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Florence + the Machine – Dog Days Are Over Lyrics 12 years ago
Although I'm positive that most artists have something specific in mind when they write a song, the beauty of the art is that, when done right, the story is phrased in a way to make it accessible to many people. So, I think I have a general idea of the intent of the song, but to me specifically it tells the story of a woman who's in a relationship that she desperately wants to keep but that deep down she knows is doomed for one reason or another, and she willfully ignores that reality. She hides from the truth, she "killed it with kisses" meaning she used affection to overcome her doubts, and doesn't realize that happiness will only come when she's free of the relationship. I think the happiness is her getting dumped. It's unexpected, unpleasant, and unwanted (thus the bullet and train analogies), but in the end it's what's best for her. It's her chance at happiness. As such she needs to run and "leave all [her] love and [her] loving behind]. She'll never stop loving that person, but she needs to leave it in the past or she won't be happy. She won't "survive" the train/bullet (read: breakup) to discover that it was happiness in disguise.

The interesting part is when it switches form third person to first person for that brief verse:

"And I never wanted anything form you
Except everything you had
And what was left after that, too."

Which I think is the guy who dumped her speaking. Haven't we all been in a relationship where the other person seemed to take everything we had and gave nothing back, then acted like we were the one who came up short at the end? This person has been sucking the life out of her and she doesn't know it until she's free of it.

And the bullet striking her "from a great height/by someone who should know better than that" suggests this partner who's breaking her heart was a person who had the same thing done to them. Maybe a warning that if she doesn't do as the narrator advises and run for freedom and leave this hurtful love behind she may visit it upon the next person.

Anyway, that's my specific interpretation after a painful breakup that turned out to be the best thing for me. In a more general sense, the "dog days" of summer is a reference to the hottest days of summer. We generally think of summer as a good thing, but during unusually hot seasons it can be miserable. It can also be devastating to the land. So while we might mourn the end of any summer, the end of a "dogged" summer is a blessing. Wild horses are a common metaphor for freedom. Even domesticated horses, as their domestication gave mankind greater freedom to travel.

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