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Rise Against – Disparity By Design Lyrics 13 years ago
Freakin awesome song, It's about how we are always told "you can be anything you wan't when you grow up" when in reality that is not entirely true. Half of it is just luck, just who you know
or where you came from
whose daughter are you?
whose fortunate son?

if we just take a step back
a bigger picture we might view
perhaps the man in the gutter
is not so different from you

Is another great part, just because somebody doesn't have good clothes and is in the street doesn't mean they really are any different than you.

Rise Against – Make It Stop (September's Children) Lyrics 13 years ago
It's sad how people can be and it makes a great point
what god would deal a heart?
and what god drove us apart?
what god could

So many people try and use religion to bash gays and it doesn't work

Bad Religion – No Control Lyrics 13 years ago
I'm glad, at least you don't have your head up your A$$ like many people and you don't freak out over it like many theists do! That deserves some respect!

Bad Religion – Atheist Peace Lyrics 13 years ago
True dee, its just a song. and castrophony, atheists do tend to do that, and ill admit its not fair, but religion does cause a lot of bad, but good too. but you don't see atheists blowing themselvs up over scientific theories or something.

Bad Religion – Atheist Peace Lyrics 13 years ago
I kind of agree. there would be less war, and at least it would be over something. but if no one believed in god we would probably be done with this war in Iraq and Afghanistan by now, because thats how the leaders of the insurgent groups are controlling their forces. many times they get promised like 40 virgins in heaven if they blow themselves up. but the war would have started, because America wants oil.

Bad Religion – Atheist Peace Lyrics 13 years ago
Yeah, cause a god that loves everyone would really condemn people do a fate of unimaginable horror. and according to religion few are going to heaven anyway, because nobody is perfect, and plenty of sects of christianity all say if you aren't part of THAT sect you go to hell, so if chirsitanity is correct then we all go to hell period. also I don't want to be part of a religion that thinks that priests who molest little kids can still go to heaven. I quite enjoy my life without god. god brings immorality under the guise of morality. have you seen what people will do in the name of god? and besides, your all powerful god doesn't need to be worshiped. if its really all powerful it could create a creature just to worship it. or it would show itself and then get all the worship it needs. lets say you have an ant farm, would you honestly care if they worshiped you? its not like they could help you do anything you could already do

Bad Religion – Atheist Peace Lyrics 13 years ago
Yeah, cause a god that loves everyone would really condemn people do a fate of unimaginable horror. and according to religion few are going to heaven anyway, because nobody is perfect, and plenty of sects of christianity all say if you aren't part of THAT sect you go to hell, so if chirsitanity is correct then we all go to hell period. also I don't want to be part of a religion that thinks that priests who molest little kids can still go to heaven. I quite enjoy my life without god. god brings immorality under the guise of morality. have you seen what people will do in the name of god? and besides, your all powerful god doesn't need to be worshiped. if its really all powerful it could create a creature just to worship it. or it would show itself and then get all the worship it needs. lets say you have an ant farm, would you honestly care if they worshiped you? its not like they could help you do anything you could already do

Bad Religion – Atheist Peace Lyrics 13 years ago
Gallium31, it doesn't matter, of course atheists fight, thats what people do, but they don't kill over what they believe, thats the point of the song. you have never had 2 intellectuals go "sir, I adamantly disagree with your theory, despite the massive amounts of evidence supporting it, so I am going to kill you and all the people who agree" that just doesn't work. As for hitler, without religion he would have had a harder time finding a scape goat to kill millions of, and even if he was atheist, he really didn't intern the jews just because of religion, he needed a scapegoat of people to blame so he could gain powah. and science doesn't have all the answers yet, but we explain a lot more, and eventually we shall either explain or disprove religion once and for all.

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