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Iron & Wine – Naked as We Came Lyrics 13 years ago
I think of a woman waking up and kind of laying around, waiting for her partner to wake up and he does.. She is laughing and telling him to get up and he's refusing, keeping his eyes shut, smiling, grabbing her in an embrace playfully and not letting go, just taking in the moment of being together and "breathing her"... just a playful moment of pure love described, and it means more than that on a different level, i agree with the symbolism and the meaning of what she says as stated before!

love this song

Blink-182 – Go Lyrics 13 years ago
agreed, the part where the music stops and it's just mark.. so good. i've been here.

The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition Lyrics 14 years ago
that's so awesome! great song for sure.. i wonder how many people in the world have driven to this song and got this feeling

Third Eye Blind – Semi-Charmed Life Lyrics 14 years ago
As a kid, I thought it was about opening birthday presents and not getting what you wanted -- "I want something else."

You have to love Jenkins' literary references. It seems nobody else picked up on this: the term 'Charmed Life' is a reference to a line in Shakespeare's Macbeth.

Snow Patrol – Open Your Eyes Lyrics 14 years ago
The way this song builds up is so incredible. Heard it in concert and teared up.

Vertical Horizon – You're A God Lyrics 14 years ago
I feel like I'm in a 90's movie walking down a street and listening to this haha

LCD Soundsystem – All My Friends Lyrics 14 years ago
I think somebody posted the general link but not the direct one to the actual media player for the interview:

I think you have to listen to that to get the song. I heard it and read all the comments but none of it clicked for me until I heard the interview. I knew this was a song with so much meaning that I wasn't getting.

It's just about growing up, getting married, working hard, being responsible-- all the things we're terrified of, even though they have a time and a place and bring joy, too. Theres a point when you just grow up. And when you do, you look back on all the times with all your friends that have to fade out, because the lifestyle of the young is unsustainable. The crazy nights with friends, the careless and being naiive and stupid and making mistakes, it's incredible. But it's not right at a certain age anymore, it unfulfilling, but that doesn't mean you don't miss it when it's gone.

This is about trying to relive it one last time and seeing that it's all different, now, somehow.

Before this song, I never realized what a big part of life friends were. I mean, I have 'em and love and spend time with them. But I guess being away from your family makes them so important, even though many come and go, friends are the people of your life.

Third Eye Blind – Non-Dairy Creamer Lyrics 14 years ago
Lame lyrics, outdated references. If you were going to be political, at least be current and pick a theme instead of surface level phrases.

But if I ignore the lyrics completely I love it.

Blind Pilot – One Red Thread Lyrics 14 years ago
I was sure there would be more posts for this song. It's nice to listen to but I can't scrape up any meaning about it. I was sure there would be speculators. I'd really like to know what the heck this guy is talking about.

Third Eye Blind – Bonfire Lyrics 14 years ago
LOVE this song. It's about the way you can barely breath for love, the way somebody you love makes you feel, still loving somebody who broke you. And it's about being unsure where things will go, but just putting your faith in the universe, closing your eyes, not :living in doubt", and but just living out whatever happens next,

Sun Kil Moon – Neverending Math Equation Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is the manifestatin of the weird vacant feeling you get sometimes at the airport, when you haven't slept and your body is thrown off from the flights and the fluorescent lights start to get to you and you start thinking about your life.

It's just him thinking about life, what his life means in relation the world, trying to put it all in terms he can explain or understand, something like a math equation. I think the conclusion he comes away with, though, is that there is no conclusion. "We ain't sure where you stand." Nobody knows -- nobody has ever known, not for sure, and nobody ever will.

Sun Kil Moon – Neverending Math Equation Lyrics 14 years ago
to 'controlfreak' definitely, yeah you change, you literally aren't the same you are as when you are six. But you are the same being, everything changes, but you were that person, you know that person, you are so profoundly different from that 6 year old kid, but still, you evolved from that person, you came from that person, you are grown up -- when did that happen? -- and if you stripped everything away, you'd be that kid again.

Death Cab for Cutie – Tiny Vessels Lyrics 14 years ago
I guess commenting on the 12th page is pretty played out, this song has already been picked to bits. My 2 cents: everybody just wants to be in love, even if you're pretending and saying the words and wanting to believe it. The person you are trying to deceive is yourself, you want to feel it. But you can't, you really can't will yourself into loving or even liking somebody when there isn't chemistry. I wish you could -- then you could pick somebody who was good for you instead of the one who makes you go out of your mind, in a good and bad way.

