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T. Rex – Rapids Lyrics 7 months ago
Never understood, what it´s about but I like the riff and melody and stole it for some song for my band, with slight musical changes and other lyrics

Fischer-Z – So Long Lyrics 10 months ago
Could be the prequel of

The New Pornographers – The Laws Have Changed Lyrics 11 years ago
On the other hand, this fits perfectly to the Perpetual Peace's interpretation of the lyrics. The misleading of the american people — away from the principles of the constitution and the bill of rights. In this sense "What you have already lost, consider as totally lost" means, that if the US use torture themselves, they can never claim to be definding human rights anymore.

The New Pornographers – The Laws Have Changed Lyrics 11 years ago
The video is basically about bringing down an idealistic philosopher down to the basics of sex&drugs&roch´n`roll. So when the barman spekas to him, he tells him, it is too late for him, to go back to the statue and do as if he still got his principles.
So he finally gets interrested in all the music and dancing all around him and asks the girl what it`s all about.
So then comes the coolest part of the dialogue — the girl is speaking Latin! Vade retro! Vade ultra!
That`s interresting, because you see that she is also trying to speak in his terms, after she learned that he is interrested in hers.
Ok, and what`s she sayin?
Go back! Go to extreme!
Seems like alternatives, but maybe it is the same in some sense.

Ok, an then the girls start to dance synchronized and he realises that their worls is not stupid at all and it could be fun to be part of it.

The funny thing is how the video canges the interpretation of the lyrics. the "Pharao", "the great unknown", "what will be revealed today" and "Follow the line!" get completely different meanings.

The New Pornographers – The Laws Have Changed Lyrics 11 years ago
Sometimes I imagine, it`s just a song about the day, when marihuana is finally legalised.
(just ignoring all parts of the lyrics, that not fit in :-))

The Kinks – Life Goes On Lyrics 12 years ago
Amazing. Great guitar by Dave Davies, too.

The Boys – Brickfield Nights Lyrics 12 years ago
Hanging around, just like in my home village too. No youth club, just some place with a traffic light. Girls and boys meeting so something could happen. Sometimes fights, but no knives. Good to remember.

Talking Heads – Wild Wild Life Lyrics 12 years ago
The joke is: Everything mentioned is normal american lifestyle, but everyone feels like having a wild wild life.

Fischer-Z – Red skies Over Paradise ( A Brighton Dream ) Lyrics 12 years ago
Sitting in the bunker, waiting for the atomic bombs of the other side. Typical cold war feeling scenario of that time, we imagined to happen every coming day.

Fischer-Z – Luton To Lisbon Lyrics 12 years ago
Slow and untypical song, did`t like it 1981 either.

Seems to be about feeling hopeless.

Today much more interresting, foreseeing the end of the capital boom.

Fischer-Z – In England Lyrics 12 years ago
I love the line about Jack and Jill.

But I dont understand, what exactly is going on in England. Something with rule and regulations, you better disapprove. On the surface everything is so nice, but dont trust this!

Written in the Thatcher aera, this song
works today even better!

Fischer-Z – You'll Never Find Brian Here Lyrics 12 years ago
Good luck, Brian! And fuck the police!

Fischer-Z – Marliese Lyrics 12 years ago
2nd song of the album Red Skies Over Paradise and the hit song. Played everywhere at that time.

For me it was a fantasy of revenge song, when my girlfriend left me.
Favourite lines.
"Do I see tears? Well surely that`s not true
Don`t kid yourself, it`s not worth hurting you
But remember when you try to sleep"

Today it sounds like a song about a stalker.

Fischer-Z – Berlin Lyrics 12 years ago
Red Skies Over Paradise was one of my favourite albums in 1981! So I`ll try to comment on every song, trying to remember, what it meant for me and means now. Interresting project, i guess...

OK. Berlin. First song. It`s a hymn to the Western Berlin culture scene then. At this time, 1981, West Berlin really is an "island in Germny", surrounded by the communist GDR with the infamous WALL. An island of western culture, freer than even the western countries themselves. Many artists and free thinking people went to Berlin. West germans fled there from being drafted.Berlin never slept, so at six in the night it was the best time to meet most interresting people. Bowie was in Berlin at that time too.

So the song is all about the fascination of being in West Berlin in the 80s.

Fischer-Z – Cruise Missiles Lyrics 12 years ago
One of the songs fitting perfectly to the peace demonstrations 1981 against the stationing of US Pershing missiles in Germany.

Fischer-Z – The Writer Lyrics 12 years ago
I should read more exactly: white sheets. Purple stains. red wine, oder blood?

The singer is supposedly too young to know this- Argentina in the early 70s junta dictatorship? - but knows it anyway.

Fischer-Z – The Writer Lyrics 12 years ago
A writer is found dead.
Maybe he drank too much (bottle)
Maybe he had a writers block and committed suicide? (White papers)
Maybe he was killed by the gouvernment? (Because he brought a hint of change and set the blinds in motion)

The finder is not sure, whether he should inform the authorities.
Thats a typical twist in Fischer Z songs, leaving everything insecure and doubtful. Not their best song, but very interresting lyrics.

Atlantic, senoritas... could happen in Argentina.
Maybe about some real writer. Any idea, anyone?

Fischer-Z – Song And Dance Brigade Lyrics 12 years ago
Live Music vs Discotheque.

Fischer-Z – Battalions Of Strangers Lyrics 12 years ago
About war.

The army of the enemy has occupied the civilians town. Everybody is shocked, doen`t know how to react. The war has come home. Fighting has stopped. Moscow and Pentagon want a calm solution. Now everybody ist waiting for the outcome of negotiations.

Hard to decide where. maybe uniforms in khaki suggest a more southern country? maybe john watts talks more about the situation of civilians in a war in general.

Fischer-Z – You'll Never Find Brian Here Lyrics 12 years ago
Must read:

Ain´t it time that you are leaving

Sonic Youth – Wish Fulfillment Lyrics 12 years ago
It`s surely about someone the singer has put all his hopes in.
To me it could also be a politician you elected to fulfill your wishes, but now you see, how he`s getting washed up in all the political business, and doesn`t support the people that elected him anymore. Yu see him on the posters and on tv, an register how cold he has become. But still you hope he will return to the things you elected him for.

The Psychedelic Furs – Forever Now Lyrics 13 years ago
Sounds like a comment on the financial crisis of today.

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