


Christine Angel Photographer Army girlfriend; 10.29.10 Harry Potter and Inheritance Saga geek
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Kenny Rogers – Coward of the County Lyrics 11 years ago
I think it's kind of what you first said; that they considered him the coward of the county until them. To me, it's kind of sarcastically saying how no one thought he was capable of physical harm and now look at the guys who crossed him.

Falling In Reverse – The Drug In Me Is You Lyrics 12 years ago
Guuuuys. Ronnie specifically stated in an interview that this song was about his experience in prison, and his realization that he had become his own worst enemy with his drug use. A girl had nothing to do with the lyrics when he wrote them. You can interpret the song any way you like, I'm not saying you can't. But as far as what RONNIE meant when he wrote it, there wasn't any thing to do with a girl.

Falling In Reverse – The Drug In Me Is You Lyrics 12 years ago
Edit: His sentence was actually for violating his probation. The drug use was part of the violation.

Falling In Reverse – The Drug In Me Is You Lyrics 12 years ago
Ronnie was addicted to narcotics (Heroin and Oxy, mostly) and spent about two and a half years in prison for it. He said in an interview that the song was him saying all this to himself, that he's become his own worst enemy with all the drug use and such.

Falling In Reverse – The Drug In Me Is You Lyrics 12 years ago
I believe he actually did say this in an interview, lol.

Christina Perri – A Thousand Years Lyrics 12 years ago
Makes me think military life

Shinedown – Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom) Lyrics 12 years ago
Personally, I see this as very military related. Now, before you go gettin' your dicks in a twist and your tampons in sideways, I realize this is probably not what Shinedown had in mind when they produced this song. HOWEVER, to me, it brings up an image of a soldier on the front lines of a battle field. Saying how he's on the front lines (Typically the most likely to be killed) but he'll be fine because he's convincing himself that his "story is just beginning." (He's determined to not die because he has much to live for and do still). He's disposing of his weaker side and letting go of his regrets because he knows that he could still very well die. The alive part could be reffering to how he's so close to death, he feels more alive than ever. The first verse he's describing how you can't imediately react to what's happening onthe battle field. You also have to uphold your "promise" to serve or you'll be dishonorably discharged (Exile). Next, if you're to advance, you've gotta take the chance, and don't wait too long or you'll miss your chance. The second verse is a little more confusing, but could be talking about how he just got hit in the chest with a bullet (Maybe not dead because of his vest?) and he starts thinking it's a suicide mission and they are all "expendable" at the hands of their commanding officers. The part about watching angels fall from the sky could be talking about his fallen comrades and friends and he's praying that his life isn't taken either. Just my thoughts and opinions.

My boyfriend ships to Boot Camp in four days so hearing the "out of the frontlines" just collided with my worry over him getting ready to ship, maybe deploy, etc. etc. .-.
Anyways, just my interpretation. :)

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