind, it will lead you to great things, just don't expect it to bring the world to you.

Toad the Wet Sprocket – Come Back Down Lyrics 10 years ago
I don't know about 'addictions', though a lot of songs of Glen's seem to deal with that issue. However, Glen has spoken about his bouts with his chronic chemical depression and issues with taking (and not taking) "happy drugs" to deal with it throughout his life.

Toad the Wet Sprocket – Amnesia Lyrics 11 years ago
Makes me immediately think of the saying: "First they came for..."

Such a powerful song.

Also, unrelated, reminds us that Toad can really rock sometimes. Especially when speaking out in a powerfully uncomfortable but important message.

Toad the Wet Sprocket – Whatever I Fear Lyrics 11 years ago
The whole Fear/PS thing has already been covered, but aside from that... that is what I got from the song myself. The idea that we need to take responsibility for the things we want from life. Don't wait for things to happen, take on the change yourself.

Though, then, there is that line "Nothing ever seemed so hard" hits me in the jaw each time. I know what I want. I have the talent to do it. But where do I begin? I never seem to know the first step.

Toad the Wet Sprocket – Whatever I Fear Lyrics 11 years ago
The whole Fear/PS thing has already been covered, but aside from that... that is what I got from the song myself. The idea that we need to take responsibility for the things we want from life. Don't wait for things to happen, take on the change yourself.

Though, then, there is that line "Nothing ever seemed so hard" hits me in the jaw each time. I know what I want. I have the talent to do it. But where do I begin? I never seem to know the first step.

Rush – Territories Lyrics 11 years ago
One thing I see people not mentioning, or somehow I have missed being mentioned, is the chorus itself.

"Don't feed the people, but we feed the machines."

That this was true back when the song was written and is more prevalent today, is truly frightening.

We serve that which is supposed to serve us. Corporations receiving benefits that other's don't even have the option to die for. Greedy closed-minded people who care nothing for anything outside of their immediate world, waving their own 'flags' on capital hill in the hands of lobbyists.

They send our children to die for them and keep us myopic and afraid of anything outside of ourselves so that we'll never question them.

This is a protest song as much as anything else. It is an anthem against the machine as much as anything Rage had ever created.

Live – 10,000 Years (Peace Is Now) Lyrics 11 years ago
Even further realizing that blame ultimately is selfish. It can make you feel good to assign the problem to someone else's doing but that accomplishes nothing real.

We all have the ability to make peace in our own lifetime. To make the choice to embrace a new way of living, and in the end we must do that to transform into something better than ourselves.

We look to a President to be our voice, and are frequently disappointed at what the voice says... when we have a perfectly functioning voice of our own that we don't use nearly as much as we should.

Live – Rattlesnake Lyrics 11 years ago
His art and daring to be something more than this damn town would want him to be saved him from becoming another loser who gave in to something sad and insane like just being another... another.

Dare to be more. Now. Because otherwise you'll find yourself doing what your daddy did and even more frightening than that? Being comfortable with it.

Live – Flow Lyrics 11 years ago
Time is a river and we are along for the ride. If you fight the current, you're missing the point. At the end, we return to what brought us here... whatever that is.

Don't forget to enjoy the ride and stop being so concerned about the material world... that isn't the mystery that is worth exploring.

Live – Deep Enough Lyrics 11 years ago
For me this is about not knowing what you had until you've lost it.

He obviously had something special and it wasn't until he saw it in the hands of another that he realized. He wanted it back. He wanted to reclaim his prize.

He seduces her, knowing that there is still a connection. Yet it isn't about her at all, it is about him. There is a sadness in his claiming of her in the name of selfish jealousy. The song lambastes the subject of its point of view through his primal and unthinking act which mirrors the selfishness he had during their relationship.

He has to ask what he did and didn't do, because he can't conceive the thoughts of his own failures. This is classic behavior of someone with a narcissistic personality.

In the end: He's seduced her, and it was amazing. Then he makes her question everything, and when he is done... leaves her once more broken-hearted with a claim that excuses his behavior in a fashion that actually blames her... she should have known better.

