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Arcade Fire – Modern Man Lyrics 14 years ago
It seems to me that this song is addressing the modern state we live in and what it means to be a product of this culture. Modernity has promoted the idea of relativism and with that has come a lack of purpose or understanding. We have no truth or objectivity and because of this "something don't feel right." Relativity provides no truth or understanding of reality.

"In my dream I was almost there
But you pulled me aside and said you're going nowhere"

We cannot get anywhere with relativity and it pulls us to "nowhere." We "wait in line" for an answer but we never get one, so as a result we are "wasted." We're like a record because we always end up in the same state of waiting for something to reveal itself to us and just make sense because for many of us modernity has left us without any answers and no motivation toward discovering purpose because purpose cannot be defined.

Also, "In line for a number but you don't understand" seems to express the wait for death. We wait for our number, or our time to die, to turn up, and in the mean time we "don't understand," which is a result of relativism. I liked that line so I thought I would elaborate on it.

In short, this is song seems to be about the existential crisis of the modern man.

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