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Silversun Pickups – Substitution Lyrics 14 years ago
Pretty spot on, def opened my eyes about the song and changed some of my views. But as with any music personal meaning is a must. We seem to have some draw some comparsions, my comments are some of the latest if you wanna check them out!!

Silversun Pickups – Substitution Lyrics 14 years ago

heres to any of you skeptics who thinks this song is about death or something else. While there may not be only one meaning for the song, the message they clearly try to get through is about relationships. At the end of the video the one chick comes out as "victor" while all the others look on in disappointment, but don't really seem to get attached to "potential partners", so although they are disappointed, they dont care all to much, any hot chick has many men going after her, especially in todays dating scene.

.."When the voices start spitting just be aware
I've brought enough stones for us to share
That one's grinning that one's burning aim for the throat.."
~many other great lyrics, but this is really eye opening. Basically when your single and looking for someone (especially male) we say to have five potential suitors (with one possibly being one your really like). So you just have to Substitute the next one in to not let your emotions get out of control.

haha What's also funny is how he says "I'm sorry", saying this is like waving up the white flag to a woman, and when they really want you to be in control.
Brian is able to further reiterates the concept of the complexities males have about understanding of a females mind and of relationships throughout the song.

Okay, well that's my opinion!!

Anthony S

Silversun Pickups – Substitution Lyrics 14 years ago
Only read a few comments but this song so badass. Originally liked it for just harmony catchy lyrics purpose (common entry point) but Silversun incorporates such great messages. I'm just starting to IRL understand the realities of how relationships start/end and this song and the music video that goes a long with it really to what I think their trying to get through.

Alright well im going to read some more comments and hear your guys take!

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