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MGMT – Time to Pretend Lyrics 10 years ago
This is clearly about a very hollow lifestyle; sung from the point of view of a person who doesn't really know what he or she really wants out of life, and is doing things for the sake of what is expected from society, what's been glorified in television and movies.

Modest Mouse – Parting of the Sensory Lyrics 11 years ago
Sometimes, no matter what you do, it seems like you just can't win. All of your efforts will seem to be for nothing. Life is an obvious example, since we'll all be dead eventually, but there are plenty of other situations we'll feel as though we were destined to fail. That's what this song is to me. It's about the feelings and thoughts we have when we fail.

Queen – We Are The Champions Lyrics 12 years ago
To me, this song is really about overcoming. This became especially apparent while working through a somewhat deep depression a while back. Before, especially as a kid, all I ever saw it as was a victory song to be played after a sporting event or something of that sort. It had no meaning to me beyond that. Because of that, I always kind of overlooked it because of how overplayed it seemed to be. In the thick of it, while I was on the verge of tears, it came on the radio and I actually started really LISTENING to the lyrics.

That's when the overcoming theme hit me. Maybe it's kind of obvious to a lot of you, but for me it took a while. Now, when I hear him say "We are the champions," I'm not envisioning a guy scoring a last minute goal. The "we" Freddy Mercury is singing about is actually you and me. If you've ever had a time where you felt like laying down, giving up, dying, but you're still here. You're not giving up. You're going to stick through to the end. You're going to get right back up every time life throws you to the ground and keep fighting, no matter how big a challenge is standing before you. No matter how hopeless your goal may seem. That's how you're a true champion.

Thank you Freddy, for your encouraging words. They've helped me through tough times more than you could know. May you rest in peace.

Queen – We Are The Champions Lyrics 13 years ago
Here's my take on the song:

It's not simply about winning a sports championship, and it's not simply about rising to fame despite those who put you down. It's about rising up and overcoming ANY obstacle. Every one of us will go through hard times, and those of us who continue on as life throws one hardship after another at us are champions simply because we don't give up on life, our goals, or the things we love. We're still here, fighting till the end.

See, it doesn't matter if you're not an athlete winning a big game. Everyone has challenges, and those challenges in your day to day life can be so much more difficult than any game. We've all had to pull through, so let's bask in our victory, because WE are the champions, my friends. Every one of us, in our own way.

Buffalo Springfield – For What It's Worth Lyrics 14 years ago
The Kent State shootings happened in 1970. This is a 1967 song.

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