It's also about a transition, about the point when you start having sex because it feels good, because most people start of having sex for deeper reasons.

I guess this song strikes me because I am terrified of being the kind of girl who is beautiful until you get to know her, or whose beauty is just not enough to make you love her, the girl who has beauty and nothing else. I don't mean that to sound like I'm so beautiful or whatever. Just a thought, that the physical beauty of girls isn't everything to guys, despite what people think.

Augustana – Hotel Roosevelt Lyrics 14 years ago
I think he says more at the end, something like "I can't ever change for you," at least in live versions?

I think this song is about the beginning of the end, when you start to realize it isn't going to work.

Death Cab for Cutie – 405 Lyrics 14 years ago
It feels like being in love when you're so unsure of love, of the girl, of where you're going or who you even are.

Death Cab for Cutie – 405 Lyrics 14 years ago
Yes, definitely a song to play on a drive with the windows down when it is sunny. 'Alcoholic summer' has so many connotations, of drunken dizzy love in the summer heat, of long lazy days full of drinks and friends.

I don't know what it means. But listening to it makes me feel happy and sad all at once.

The Script – Breakeven Lyrics 14 years ago
It's very very obvious what this song is talking about. But I heard it for the first time driving very early in the morning, after crying through the night at the news of the closest person in my life's death.

"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayed to a god that I don't believe in."
>> So exact of a match to me. I knew I would live without him, life would continue, and no, I don't believe in God, but I wanted so badly to believe he went to this God, that he was in Heaven and I would see him again. Yeah, I was alive, but I didn't want to be without him.

"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?
...I'm falling to pieces"
>> The same feelings of loss he has for his love, I felt for this death, this incredible loss and sadness of somebody who was a huge part of me. Somebody who was so incredible, who I could only hope to be like, the smiling face in my memories, the best part of me, and how lost I felt without his guidance.

"They say bad things happen for a reason
But no wise words gonna stop me bleeding"
>>I was sick of hearing all the wise words, that everybody dies, that it was his time to go. All these words, they didn't take away the pain of the loss, the fact that I would never see him again.

"Coz you left me with no love, with no love to my name"
>>Here is the anger I felt, the 'how could you leave me? How do expect me to live without you? How can I know a world without you in, how can I be happy without you to share my life with?'

Honestly, I've never been in love, but after this death, I could sympathize with being heartbroken, with the loss and pain of losing such a large part of your life. I know my interpretation has nothing to do with the intended message of this song, but the lines struck me on that drive. The first true loss of my life. I hear this song and think about the sadness, the feeling of "falling to pieces" on that morning drive. But I remember him when I hear it, so I play it often, in times when he is on my mind, moreso than usual.

The Honorary Title – Revealing Too Much Lyrics 14 years ago
wow, before I read the lyrics, I thought this song was him begging her not to give up on their relationship. but reading the lyrics, it's not even very open to interpretation.

good catch on "Accentuated by the mobile dungeon of fluorescence" being the ambulance, definitely did not catch that myself.

I agree with all those above me, the way he sings this song is so full of emotion.

"I will not allow you to destroy yourself"
wow. don't we all try to save each other with love? don't we all wish that our love was enough to bring happiness to those we love? i can't imagine being in this situation. it hurts so much to see somebody you love hurt.

The Honorary Title – Untouched and Intact Lyrics 14 years ago
*This band is so incredible live, SO MUCH better than what you will hear on the record.*

Agree with 'wannabesluts '
"I will always, always, I will watch over you"
Such a striking line. The girl changes but he'll always care for her, look after her, and want her.

It's a very strange feeling, being in situations that are the 'same' but the people have changed, things are just different. "There we were in the same restaurant." Or looking at a picture-- the 'frame' and 'print' he refers to.

The past is such a haunting this, isn't it? One of things we always want but can never have back, the things and people, the places and memories, they will always evade us.

I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness – Your Worst Is the Best Lyrics 14 years ago
It's about trying to protect yourself even though you have to be vulnerable to fall in love.

