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James – Sit Down Lyrics 11 years ago
It's about the universality of bewildernment and suffering. He's saying that he's been through this, and he sympathises with all those going through it.

It's a bit like Everybody Hurts by REM, but less sappy.

Glasvegas – Geraldine Lyrics 13 years ago
FFS what a song. It's celebrating the platonic and altruistic love given by a social worker to someone who, without that love, would go under. There's no metaphor here: it's achingly heartfelt. To substitute the social worker for anyone with a wider relationship to the other person is, I believe, missing the point. It is a reminder that, despite the jaded portrayal by the media, social workers literally save people's lives through dedication and love, and for which little thanks is ever received. To my mind it also makes the love songs that it resembles seem rather shallow and petty by comparison: "La la, you're very pretty and I'll love you forever and ever..." - listening to Geraldine makes me want to tell these people to shove their vapid shoite back up their hole.

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