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Regina Spektor – Eet Lyrics 13 years ago
ahahhahaha, beat down by sailor.
ps regi spek <3

Regina Spektor – Hero Lyrics 13 years ago
shit, i fucked that up. *assume instead of hanging himself i said he overdosed.

Regina Spektor – Hero Lyrics 13 years ago
im the hero of the story, i dont need to be saved.
the story is my life. once im dead, there is no more story. all the people around me are merely characters. because everything i see is from my point of view, that must make me the hero. therefore whatever i do will lead to the end of the story. the conclusion may be a peaceful death in an old age home.
or hanging yourself as a teenager.
either ending, is the end of the story, and is therefore intended.
people assume that the kid that overdosed is in the wrong and needed help. but that is from our stories point of view, his story ended with an overdose, he was the hero in it because it was from his point of view. therefore, the events prior to it were what the hero was meant to do, and as such he does not need to be saved. because this is the conclusion.
at the end of a third-person story it goes 'and paul died. and jane was terribly distraught'
at the conclusion of a first person story (our lives) it goes 'i died.'
there is nothing after, so who's to say it was the wrong thing.

i feel like im not explaining myself properly.
its generally along the lines of what other people said i guess.

the trouble comes in when you see the other people in your life as merely characters in your story, and therefore have no compassion for them after your story has ended.

yeah, definitely does not make a whole heap of sense to me, but this is what you get a 1.30am.

Regina Spektor – Laughing With Lyrics 14 years ago
ok, wow, long post - you sure know what you're on about
i am a 16 year old catholic and i believe most of the people dont see the bible correctly.

First of all it isnt a collection of facts, most of the earliest parts in the bible are merely stories, stories told back in a time when scientific research didnt hold sway. God didnt literally create a guy called adam and a chick called eve. they are symbolic. The same for noah's ark. it is merely a story. There IS scientific evidence however of a man very similar to abraham which gives credit to others of the bible's teachings.

To understand the bible as a christian you shouldnt take the old testament literally, because it doesnt apply to us in modern society. Moses was given a set of laws to govern the people, until the son of god came and spread the word of the lord. Basically the ten commandments were a quickfix solution to humanity. and when jesus came, he simplified and added to these laws. The two great commandments as said by jesus come down to "love god" and "love humans" (humans being everyone including yourself) these two commandments cover all others.

Basically the bible is there to be interpreted by yourself. I dont think i am a full blooded 'traditional' catholic, i believe that god is loving and cannot be described fully by the church. i do not believe in hell. This is often received with scorn, because people think im trying to get out of going to hell just by not believing.

i am tired and should go to bed in a second, but i want to tell a story that my chemistry teacher told me one lesson, i respect his view of God and Jesus completely and i believe the story reveals a lot about the lord that people do not understand.

There was a group of 3 KKK members and they decided to beat up this black man. They jumped him and stomped his face and broke his ribs leaving him close to death, then they tied him to the back of their car and sped off down the road with the man getting dragged behind and eventually dying. However, later the car got hit by another car and all three KKK members died on impact.

Both the negro and all the KKK members went to heaven.

Heaven is the act of being with God. So all the men were sitting around staring at God just revelling in his brilliance, and therefore were in 'Heaven', seeing God and being with him. However after a short period of time in Heaven (say, a couple billion years) one of the KKK men looked to his left and was shocked to see the Negro whom they had killed was sitting there staring bedazzled at the Lord. Well the KKK man was not happy with this and resent grew in him and he had switched his attention from staring at the Lord's wonder to wishing that he could be sitting next to a normal white person and not the dirty black man. Seeing as he was now not focused on the lord and was instead focused on his hate for negroes, the KKK man was no longer in heaven at all - he was in what could be considered hell (being separate from God).

Another of the KKK trio noticed the black man, realised in the light of the lord his wrong doings and immediately went back to watching God and being in heaven.

The third KKK man noticed the black man and was undecided on the issue, each time he went back to deciding on whether he could handle sitting next to the black man he entered hell, but then he would realise the lord was there waiting, so he returned to heaven. Eventually after many cycles of this the man realised heaven was a much better state and accepted the Negro.

The Negro man was sitting there too, looked over to the men who had tortured and killed him, and he didnt care, a second later he had returned his attention to God and he was in heaven.

so that is the story, it is lost a little in translation because my chem teacher says it with great enthusiam and adds bits of humour to it. also i heard it about six months ago so the details are a little sketchy. however you get the general gist i hope. so in summing up i believe in God, and i believe that the bible is there to be interpreted differently for each individual, there is no perfect writing of God because all the stories are written by man. To truly understand god you have to look within yourself. Just like in the story you are judged not on what you've done, but who you are.

sorry if this was a bit irrelevant and not very well written, its late, but i felt it needed saying.
have a lovely easter everyone

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