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Madonna – Jump Lyrics 13 years ago
All about taking decisions, doing things, taking risks in order to achieve your objectives in life without any repentence, with no regrets...and relying on your own strength, on the resistance of your mind and heart to keep on even with all the obstacles in your way. Also notice the beat on the song and the start and liste to PSB West End Girls :-) it was her way to pay homage to them, and she did it with a great song.

Pet Shop Boys – Love Comes Quickly Lyrics 14 years ago
Very is inevitable, even for those who seem to be to busy to give any atention to those matters, even for those who seem not to believe in such a thing, eve for those who somehow tend to say they don't want it, love will eventualy come and strike you even if in the day before you were very much sure it wouldn' happen nothing in your life, love comes quickly, without warning, just when you least expected and there is no way you can avoid that to happen, someday, somehow you will fall in love.
One of the most simple yet beautifull and meaningfull songs made and my favorite by the Pet Shop Boys.
I relate to this song a lot

Pet Shop Boys – Two Divided By Zero Lyrics 14 years ago
This is a good song of their firts album and i'm stunned no one commented on that. I´ll try to find the meaning in this ine, it's a bit hard

Depeche Mode – Never Let Me Down Again Lyrics 14 years ago
This song could be about so many things but for what I know (and I am an avid D_M fan so I know a lot) this song is NOT about gay sex.
The drug thing makes sense as also the "never wanting to be let down" by those who are most close to him works to but gay sex its just not the thing!

Garbage – Milk Lyrics 14 years ago
Just about waiting for something you utterly want/desire but that you somehow know you can never have....but you're still there waiting, waiting and waiting....
This song is easily their most beautiful an eerie song, so haunting...and her voice hummm...I can't find words to can feel the music, the very heart of it through Shirleys voice.
I love to listen to this song late at night with the lights off and my eyes that kind of song that haunts your mind for hours, days, weeks after you've listen to it.

Garbage – I'm Only Happy When it Rains Lyrics 14 years ago
This song needs more comments. It's one of their best and a landmark of the 90's rock music
And tallandrew1982, the producer of the Nirvanas Album Nevermind didn't just play in this band, he is part of the band Butch Vig is the drummer.

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