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Pink Floyd – Breathe Lyrics 10 years ago
"Breathe" is about being born and early childhood:
First your heartbeat begins/grows, you start to breathe and you are born into an ocean-wave type of music. You get exposed to external sounds and influences (sometimes contradictory) of the real world (like funny adult's voices saying things you cannot yet understand). Various sounds like bells, helicopters enter as pre-echos of what lies ahead of you in life.

But in early childhood you get also exposed to your mother's cares and worries ('smiles you'll give, and tears you'll cry'), and mother's affective ambivalence ('leave..., but don't leave me'). And the more fatherly good advices ('balance on the biggest wave, you race towards an early grave'), which again display the parental ambivalence: he wants you to be successful, but not too much, it might destroy you.

The song is the preamble of the whole-life covering album.

For reference, I repeat whole narrative of the album as I put it in the 'Eclipse' song meaning part:
- Breathe: First your heartbeat begins/grows, you start to breathe and you are born. You get exposed to external sounds and influences (like adult's voices saying things you cannot yet understand) but you get also exposed to your mother's cares and worries ('smiles you'll give, and tears you'll cry') and good advices ('balance on the biggest wave, you race towards an early grave').
- Time: You grow up and enter into the ratrace of society, you realize passing of time and experience first disappointments ('no-one told you when to run..') and what it means to get older ('every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time').
- Money: The materialistic phase of your life, working and earning money, not thinking much of the greater things in life. Reflected in even so cliche music.
- Us and them: The elderly phase of life: you have seen it all, and you feel you have done your part. You become narrow-minded and start talking about 'us' and 'them'. Like many elderly people do, you retract socially in a more inner circle of close family and friends. Society as a whole becomes less important, because you realize you will not be part of it for a long time anymore.
- Brain damage: In the next phase in life your brain degenerates, you become detached from the outside world and 'real' people do not see anymore what you think. You loose touch with reality, your mind starts doing its own ways, but it feels to you like the rest of the world is doing strange things ('when the band you're in starts playing different tunes'). You get locked up in an institution or an elderly home, but more importantly, you get locked up in your head, sometimes even purposely by 'making the cut' (lobotomy).
- Eclipse: The end. Finally, all actions and apparent contradictions and conflicts in life are resolved and disappear at the point of death (=the sun is eclipsed by the moon: the night falls for your brain). Even time itself disappears ('all that is now, all that is gone, all that's to come'). At this point everything melts together and you find/realize/experience that 'everything under the sun is in tune' and that all struggles were constructs of your conscious brain). Then the heartbeat stops. You're gone...

Tori Amos – Winter Lyrics 10 years ago
This song is about a woman who is insecure and alone. She thinks back to her childhood, when apparently her father already noticed her insecurity, and was worried about it. He urged her to love herself more, and stand up for her self. Because he might not always be around to help her out. She behaved like Sleeping Beauty, waiting for the Prince to wake her. (And she does not realize the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale actually drove her in the wrong direction)
But of course, there was no hurry back then. Because the white horses (with their knights on them) were still not in the picture, they were still like a girl's pet animals in bed.

And then adolence. The age with the hormons and where boys should get discovered. Again she did not act, being too insure about herself, and living in a fairy tale mode, looking in the mirror and waiting for it to tell her how to find the dreamed crystal palace. She still behaves like a little girl, and the white horses are still the pet animals in her bed. Rather than acting in real life, she still is self-occupied and continuously worrying about herself, even while she actually realizes the ice is getting thin below her feet (things in life are not working out as they should).

And now she is old, and she realized her chances are over: all princes on white horses have already run ahead with other girls. Warmth only comes from the fireplace, not from a life companion. She should have been more confident, and proud of herself. And now she realizes what her father always tried to tell her: only if you accept who you are and are proud of yourself, you can live your life and a prince will love you for it ... She realizes lack of self-confidence has made her pay a high price in life.

Pink Floyd – Eclipse Lyrics 13 years ago
To understand Eclipse you must interprete the album: the album reflects life as it is.

- Breathe: First your heartbeat begins/grows, you start to breathe and you are born. You get exposed external sounds and influences (like adult's voices saying things you cannot yet understand) but you get also exposed to your mother's cares and worries ('smiles you'll give, and tears you'll cry') and good advices ('balance on the biggest wave, you race towards an early grave').
- Time: You grow up and enter into the ratrace of society, you realize passing of time and experience first disappointments ('no-one told you when to run..') and what it means to get older ('every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time').
- Money: The materialistic phase of your life, working and earning money, not thinking much of the greater things in life. Reflected in even so cliche music.
- Us and them: The elderly phase of life: you have seen it all, and you feel you have done your part. You become narrowminded and start talking about 'us' and 'them'. Like many elderly people do, you retract socially in a more inner circle of close family and friends. Society as a whole becomes less important, because you realize you will not be part of it for a long time anymore.
- Brain damage: In the next phase your brain degenerates, you become detached from the outside world and 'real' people do not see anymore what you think. You loose touch with reality, your mind starts doing its own ways, but it feels to you like the rest of the world is doing strange things ('when the band you're in starts playing different tunes'). You get locked up in an institution or an elderly home, but more importantly, you get locked up in your head, sometimes even purposely by 'making the cut' (lobotomy).
- Eclipse: The end. Finally, all actions and apparent contradictions and conflicts in life are resolved and disappear at the point of death (=the sun is eclipsed by the moon: the night falls for your brain). Even time itself disappears ('all that is now, all that is gone, all that's to come'). At this point everything melts together and you find/realize/experience that 'everything under the sun is in tune' and that all struggles were constructs of your conscious brain). Then the heartbeat stops. You're gone...

I see no messages or judgements, or philosophies about darkness, just a tale about the phases of life. It helps me to realize what lies ahead for all of us. The Dark Side of the Moon is one of those rare works of Art where message, form and performance have come together in a perfect marriage.

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.