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Within Temptation – Forgiven Lyrics 11 years ago
The first time I heard this song, it was shortly after my cousin committed suicide. I believe the lyrics fit perfectly for someone who is mourning the loss of a loved one, particularly through suicide.

"Couldn't save you from the start"
The person was never able to help their loved one, they were never able to save them from themselves.

"Love you so it hurts my soul"
The person has such a deep love for the deceased, and it hurts to love them so much, because of how the person is self-destructive.

"Can you forgive me for trying again
Your silence makes me hold my breath
Time has passed you by"
The person seeks forgiveness for interfering again, and trying to save their life, even though the help was unwanted. The silence of the person, whether because of death, or because they are being ignored, makes the person hold their breath, fearing their loved one's reaction.

"Oh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Oh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own"
The person tried to protect their loved one from the world, to keep them safe. The deceased couldn't face the freedom on their own, because they were so self-destructive and suicidal

"Here I am left in silence"
Pretty explanatory, the person is left in silence because their loved one has committed suicide.

"You gave up the fight
You left me behind"
Their loved one gave up the fight of living, and left them behind, suffering from the loss.

"All that's done's forgiven"
Even though the person is hurting, they forgive their loved one for taking their own life.

"You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven"
The person knows that their loved one will always be a part of them, will always be 'theirs'. Although they are hurting, and angry, deep inside, they know that they forgive their loved one.

"I watched the clouds drifting away
Still the sun can't warm my face"
The person can't feel happiness anymore, even when things are going right, even when the bad times end. They are too burdened and saddened by the death of their loved one.

"I know it was destined to go wrong
You were looking for the great escape
To chase your demons away"
The person knew it was going to go wrong, because their loved one was looking for the 'great escape' - suicide- to end their troubles once and for all.

"I've been so lost since you've gone
Why not me before you?
Why did fate deceive me?"
The person has been lost and nothing has been going right since their loved one died. They feel angry that they had to suffer through this, and that they should have gone first. They feel like fate tricked them into believing they would leave first.

"Everything turned out so wrong
Why did you leave me in silence?"
None of this was supposed to happen, and it turned out wrong, because the person couldn't be saved. The narrator of the song was left alone in silence, because their loved one is gone.

Geoff Smith – Fantastic Rose Lyrics 11 years ago
It's about Rose from Doctor Who! That's always what I thought it was about, but I figured it was just my interpretation. However, Geoff Smith has said that he wrote it because he was inspired by Rose's relationship with the 9th Doctor when Doctor Who began again in 2005.

Missy Higgins – Where I Stood Lyrics 11 years ago
For me there's two different interpretations to this. One is the obvious interpretation: she was in love with someone, but realizes she can't be with them so she breaks up with them. She can't stand the thought of them dating anyone else, but she knows that some other girl will love them more than she could.

And then there's an interpretation I heard from someone else which actually makes a lot of sense to me. I think it could also be about giving a child up for adoption.

"I don't know what I've done, or if I like what I've begun." -- she doesn't know if giving up her child for adoption is the right thing, and she's conflicted about it.

"But something told me to run, and honey you know me, it's all or none. There were sounds in my head, little voices whispering. That I should go, and this should end, oh and I found myself listening." -- she's conflicted about it, but something in the back of her mind, some little voice tells her that it's the right thing to do.

"'Cause I don't know who I am, who I am without you. All I know is that I should. And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you. All I know is that I should
'cause she will love you more than I could, she who dares to stand where I stood." -- all she knows is being a mother, it's who she is, but she knows that someone else could be a better mother, which is why she knows she needs to figure out who she is. She can't stand the thought of another woman raising her child, but she knows she has to.

Sara Bareilles – Gravity Lyrics 11 years ago
I first heard this song on So You Think You Can Dance, in the 'addiction' dance, danced by Kayla and Kupono. (An later by Cole and Lindsey.) So for me, I think this song is about an addiction. But not an addiction to a drug, but an addiction to a person.

Lines like 'set me free, leave me be' suggest that she wants out, but can't. Also, 'you loved me 'cause I was fragile, when I thought I was strong. But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.' That certainly suggests an unhealthy relationship, and I think the gravity refers to how she can't stop herself from falling for him, even though she knows its wrong, and she knows she shouldn't.

Murray Gold – Love Don't Roam Lyrics 13 years ago
Can I just say that I LOVE this song? It's not only a good, fun song, but it's so utterly perfect for the Doctor and Rose. It is obviously, obviously about her. Rose is the only one the Doctor has ever truly loved. Well, I don't know about the old series, but I think ever since meeting Rose he will never be the same.
It's interesting, like Song For Ten, it's a deceptively happy song. It sounds upbeat and catchy, but then you listen to the lyrics and it's about how the Doctor doesn't know how to go on, because Rose is gone, and all he wants is to be safe and happy, back with Rose. My favorite line is: "A fighting man forgets each cut, each knock, each bruise, each fall, but a fighting man can not forget why his love don't roam no more." The Doctor mentions in the Christmas Invasion that his new hand is a fighting hand, and he's a fighting man. He may be able to forget all of the death, all of the destruction he's seen, been a part of, or caused, but he can never forget why Rose is no longer by his side.
I think that people like Mme de Pompadour were just mild infatuations, and nothing serious. I mean, can you blame the Doctor for falling about for Mme de Pompadour? She's beautiful, charismatic, and such an interesting historical figure. But the line "Oh, my girl, my girl, my precious girl, I love you, you understand" proves to me that Rose is his only love. She promised him forever, and that's what they both wanted. Forever, together, traveling the universe, through time and space.

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