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Tool – Flood Lyrics 12 years ago
To me, this song really isn't about religion per sé, but it can be about it, though.

In a more general sense, this song is about a very disturbing wake-up call. About realizing that the security blanket that you've clung to, beliefs, drugs, perceptions, were all a lie. You felt that you were safe and that everything was okay...until one day, you saw the truth coming. And before your eyes, you start seeing that everything you had is now being washed away. So, you either hold on to it for fear that it will be taken from you, or you let it go hastily so that you can avoid the truth, even though you inevitably know it will catch up to you.

The song can be summed up in the two words Maynard says..."running away", which I believe is what the song is really trying to speak, about willful ignorance of reality and your stubbornness to let go. But eventually, the flood/truth will find you and destroy you.

But, there is a rebirth period afterwards...

A Perfect Circle – Orestes Lyrics 12 years ago
I would love to go through and discuss the meaning of this song over and over again, but I'm just going to give my two cents.

I agree with everyone that the song has a double meaning, in the sense that it is both about the mythological story of Orestes and also about an individual who's suffering from a relationship, for whatever reason. In my own light, this song connects with me because of a friendship or relationship that was doomed from the beginning. In my case, it's because I have abandonment issues and because the other person is just too unreliable and was only in it for the moment.

"Metaphor for a missing moment / Pull me in to your perfect circle"
- You get swept up in a good moment, finding a new friend or a lover, and before you know it, you're circling each other, orbiting around what connected you both the most and celebrating this newfound bond.

"One womb, one shape, one resolve"
- If memory serves me right, the lyrics are "one shame" and not "one shape". Either way, this is where you start to feel slightly dependent on this other person, only realizing that bond is starting to get detrimental and that you're questioning if the other person really even likes you or if they're already over you, but you can never tell. As far as you know, you're just a blip on their radar.

"Liberate this will to release us all"
- You realize that maybe this friendship wasn't a good idea and as enjoyable as it was for the moment, you're better off just walking away while you still have the will to do so.

"Got to cut away / Clear away/ Snip away and sever this umbilical residue/ That's keeping me from killing you"
- Your own delusions and negative thoughts are causing you to have resentment towards this person, and it's erasing any good feelings you may have ever had for them, so you just want to break it off so you can diminish these negative thoughts.

"And from pulling you down with me here/ I can almost hear you scream"
- By staying with this person as friends, you'll only drag them down into your own dark cloud, and it would only cause the other person to hate you for it.

"Give me one more medicated peaceful moment"
- You still want to communicate with this person so badly, because in spite of your negativity, you still had a connection with this person, and it would be a shame to throw it all away, but you know you have to. So you try to communicate with them one last time to see if they even like you still and if there's anything you can salvage from the relationship.

"And I don't want to feel this overwhelming hostility"
- Because either this person is starting to get tired of you or doesn't want to be seen around you for your negativity, or because they just don't feel the same way about you the way you feel about them, your negative feelings grow and start eating away at you, and now you realize the only cure is to just leave this person alone and go on with your life before you destroy yourself over it.

I believe this song relates to the mythology of Orestes because he has to avenge his father, but he is still killing his mother, who is always God in the eyes of all children. He doesn't want to kill her, but he also doesn't want to spend the rest of his life hating her for what she did (or let happen depending on the story). So this song relates to the myth because it's in a way describing how torn Orestes was about coming to the resolution that he had to kill his mother.

Either way, the "core" meaning of this song is about effectively ending a relationship because of resentment or anger towards the other person, and it's those feelings that are destroying you, not them, and the song is also about that realization. Either by just simply walking away or literally killing someone, you are breaking a dependent bond to save both sides.

Stone Temple Pilots – Piece of Pie Lyrics 13 years ago
I think this song is about how Scott refuses to live up to the male stereotype. "Piece of Pie" is a reference to men always getting what they want, especially in terms of women. Sometimes, vagina is referred to as "pie."

All of the lyrics "I broke the breadline, I walked the frontline, I've had the midwife..." are all boasts that the typical male stereotype will make, like "Yeah, I'm the fucking shit, no one can take me down!"

In the chorus (It's staring me down), Scott is trying to deny the stereotype. "Dressed like a clown" is either him trying to be something he isn't or accepting that he may be thought of as a wimp for not buying in the stereotypical male role.

Scott is refusing to be the male chauvinist, even going so far as to say "Don't wanna let me be a man".

When he says "Don't wanna take me to your home" , he's telling a girl that he's better than just using her to fuck.

Tool – Hooker with a Penis Lyrics 13 years ago
I don't think this song is purposefully about capitalism. It's more about hypocrisy, just Maynard responding to people who tell the band that they are selling out.

This kid has the audacity to tell Maynard that Tool is "selling out and sucking up to the man" for making a major-label record, even though he's wearing brand name clothes, drinking Coke, and getting tattoos of products. And Maynard is calling him out on his hypocrisy and telling him that unless he's willing to throw away his clothes and get rid of his tattoos, he can just shut his fucking mouth.

Stone Temple Pilots – Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart Lyrics 13 years ago
If you read between the lines (no pun intended), the song might give some insight as to why Scott may have did heroine. Probably he was so bored with life that he felt heroine was an escape from it.

"so keep your bankroll lottery, eat your salad, day, deathbed, motorcade" - might be him saying "You all live your pointless lives, I'm just going to get fucked up."

Stone Temple Pilots – Still Remains Lyrics 13 years ago
It's about that feeling after sex when you realize that the person you are with isn't just another fuck, but someone you really want to spend the rest of your life with.

Stone Temple Pilots – Big Empty Lyrics 13 years ago
Right now, this song means a lot to more for a lot of reasons.

It seems that there are a lot of conflicts in what Scott said the song means, from being about the band being on a near break-up during the last part of the Core tour to just being about a back-seat fuck. I think Scott might say that a song is about something meaningless when in fact it means a lot more to him than that just that because either he doesn't like to relive the memories behind it or to adjust the meaning to fit him in his current life. I dunno.

But if I had to say what this song is about, I would say that it's a more "bigger picture" kind of song. I think it's about anyone reaching that point of realization in their lives; a point where they finally realize that they need to stop pretending or being purposefully ignorant about an issue or something, and the person is feeling defeated because they know they can't keep it up. It could be about a relationship they want to keep or something else. They still don't want to hear the truth (conversations kill), even though they know it's already over. The big empty the song references is that feeling of defeat, exhaustion, and reflection that comes with the realization.

We all can relate to the song, but Scott paints a scene that is familiar to him. A lot of artists do that; write about a certain event or scene personal to them, yet the song probably has a bigger meaning.

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