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Thrice – The Window Lyrics 6 years ago

Dude that's not all what this song is about, but ironically, your comment, in its own way, perfectly sums up what the song actually *is* about.

The song is about the unbelieving world and how they desperately try to convince themselves that God doesn't exist.

They try to shut themselves in, block out all traces of light, clinch their eyes tight, and repeat to themselves over and over "thereisnoGodthereisnoGodthereisnoGod! It's all made up, it's all in their head!" and hoping if they repeat this process long enough and loudly enough it will somehow become true.

Meanwhile the curtain continues to blow and light continues to shine through the cracks...

Thrice – Hurricane Lyrics 7 years ago
This song at first seems like just another love song, but it has an undercurrent of sadness, darkness, melancholy.

The roses are the most perfect red - but they cut.

They laughed - but the storm was gathering.

Sheltered - but in the shadows.

It's good - but it can never stay.

The storm is coming. The happiness and laughter won't last, it will all slip away like a handful of sand. And there is nowhere to go to run from it.

What a hauntingly beautiful song.

Thrice – Black Honey Lyrics 8 years ago
I don't see a compelling reason from the lyrics to equate it with oil in the Mid-East. That certainly may be the meaning, but I think it's reading into it a little bit.

Instead, I think it's just a general metaphor for sin and pride. Our fallen hearts want what they want and they are willing to sin to get it.

Instead of seeing all good things as a gift from God, we think we are owed a life of luxury or a life free of pain. When we pursue that life at all costs, we shouldn't be surprised when it actually comes with a cost. But our sinful hearts are so blind that we don't see why we're being stung.

In reference to "cutting the branch off the cherry tree" I think that just means in our pursuit of luxury we keep going bigger and bigger. Going for the honey hasn't satisfied, so we must not be going after it *enough.*

And of course when we live that type of lifestyle and have that mentality, the consequences are impossible to run away from "following me across the sea" and they affect even our loved ones "stinging my friends and family."

If this is the case, then the "black" doesn't refer to oil, but simply the darkness that comes with vainly pursuing idols. Such a person doesn't live in and for the light, but for darkness. They may get honey, but it's honey tainted by blackness.

Thrice – Circles Lyrics 8 years ago
"The toil of a fool wearies him, for he does not know the way to the city." -- Ecclesiastes 10:15

Machine Head – Darkness Within Lyrics 9 years ago
Do you think meaning is only what we happen to think at a given moment? Don't you realize that Rob is singing about something deeper here? He recognizes that there is a hole in his soul that he is trying to fill. In his life he has had a negative experience with religion, so tries to fill that hole with music. But don't you realize that even music itself testifies to something deeper?

Therefore, the *meaning* of the song is deeper than what he's simply *written* about, even if he may not realize it himself. He is using music as a substitute for God, but the fact that the hole even exists in the first place testifies to the fact that something transcendent was meant to fill it.

I understand what Rob was writing about. I also understand the deeper meaning that this song is speaking to.

Thrice – Stare At The Sun Lyrics 11 years ago
If truth isn't found in God, it isn't found anywhere. There is no point in looking for it anywhere else.

"I'll stare straight into the sun and I won't close my eyes
Till I understand or go blind."

If we're looking for Truth, me MUST and ONLY go to God. If Truth isn't found in Him, then it won't be found anywhere. Either we stare at the Son until we find Truth, or we walk around blind. If there is no truth in God, there is no truth anywhere and we are again walking around blind.

All truth is God's truth. We may find bits and peices of it by studying history and philosophy, but unless we go to the source, we will be forever unsatisfied.

Machine Head – Darkness Within Lyrics 11 years ago
“There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus”
--Blaise Pascal

Every single one of us a hole in our soul that we are trying to fill. God put in there on purpose to point the way back home. Nothing satisfies and we try anything and everything to fill this hole and find meaning in our life.

We are looking for salvation everywhere - some try to find it in drugs, others marriage, others philosophy, others their career, still others music. Nothing satisfies until we find the only thing that can fill that hole - Jesus Christ.

As Augustine said, "Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee."

Keep putting our great music, but you'll only find disappointment if you expect something other than God to provide what only God can.

Machine Head – Locust Lyrics 11 years ago
Exodus 10 recounts the eighth plague God sent to Egypt because Pharaoh would not release the Jews from slavery:

"14 The locusts came up over all the land of Egypt and settled on the whole country of Egypt, such a dense swarm of locusts as had never been before, nor ever will be again. 15 They covered the face of the whole land, so that the land was darkened, and they ate all the plants in the land and all the fruit of the trees that the hail had left. Not a green thing remained, neither tree nor plant of the field, through all the land of Egypt."

All throughout the Bible this plague of locusts is referred back to and used as imagery for God's judgement. Sometimes God sends the proverbial swarm of locusts into our life to get our attention, as punishment for sins, to remind us we live in a fallen world and this is not our home, to get us to look upwards towards Him for salvation - the list could go on.

But the important thing and the glorious thing is that these trials are temporary. God promises to bring those who love Him into glory, either in this life or the next. Either way, we have the hope of glory to look forward to.

