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Coldplay – White Shadows Lyrics 13 years ago
A lot of the interpretations on here seem to fit, but i dont know. Maybe its a personal thing but this song's lyrics always make me think of a time in my life when i was depressed and started thinking about suicide.

"When i was a young boy i tried to listen, and i want to feel like that..." This bit made me think of how when you are in emotional pain, you can get caught up in your passed, wishing things were how they used to be and when you had the simplicity of childhood.

Also he repeats the line: "Part of a system, i am" or "Part of a system again..." If you feel like you are insignificant, just part of the cycle of life and death that keeps going and going, or socially just another person in the system of politics and big business and all that, you dont feel like you want to live that way ("Swim out on a sea of faces, tired of the human race" also).

He talks about answers and questions a few times, possibly questioning The way the world is and philosophy, the point of life ect? I thought of the "little white shadows" as these ideas of not mattering, questioning the way the world is and of course escaping it, little notions in the back of his head that could change everything if he let them, notions that scare the hell out of him and fascinate him all at once.

The bit about him waking up i think could mean that he is realizing the possiblility of death as an escape, especially because many people when they are depressed feel helpless and just dont know what to do to get rid of the pain, and if suicide crosses thier mind, it could seem like a clear, almost rational idea in the turmoil of your emotional problems, and at this point people tend to loose touch with the world and obsessed with escaping it (I cannot here, your breaking up)

Also "all this space i'm taking up", that doesn't need much of an explanation. And In the chorus, everything you ever wanted (freedom from the pain) in a permanent state (death?)

Finally, at the end of the song, He seems to think for the first time in the song about another person who he has feelings for on some level, and his tone changes a little. He sounds like he might be rethinking it.

Then again, i think its one of those songs that can mean a million different thing to a million different people, maybe i am thinking to specific, but thats what this song means to me i guess. Its a really good song either way.

Coldplay – White Shadows Lyrics 13 years ago

Dave Matthews Band – So Much to Say Lyrics 13 years ago
Also, I was depressed for a lng time a few years ago and completely agree that this song relates to that.

Dave Matthews Band – So Much to Say Lyrics 13 years ago
When i first heard this, I thought of a gay/ lesbian person trying to hide that side of themselves, mostly b/c of the first few lines. But I think I agree that its all about the way we put up a facade to please other people or make them think we are ok with being in our "closet", if that makes sense.

Coldplay – Clocks Lyrics 13 years ago
I love this song. Coldplay is amazing. I don't think there is one singular meaning to i; everyone sees it differently. I love this song, btw.

The Smashing Pumpkins – 1979 Lyrics 13 years ago
I love this song so much. I am pretty sure its about someone looking back at their past. It sounds like it is the person's teenage years, and they are remembering how his life was simpler back then, maybe he was more innocent in some way. I know that it is about summer, but i went on this trip with my school a few years ago to Quebec City in the dead of winter when they have this huge winter carnival. I listened to this song way to many times there and now when ever i hear it i have flashbacks to that trip.

Ke$ha – Tik Tok Lyrics 13 years ago
Well i am part of this generation. But i don't listen to this kind of thing! I listen to real music! I do know a lot of people who fit your description but not all of us are that bad.

Annie Little – Fly Me Away Lyrics 13 years ago
I didnt know little annie before i heard this song but i love it. There is something about it that is so sweet you know? It makes me think of day dreaming, maybe a girl dreaming about her boy. Or it could be about a little girl and her imaginary friend.

Florence + the Machine – My Boy Builds Coffins Lyrics 13 years ago
this song is way better live but its still awesome... i think it's about death. Death is the final eaqualizer because royalty and criminals and everyone in between all end up in his coffins, regardless of what they did when they were alive. Also, the guy works really hard building coffins and it takes most of his time but death causes all his hard work to be "thrown in the ground" and forgotten. Could that be like a metaphor? Like when we die, after a while everything we did and the impact we had are forgotten?

Ke$ha – Tik Tok Lyrics 13 years ago
I agree

Ke$ha – Tik Tok Lyrics 13 years ago
Is this what passes for "talent" these days? I can feel my brain cells dying as I listen to this song... Its just so shallow.

Ke$ha – Tik Tok Lyrics 13 years ago

Katy Perry – California Gurls Lyrics 13 years ago
The video for this song with the cupcake boob girls made me laugh soo hard

Katy Perry – California Gurls Lyrics 13 years ago
haha i was thinking the same thing

Pink – Stupid Girls Lyrics 13 years ago
I agreee with bethluvsmusic! Also i really, really doubt that pink is jealous of paris and all of them. I cant really imagine anyone being jealous of that. I dont really listen to this kinda music anymore but i like this song because of what pink is trying to say here.

Also shes not just talking about dumb blond celebrities. I know disgusting amounts of girls in my suburban high school that are all preppy and bitchy and anorexic and dumb. They are so shallow it makes me want to puke. they dont play sports or insrtuments or have interests or care about their grades or anything. Women have been working their asses off for the last century to gain rights and respect, and girls like that arent even trying to uphold that respect. they use their bodies to get what they want from boys. "outcasts and girls with ambition, thats what i want to see" She is talking about girls who are strong and work to get what they want.

Florence + the Machine – Blinding Lyrics 13 years ago
Yes it does saraheebs!!! & i loved that movie. But in this song, I thought that she was saying "No more dreaming of the day my protected self was undone" instead of "no more dreaming of the dead as though death itself was done". I think i liked it better that way. I thought it was about someone who was emotionally closed off but still half wished someone would change her, like they always do in romantic movies. She was getting desperate for someone and convinced herself that this guy was her soulmate ect., but now shes realizing he isnt and remembering why she pushed everyone away in the first place. In general i think its kind of about Growing up and realizing that nothing in life is as simple or perfect as they make it out to be in movies or tv that kids & teens watch ("no more dreaming like a girl, so in love with the wrong world). The world is full of pain and suffering Even if we often dont feel it. Also i think it could be about cocaine and someone finally realizing they are addicted and that they are being held back in life by drugs. In any case i love this song! florence is brilliant!! I think there are a lot of different ways you could look at it and it means different things to different people, which is what makes it such a good song You Know????

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