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Bon Iver – Michicant Lyrics 12 years ago
While there are some more sinister interpretations of the song below (i.e. cocaine), the melody of this song seems much more pure, like the first snowfall, but also melancholy, maybe suggesting the end of one period of life into another. The story of the lyrics show him first as a boy, as tender, and thus innocent. The hymn-like quality of the organ and Justin's voice contribute to this interpretation as well.

I think song may have to do with the experience of going through love for the first time, and how bittersweet it leaves you hanging. For example, the lyrics "know it wasn't wedded love," suggest that the first love one experiences is oftentimes not the last, and in graduating into adulthood, recognizes this.

Alcohol is expressed in the way teenagers would drink when experimenting: immaturely with abandon. "We were drunk and we had fleshed it out," suggests fighting when drinking too much, and then, "you never know if you are passing out."
Justin also sings, "hung up in the ivory, both were climbing for a finer cause," suggesting the couple is lofted in high ideals of love but not recognizing the difficulty and unrealistic quality of achieving such a standard.

The way Justin weaves natural imagery to convey the different periods of life. The song takes place in winter, a time of reflection and ending. He reminds his lover that they had not yet returned to the spring, "hon, it wasn't yet the spring," which may not even be possible.

The ending of the song is a location both familiar and close. Love is a person, which cannot manage to leave the room, with your heart.

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