The song alludes to this in the last stanza:

"These vermin cannot infiltrate us
Faith appears and holds a candle hark the angels sing"

Compare with Joel 2:25, "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you."

There is a candle in the darkness. The Lord is faithful to restore the years the locust has eaten. Look to Him who can save you.

Machine Head – Be Still And Know Lyrics 11 years ago
I think you're exactly right in everything you say. I couldn't have said it better. You hit the nail on the head.

With one exception:

"Only an immensely strong person can keep his faith these days."

God doesn't expect us to be strong. He doesn't want us to try to be strong. He wants us to be humble. He wants us to *give up* the fight and realize that we can never, ever measure up and do it on our own. He wants us to give Him our burden and He wants to take ours.

The Law was never meant to be lived up to. Jesus Christ came not abolish the Law but to fulfill it. JESUS was the immensely strong person on our behalf so we don't have to. By GRACE we are saved through FAITH in what JESUS has done. Hallelujah! Amen!

Accept what Jesus has done for us. Only - only - through Him will you find true freedom and rest.

Machine Head – Be Still And Know Lyrics 11 years ago
The imagery comes from Psalm 46, as does the title of the song.

Psalm 46:1-3 "God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling."

This Psalm is telling us no matter what is happening around us, no matter the pain and tragedies we're experiencing, even if the mountains of our life are crumbling to dust and we are being overcome by a raging storm, GOD is in control, GOD is in charge, and GOD's plan is being carried out.

Yes, some things we can't understand, especially when our personal mountains are falling into the sea, but God has a grand plan in which we are exactly where we're supposed to be and in which He works out everything for our ulitmate benefit.

When we are overcome by life's tragedies, when we want to scream or fall on our knees in tears, God reminds us to be still. Be still and know that he is God and he has everything under control.

Thrice – The Abolition Of Man Lyrics 11 years ago
Interpreting a song with religious meaning is one thing. A song that is explicitly written with religious meaning is another. As many have said before me, this is explicitly based on Lewis' essay. It's about how we're worse off because we've forgotten the Biblical model of masculinity.

Thrice – Motion Isn't Meaning Lyrics 11 years ago
Yes very good. They both speak to the idea of post-modernism or the idea that there is no absolute truth. Without being grounded in something, we just wander - and it's never good for us. We try to find something to be grounded in so we look to drugs or other things. Those things always disappoint of course.

Thrice – Hold Fast Hope Lyrics 11 years ago
I came here to explain its connection to Jonah, but Thoreauguitar beat me to it and did it quite well.

Thrice – Phoenix Ignition Lyrics 12 years ago
"Everyday tear down these walls 'till cornerstones remain"

Incredible. We all struggle with strongholds in our life that keep us from Christ. But through the process of sanctification, the Holy Spirit gives the power to tear down the walls that prevent us from being Christlike, until only the cornerstone (Christ) remains. Beautiful.

Thrice – Disarmed Lyrics 12 years ago
Yes they are Paul's words, but not for believers facing death. Believers don't face death. Death is the seperation from God as punishment for sin, and as believers, CHRIST'S victory over death is applied to our account so we will not die. Yes our physical bodies will fall away, but that is not unto death.

Only non-believers face true death.

Only Christ defeated death. To say that the victory is not specifically Christ's borders on blasphemy. We share in the spoils from that victory, but the victory itself was His and His alone.

Thrice – Call It in the Air Lyrics 12 years ago
Very Pascal's Wager.

Thrice – The Whaler Lyrics 12 years ago
My daughter's eyes
They are two tiny seas
Whose water will rise
And they will run down her cheeks

Best. Lyrics. Ever.
Simply amazing. What else can be said?

Thrice – Blur Lyrics 12 years ago
"This image is a night-terror transforming, without the hope of morning."

Imagine if we really never had the hope of morning? How depressing. That's why Thrice's music is so amazing. They sing constantly about the hope of morning.

Thrice – Motion Isn't Meaning Lyrics 12 years ago
The first thing I thought of when I saw the title to this song was Hobbes' Leviathan.

Hobbes' whole philosophy in that book is about how human nature can be understood in a scientific way. Everything is in motion and that which is not always has the potential for motion. Human beings are always in motion and it's this motion that our experiences and thoughts are derived from. Indeed knowledge itself is only constructed from our experiences that come from our motion.

That is, according to Hobbes, there is no absolute truth. Nothing is ingrained in us as human beings. Truth is created and dependent upon the words we use. We make up truth as we go along by creating words that have specific meanings. For Hobbes, proper definitions don't *describe* truth, they *create* truth. If we want a world that we can all live in, we must create it through proper definitions of words.

I'm very critical of Hobbes in this regard. So the title, "Motion Isn't Meaning" is, for me, very relevant to Hobbes' ideas. The constant motion of human beings creates this reality and creates this truth, but it doesn't *mean* anything because it's all made up! There is no absolute truth. We may have a lot of motion and a lot of definitions and some idea of truth, but there is no meaning behind any of it because it's all just an artificial construct of the mind.