Live – Waitress Lyrics 11 years ago
Not the interpretation I would have come up with, but all in all... I like it! It works for me, which is one of the beautiful things about Live's music. So much room to make each song your own.

Geddy Lee – The Present Tense Lyrics 12 years ago
The obvious point, just from the title alone, is this is a song about living in the 'now'.

But much more important than that, it's about forgiving all your own mistakes. The ones made and those inevitable but not yet made.

Don't dwell on what it is too late to change and don't fear what could be.

Live now. Now is what matters. Now is when you can make a choice.

Now is when you can Change. Create. Feel. Love. Build. Exist.

Rush – Everyday Glory Lyrics 12 years ago
I think it is more a call to teach the future generations, by example, to work towards positive and fulfilled lives. Simple moments of choosing love, peace, hope, and progress rather than hate and fear can make all the difference.

Live – Good Pain Lyrics 12 years ago
We are so good at making negative things in the name of something positive.

But nothing positive can ever come from a negative place.

Weapons cannot be of Peace.

Pain (in a spirtiual and emotional sense) cannot be Good.

Sweetness can never be Bitter.

We have every opportunity to be positive beings of love and light in this life, if we just embrace it.

Live – Horse Lyrics 12 years ago
I feel it is about how sometimes spirituality is not something you have to struggle for.

So much of Ed's lyrics are very poignant and powerful and take some significant energy to share his messages of spirit and love.

This is a realization about how simple is can be. Every moment, even just relaxing with loved ones and friends, and letting all the worry go... being at peace with how the world is?

That easy act is just as important as making a defiant stand against fear.

Live – Brothers Unaware Lyrics 12 years ago
We are all siblings. Related by the soul. It is simple. To hate a man is to hate your brother. To hate a woman, your sister. To kill another, is to kill yourself. But to love? To love someone is to say that you understand this simple truth. We are here to be one, greater than each part and yet each part important and to be cherished.

Live – Where Fishes Go Lyrics 12 years ago
I can get behind some of what you say!

I'll expand upon it and add a theme of evolution to the song. We were once simple creatures that dwelt in the darkness of deep water and have evolved to step out onto land and embrace the warmed of the beautiful sun.

A similar message is to evolve from a creature that dwells in the dark ocean depths of fear and into a being of spirit, breathing the fresh air of love.

Live – Transmit Your Love Lyrics 12 years ago
This always struck me as a song about a revolution. One of free love, open spirit, and ever-lasting hope in the face of a world that wants to keep those things locked up and controlled commodities.

A simple act of saying, not No but rather... Yes, to love. To hope. To peace and to making a connection.

It could be as easy as a room of people together for a common purpose of sharing energy and love because it needs to start Somewhere.

Or as difficult as standing up to your "leaders" and telling them that we will not be silent about what the world is Supposed to be for.

Live – Forever May Not Be Long Enough Lyrics 12 years ago
Back in the time this was written, Ed was very inspired by the idea of spirituality and something More Than Us.

And yet, he was very specifically against much of organized religion, considering them to be over-wrought, over-controlling and difficult ways to express your connection to a higher existence.

He spoke of god as being a concept more than an actual deity. Much like love in this song, Ed's god was a part of all of us. Something that we were and something that we shared between us all. Not some powerful thing that we had to worship in some specific way.

He has since become a born-again, sadly, which directly led to the breaking up of the band as his overly religious becomings permeated all his music and it stopped feeling like Live both to the fans and the rest of the band itself.

Live – Mirror Song Lyrics 12 years ago
Operation Desert Shield was part of the Gulf War. It was supposed to be a defensive mission to protect our allies in Saudi Arabia, under the first Bush presidency. It turned into one of the most one-sided violent offensives in our history. It consisted of several thousand combat missions and hundreds of thousands of troops with countless civilians killed in the name of military attacks along with blasting Iraq and Kuwait back into the Stone Age.

But it was supposed to be a good thing, to America. Our God Given obligation to stop Iraq from conquering Kuwait and eventually Saudi Arabia. Ultimately however, our methods caused massive devastation to the very area we claimed we were trying to protect.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.