It's so easy to be scared of falling, to walk away and not let yourself let close to someone out of fear of getting hurt.

I think this guy did it, walked away, and he regrets it, because the girl was special, at her worst she was the best girl for me, but he played the game, and he's happy ("confident") he didn't let himself be hurt by this girl.

And then he realizes that he actually lost, that it was a mistake.

Snow Patrol – Just Say Yes Lyrics 14 years ago
Straightforward and relatable song. It might be taken very literally as a marriage proposal, but looking from a different angle, it could be about deciding whether or not to even fall in love.

For somebody who has been hurt, it's very hard to yield to love at all. There's so much to hold you back from falling again, from opening yourself to somebody, from just saying yes because then you become very vulnerable and intimate.

But this guy, he's so in love with the girl. He is assuring her that it will be worth it, whatever pain will inevitably come. It's a promise that his love is real, that she should just throw away her precautions and inhibitions, all the things she guards herself with, protects her heart with. It's frustrating to him, because he just wants her so much.

Snow Patrol is so good at sensual imagery. "Im aching and I know you are too/ For the touch of your warm skin/ As I breathe you in." Often it is in moments of physical closeness that we surrender our hearts.

It's very hard to find somebody who will work so hard to beat down those walls. That's what makes the song so sweet.

Pinback – Penelope Lyrics 14 years ago
I must have listened to this song a million times before I got the goldfish thing. It makes sense, but it took away a lot of the meaning it held for me.

I don't really think the songwriter meant very much when writing this song. The music came out beautifully, the lyrics are visually graphic and paint a lot of imagery. I don't think this song has too much meaning to the songwriter itself.

Listeners can take it however they like to, though. I used to imagine a beautiful girl in a white dress, her body and clothes soaked to the bone, her dark hair wet and dangling down, her lungs filling with water somehow, floating up, in the blue light of a thick forest, just floating up. Just some of the words making this imagery to me as I sleepily listened.

Then I came to this site and read about goldfish and that's all I can think about. But this song, it did save me, for a while.

Passion Pit – Swimming in the Flood Lyrics 14 years ago
This band is so original, their sound is so striking and emotional and just cool. I feel like you could get a lot of meaning out of this song if you were going through something and heard this song. But there's nothing in my life to relate these words to right now. I'm just listening to it, enjoying the sound, liking how it makes me feel.

Simon and Garfunkel – America Lyrics 14 years ago
"Kathy, I'm lost," I said, though I knew she was sleeping
I'm empty and aching and I don't know why

I used to listen to this song about a million times a day, in a time period when I was very lonely. It's such a lonely song. I'm empty and aching and I don't know why. He tells her while she is sleeping-- that's important. How do you convey to somebody you love that you feel lost? That you don't even know why? That you feel alone, despite their presence? That something is missing?

They are traveling through America, through life. Running away, kind of. They are goofy and silly, they are in love, but they are looking for something, especially as they get tired.

It's the perfect thing to do, when you feel lost, to wander. To look for what you need within yourself, in the outside world. Discovering the world outside yourself helps you to uncover the world inside yourself. We are all searching for something, in the world, in ourselves. So often in life, there is just something missing.

I remember listening to this in my portable cassette player, staring out the window of a moving car, feeling so impossibly lost.

The lyrics are straightforward, almost a story. But they convey more than the actual words. It's a song written on a feeling.

Modest Mouse – 3rd Planet Lyrics 14 years ago
and yes, i think he came to a lot of these conclusions due to a miscarriage. It makes a lot of sense looking at it like that, that you would be led to think about your place in the world after something like that.

Modest Mouse – 3rd Planet Lyrics 14 years ago
I could speculate all day about what this song means to the person who wrote it, and I've read all these things that other people think it means. I tried to put it out of my head and listen to this song again, to hear the words and think what it means to me, to my life. Nobody has to agree. Here goes.

We are so infinitely small, just tiny bodies holding little souls in the middle of something that goes on in forever either ways, just a blip in time and a dot in the universe. But at the same time, we are living this life, our existence is important because it's all we will ever know. We are capable of creating more life, we are infinitely large ourselves, we are an entire universe inside our bodies and souls.

There is a parallel drawn. We are a universe. We live in a universe. We are small, we are large. We are a piece of infinity, we are infinity. We are so small, but in our own hearts and minds, we can do things that are important. We can love, we can create life. From the overall perspective, it's nothing. But to us, it is everything.