Also at play of course is Hobbes' notion as the state of nature being equal to a state of war.

"Tell me that you wanna stop the war
But baby you can't dance if there's no floor
Motion isn't meaning
It's just another drug
But it's all we've got..."

We all want to stop the war that is the state of nature so we create civil society. But since our entire concept of human nature is just made up and created through definitions that we've constructed, there is no "floor" to build anything upon.

"Motion isn't meaning
It's just another drug
But it's all we've got..."

How sad is the life of someone who truly believes there is no meaning. For such a person, they try to *find* meaning in something - anything - so they give themselves up to drug use something else that acts as a drug, i.e. philosophy. Since there is no meaning, the best we can do to find meaning is to talk a lot of fancy words and fool ourselves into one thing or another. It's all we've got.

So anyway, Hobbes was probably the furthest thing from Dustin's mind when he wrote this song, but I was struck by the parallels in language and meaning. But any type of person that is not grounded in absolute truth, i.e. the gospel, will have these things in common. So it's no wonder that Hobbes and contemporary comentators can be so similar. (Not saying Dustin is one of these contemporary comentators. He is clearly commenting on the comentators. Dustin gets it.)

Thrice – Bad Things To Such Good People Lyrics 12 years ago
It seems to me this is a song wholly about grace. The question is not, "why do bad things happen to good people?", but rather, "Why do good things happen to bad people?"

We are a fallen people living in a fallen world who care nothing for the things of God. If it were up to us we would be utterly depraved. It is only through grace that anything good happens at all. The bible tell us that ALL good things are a gift from God.

We deserve nothing. The fact that anything good at all ever happens to us is a sheer demonstration of God's amazing grace! Therefore it's the wrong posture to be mad at God for not stopping the bad things that happen to us. Instead we need to be grateful and thankful and fall down on our faces in worship that He chooses to give us good things.

Therefore, the way I interpret this song is thus: it's an illustration of this father's backward thinking. He's frustrated with Jesus for supposedly looking the other way when a bad thing happens and not helping him. In reality, Jesus is looking the other way when he gives us any good thing at all. Anything bad that happens is just a return to the status quo.

It's remarkable how much Jesus looks the other way and gives us so many good things that is when something bad happens that we take notice. That's how blessed we are! Jesus showers us in grace and love so much that when that shower temporarily abates, we cry out because suddenly the bad things that are being covered up by Jesus' grace become apparent.

How amazing and abundant is grace that we forget we are a depraved people living in a fallen, broken, ugly cold world.

Thrice – Disarmed Lyrics 12 years ago
Yep. About Christ's victory over death.

Thrice – Listen Through Me Lyrics 12 years ago
Everything hangs on a word. It is FINISHED!

Either it's finished or it's not. Well, is it finished?

It's finished my friends!

Thrice – Words in The Water Lyrics 12 years ago
Yep I believe the interpretation that most people are giving is correct.

When young Jewish boys were first learning the Torah, their rabbi would put honey on their lips so the law would always be sweet to them.

Obviously the law was only instituted to point towards Christ and to illustrate the infinite gap between God and man and the absolute necessity of saving mediator.

Thrice – Treading Paper Lyrics 12 years ago
Dark Reality,

I'm glad you can find meaning in these lyrics even though you're not Christian. That is indeed the beauty of Dustin's writing. Peace to you.

That said, it's my opinion that this song is explicitly Christian. There is a Christian theological question that often gets asked, "Is God transcendent or immanent?" The answer of course is both, which Dustin captures nicely in the last stanza.

And I agree that American values aren't necessarily the best thing for the world. Thus it's unfortunate on two levels that America's values are not in harmony with Christian values.

Thrice – Yellow Belly Lyrics 12 years ago
"What mercy have they known, from you, from you.
To ask that I be shown, to you , to you."

To me, these are by far the most haunting lyrics of the song. I think this is saying that these abused children, even though they have been shown no mercy from their father, are praying to God that He reveal Himself to their abusive father.

This is amazing. Even though this man is evil incarnate indeed to these girls, still they pray that he come to know God.

Doubtlessly they are praying this so they might gain relief from his abuse, it's still remarkable that they would pray this. They could easily pray for relief by asking God to destroy their father. Instead they pray that he come to know the one true God.

The wisdom and grace of the abused girls contrasted with the hate and evil of their father is absolutely stunning.

Thrice – Yellow Belly Lyrics 12 years ago
To me, these are by far the most haunting lyrics of the song. To me, this is saying that these abused children, even though they have been shown no mercy from their father, are praying to God that He reveal Himself to their abusive father.

This is amazing. Even though this man is evil incarnate indeed to these girls, still they pray that he come to know God.

Doubtlessly they are praying this so they might gain relief from his abuse, it's still remarkable that they would pray this. They could easily pray for relief by asking God to destroy their father. Instead they pray that he come to know the one true God.

The wisdom and grace of the abused girls contrasted with the hate and evil of their father is absolutely stunning.

Dustin is amazing.

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