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Aerosmith – Livin' On The Edge Lyrics 12 years ago
Perhaps he's talking about Armegedon? - meltdown in the sky. People in power will never give the masses an even break - it's safer to go with the flow - but Stephen would rather rebel although I think he knows it's only getting worse but he would rather go naturally. Don't rock the boat

4 Non Blondes – What's Up? Lyrics 12 years ago
Sounds to me like a take off on Janice Joplins [Oh Lord won't you by me a mercedes benz, my friends all drive porches, I must make amends, worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends, so O'l lord ...] It's all ben said and done by now, nothing changes except for the name's and face's - no new concepts. Song came out about same time as Aerowsmith's Livin on the edge - may B rellavent - what ever helps one cope with madness is copestitic - I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than have a frontal lobotomy ;) Walk this way. Like her voice, catchy tune, so Frk'g what she's written a few songs for Pink and Christina - It's all crap U brainwashed by the machine sheep - Ohh it's good kareoke OK Doke Baaah show more skin and really shake it in video's, yeah that's the ticket

Pink Floyd – Welcome to the Machine Lyrics 12 years ago
Right on, Have a cigar your going to go far, Oh by the way which one is Pink? - As if the "suits" even care, after all they trust their think tank! just as long the music puts dollors into the cash register MACHINE - It's a buisness after all, they have done their homework - this ain't their 1st rodeo, maybe they will change your name so it's catchy John Melloncamp? WTF?,NFW!, sorry dude here's your new name Cougar Yaah! Yaah! now that's the ticket. Everybody wants to rebell against the machine (I'm ink and piercing free), China has shown us what happens if you try! Money is the root of all evil, China has been raking it in for a long time - U know what I'm saying COMRADE? World domination by the yellow man? who would've thunk it? didn't see it coming Ehh. Bought and sold, keep them bu$y with wars for Democracy and supporting other countries messes so they can just waltz in and take over. Bob Dylan said it don't follow leaders, watch the parking meter's, don't wanna be a bum U better chew gum -once your hooked on cigs. they have u by the short hairs. The 1st one now will latter be last. I'm getting hungry, think I'll order some chinese? LISTEN TO THE CLASSICS NOT THIS NEW HOMOGONIZED CRAP BUT WELL LOOK WHO THEY MARKET TO. LITTLE TEENY BOPPERS AND WANNA B GANGSTERS. U don't have to be a sheep, but it's safer to be one of the heard! 2nd thought it probably is 2 late, I'm a realist - neither a half full or half empty type but if I were to lean 1 way it would be half empty :(

Pink Floyd – Welcome to the Machine Lyrics 12 years ago
I believe the "machine" is the underworld who has infected just about every facet of our lives - government, schools, banks, media, commerce,real estate, Judicial system, law enforcement, military,hospitals. they get rid of everyone they can't control,or public has lost interest in or pissis them off - Jimmi H, Janice J, Jim M ,Jim C, Michael J. like MC hammer said can't touch this - more like can't touch them. They don't care about quality or longjevity, just the "next" BIG thing, as they know the formula already. After all what is there to do other than what they have brain washed us into doing???? Brave New World Order

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