The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition Lyrics 14 years ago
I rode back home from college with 3 very close friends, driving through the fields on that familiar path home, the windows down and the wind rushing through the car, blasting this song, our hair flying. It was one of the most incredible moments of my life, it encompassed everything I was feeling in that moment.

First, the buildup makes you think of things all starting-- to me, the excitement of an adventure, sharing the song and moment with friends, thinking of all the rest of the beautiful moments we would have together. And nostalgic, going home for the first time in so long, so weird to be going back to a life we used to live, the houses we grew up in, our parents, our dogs, our streets with the kids playing, feeling so profoundly different from the person you were when this was your life.

This song is about being stuck between then and now. Who are you, really, in this moment? What can you know, more than what you feel? "A moment, a love, A dream aloud,A kiss, a cry, Our rights, our wrongs" << all the little things that give life meaning, feeling alive when the emotions that accompany these things rush over you. Just feeling so alive.

Red House Painters – Have You Forgotten Lyrics 14 years ago
Beautiful. So heartbreakingly beautiful. I heard the more upbeat version of the song for the first time today, I guess this is the album version? I'd heard the Vanilla Sky OST version.

The first lines paint such a clear picture. A beautiful girl, everything he wants, wrapped up in white sheets, sweet and vulnerable, an angel in his eyes, the way you look at someone you love and just feel filled to the brim.

The imagery of seasons is really strong too, he takes you to each season, the beautiful parts of october and summer and christmas. This song is sad and happy together, the way memories are, looking back and remembering the good times and love and happiness, but filled with sadness too that the seasons have changed, that people change, that we have to move on, to leave, that all those good things must end though there are still good things now and in the future. You can never have the moments again, and although they were good times, the past is full of the sadness of loss.

so many emotions rushing through me listening to this. Yeah, it's about love, but it encompasses much more than that. it's about growing up and figuring things out, figuring yourself out, figuring love out, figuring out how to love someone and not lose yourself, figuring out how to love at all. So incredible. The first time I heard this I was struck, and I still am.

The Chicks – The Long Way Around Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm pretty sure it is "I opened my mouth and I hurt myself" isn't it?

Well, anyway, this song reminds me of a girl I knew who had a non-traditional young adulthood. She dropped out of high school, moved in with a much older boyfriend, ran away with a friend, lived in a van, driving up and down the west coast, getting odd jobs for money or stealing. She ended up having kids and settling down, but still talks about what a fight it is to leave the freedom behind her.

I always though I would have that kind of crazy 'long way around' life too but I ended up on the short-way route when I got accepted to a prestigious school. Now I'm studying business and fighting the rigor and responsibility every day. I listen to this song and think, why am I here, on this path leading me to some corporate job and textbook life?

As much as I do love school, I would very much like to be out in the world taking the long way around, truly and fearlessly experiencing life, having all the crazy experiences described in this song. The lyrics just mean a lot to me. I console myself by thinking, there is still a way. I don't have to live this traditional life. I have so many options to explore, still. I can still take the long way around.

Bloc Party – Sunday Lyrics 14 years ago
I agree with everybody before me, it's a simple song about love.

Sunday, the day itself, has such a distinct feeling to me. It's a lazy day, you wake up and the memories and drinks and feelings and city and lights and people of the night before hit you. The fun is behind you and it's pretty lonely."It was a heavy night."

My favorite Sundays have been dragging myself out of bed for late lunch with friends, tons of greasy food and recounting stories from the night before, laughing, all of us in sweatpants and no makeup. Then doing something lazy, taking the day slow, like in the song, going to the park or just hanging out.

But I heard this song on a Sunday once, and it hit me, how nice it would be to wake up on a Sunday next to someone you love, spending the whole slow lazy day with them, a simple small part of love we overlook. People, myself included, look back on love and remember anniversaries and valentines day but not the Sundays. Just waking up with someone, looking in their eyes, "head on my chest, a silent smile, a private kind of happiness " even if you aren't perfect, even if there are more beautiful girls, just doing your best together.

Whoever wrote this song knows about love, past the stages of lust, but at the point when you just smile hearing their name, when you're totally comfortable with them, and open to them in the most intimate Sunday morning way..

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