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Bloc Party – I Still Remember Lyrics 13 years ago
I'm pretty sure, like everyone else, that this song is about being in a friendly relationship with someone of the same sex and having feelings for them. Then looking back on those feelings and wishing you would have acted on them, because you were sure the other person had the same feelings for you. What people don't realize is that despite the fact that this song has a homo-sexual innuendo, it doesn't matter in the least, because it is a great song and someone's sexual orientation is completely insignificant to who they are and how they should be looked upon. Also, most people don't understand that love is a road, not an intersection where hetero and homo meet. This comment is coming from someone who is "straight" and comprehending this song isn't a matter of being "gay", it's a matter of being open minded for once.

Bloc Party – I Still Remember Lyrics 13 years ago
This is an incredible song with outstanding lyrics.

Muse – Uprising Lyrics 13 years ago
This song is obviously about the Illuminati. The lead singer even makes the Illuminati eye with his fingers while singing this song at the grammys. Look it up before pelting me with comments.

Immortal Technique – You Never Know Lyrics 13 years ago
This song is absolutely amazing. The lyrics are great, the background music is depressing, however it suits the song perfectly. Whenever I get to the part with the letter tech reads I get goosebumps on my neck and arms. Tech really paints an image in your mind with this song and in a way makes you love the girl he's describing as well. I wish that people realized how much better underground music is, because all the mainstream music we hear is total garbage. But either way this is a great song and if it is completely true I have to feel sorry for Immortal Technique. Major props to him.

Atmosphere – Yesterday Lyrics 14 years ago
At first I was convinced Slug was talking about a girl in the past, but then at the end he told about his dad who passed away and I had to rewind to make sure that was what I heard. That line almost winded me and I felt a certain sadness in my gut. This is a great song and it was probably my favourite in the album. I have to give major props to Slug for this song.

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