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The Smashing Pumpkins – Tonight, Tonight Lyrics 13 years ago
To me, the song (coupled with the video) represents the conscious and the unconscious (usually one is considered masculine and the other feminine depending on your sex) and how the two work together (when we dream at night) to fight your inner demons and make it all possible and believe in each other (meaning to believe in your whole self). I particularly love the lyrics, "and you know you're never sure, but you sure you could be right if you held yourself up to the light". I love it because, to me, it represents how we all struggle with our instinct and then doubt ourselves, but if we just held ourselves up to the light and examined ourselves as a whole and listened and learnt from our inner messages, who knows what could be possible.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Ava Adore Lyrics 13 years ago
I actually think it's about his anima (the unconscious of the male which finds expression as an inner feminine personality, conversely, the unconscious of the female finds expression as an inner masculine personality (animus)) and the ultimate struggle (like everyone else in this World) to find a balance between the conscious and the unconscious (we must never be apart). I think in this song, the anima is the whore, the murder in his world, the lover in his bed, the gun to his head, the one that drinks mercury to the mystery of all that it should ever seek to find, dresses coffins for the souls left behind and in the anima he feels dirty and can taste god (Eastern Philosphy focuses on the way in which to find your inner god). I think he is talking about the deep dark urges that we all have - ever had a sudden urge to hit someone or have a lucid violent dream? These urges/dreams are considered to be the messages or language of the unconscious.

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