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Donovan – Season of the Witch Lyrics 6 years ago
This site is so stupid. Dummies talking rubbish about totally the wrong lyrics. At least someone pasted the tight lyrics in a comment.

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 13 years ago
You are so right next2rexy. The majority of people here are reading something into nothing, If you watch the documentary Reflections on Kid A, Thom tells us that this, and most of the songs on Kid A, were written by cutting up lyrics he had been unhappy with [due to writers block] and had previously been throwing away, then putting them all in a hat and putting together the bits of lyrics from the different, unsuccessful songs.
In other words, this and a lot of the other Kid A (and other RH) song lyrics are not supposed to have, and don't have, any desperately deep global warming / end of the world message.

Obvious really - I mean 'skwerking'...

They are all just brilliant brilliant tunes.

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 13 years ago
If you watch the documentary Reflections on Kid A, Thom tells us that this, and most of the songs on Kid A, were written by cutting up lyrics he had been unhappy with [due to writers block] and had previously been throwing away, then putting them all in a hat and pulling out bits of lyrics from the different, unsuccessful songs. Putting them together to form the lyrics you hear on at least half the songs on the album [inc. Everything in it's Right Place and National Anthem if i rmbr rightly].

In other words, this and a lot of the other Kid A song lyrics are not supposed to have, and don't have, any real meaning. Obvious really - I mean 'skwerking'...

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 13 years ago
OMG! Really?
If you watch the documentary Reflections on Kid A, Thom tells us that this, and most of the songs on Kid A, were written by cutting up lyrics he had been unhappy with [due to writers block] and had previously been throwing away, then putting them all in a hat and pulling out bits of lyrics from the different, unsuccessful songs. Putting them together to form the lyrics you hear on at least half the songs on the album [inc. Everything in it's Right Place and National Anthem if i rmbr rightly].

IOW this and a lot of the other Kid A lyrics are not supposed to have any comprehensive meaning. Obvious really - I mean 'skwerking'...

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 13 years ago
"see The Smiths'.." god no! Although this is one of the more outrageous interpretations of a song that isn't supposed to mean anything.

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 13 years ago
YES! You got it LiveUrLife. Spot on. Well done. Can you post your comment on every one of the [wrongly over interpreted] Kid A songs on this site.

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 13 years ago
'Well crafted' - as a song can be when it's made up out of bits of other, unused lyrics, chopped up and put in a hat! See 'Reflections on Kid A'. They also produced a little booklet like this, based on a stream of consciousness made up of unused lyrics. See Kid A Lives. I imagine people would read all kinds of meaning into this too.

Radiohead – Idioteque Lyrics 13 years ago
f you watch the documentary Reflections on Kid A, Thom tells us that this, and most of the songs on Kid A, were written by cutting up lyrics he had been unhappy with [due to writers block] and had previously been throwing away, then putting them all in a hat and pulling out bits of lyrics from the different, unsuccessful songs. Putting them together to form the lyrics you hear on at least half the songs on the album [inc. Everything in it's Right Place and National Anthem if i rmbr rightly]. IOW this and a lot of the other Kid A lyrics are not supposed to have any comprehensive meaning.

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 13 years ago
Spot on Luro. So many funny/silly interpretations on here that back this up. It was obviously based to some extent on Thom's experiences as he was picked on a lot at school for his appearance. And he's also said, apparently:

"when i wrote it" said Thom (Yorke), "i was in the middle of a really really serious lasted about 8 months. And it was unsucessful, which made it even worse. she knows who she is"

But, i'm not sure that can be entirely true as he had met Rachel by this time and they are still happily together. So clearly no unrequited love there.

Not to mention the fact that Radiohead don't really write love songs (despite the many misguided interpretations to that effect on so many of the songs on this site.)

And, he (Thom) has, on many many occasions, said how he was sick to death of performing the song - mostly as it took so long to get noticed (Pablo Honey) and they'd already written The Bends. Which as you mention, was vastly superior.

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 13 years ago
Ha ha ha ROFL. You're joking right?

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 13 years ago
See first post...

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 13 years ago
There' no girl 'he could never reach' that's purely metaphorical. It's about the stick Thom got all through school for the way he looked [beautiful in my opinion]. He was also with his long term partner Rachel at this point, who he met at uni, so it's very unlikely it's about unrequited love.

Radiohead – Creep Lyrics 13 years ago
Yep Thom hates it. Shrox is spot on. It was also because whilst The Bends was out there, they were still touring with Pablo Honey - as it took a while to get popular. They wanted to be known for the new stuff on The Bends, not just Creep. Knowing this tho, that Thom doesn't like the song, puts me off it a bit.

Radiohead – Everything in Its Right Place Lyrics 13 years ago
During this time (Kid A / Amnesiac) they did a lot of putting together unused lyrics, to create streams of consciousness. Also see documentary Kid A Lives.

Radiohead – Everything in Its Right Place Lyrics 13 years ago
Lyrics cut up - put in a hat - pulled out - put back together again - so um no meaning. You know they do this a lot. With unused lyrics. Also see documentary Kid A Lives.

Radiohead – Everything in Its Right Place Lyrics 13 years ago
If you watch the documentary Reflections on Kid A, Thom tells us that this, and most of the songs on Kid A, were written by cutting up lyrics he had been unhappy with [due to writers block] and had previously been throwing away, then putting them all in a hat and pulling out bits of lyrics from the different, unsuccessful songs. Putting them together to form the lyrics you hear on at least half the songs on the album [inc. Idiotheque and National Anthem if i rmbr rightly]. IOW this and a lot of the other Kid A lyrics are not supposed to have any meaning.

Radiohead – Everything in Its Right Place Lyrics 13 years ago
If you watch the documentary Reflections on Kid A, Thom tells us that this, and most of the songs on Kid A, were written by cutting up lyrics he had been unhappy with [due to writers block] and had previously been throwing away, then putting them all in a hat and pulling out bits of lyrics from the different, unsuccessful songs. Putting them together to form the lyrics you hear on at least half the songs on the album [inc. Idiotheque and National Anthem if i rmbr rightly]. IOW this and a lot of the other Kid A lyrics are not supposed to have any meaning.

Radiohead – Everything in Its Right Place Lyrics 13 years ago
If you watch the documentary Reflections on Kid A, you will hear Thom telling us that this, and most of the songs on Kid A, were written by chopping up other lyrics he had been trying to write, and previously throwing away, then putting them in a hat and pulling out bits from different, unsuccessful songs, and putting them together. IOW this and Idiotheque and National Anthem (I think - at least half the songs on the album in any case) are not supposed to have a meaning. Negating their inclusion here in a way I guess.

Radiohead – All I Need Lyrics 13 years ago
It's about human trafficking / child labour.

Radiohead – All I Need Lyrics 13 years ago
Aaaah all of you - that clearly don't know what this songs about. Radiohead have told us - it's about Child Labour / Human Trafficking. Read the other comments before you make your misguided interpretations. Based on the crazy idea the Thom Yorke writes love songs no less!

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