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Bright Eyes – Easy/Lucky/Free Lyrics 12 years ago
Funny. When I first heard this song I didn't really think about death. Well, maybe a little. Personally, this song to me was about how these restrictions we put ourselves, this system we live in - it's meaningless compared to the greater scheme of things. Death, love, life. I guess that goes hand and hand with the theories above, but I do disagree with the whole "You can't be easy/lucky/free if you're alive." though, I think it goes both ways.

"Refrigerators full of blood" - I always saw it as the advancement of modern medicine. At the start of humanity, everyone was poor and sickly, dying young - now we have people living into their hundreds.

I try to live it by it easy/lucky/free... well that and, "Go Easy, Step Lightly, Stay Free" by The Clash, kinda ironic that they're so similar. Maybe it's just some kind of universal message.

Frank Turner – I Am Disappeared Lyrics 12 years ago
Agree with the Brand New comment. Not saying the two are connected in anyway, just every time I hear that last part I think about "Bought a Bride".

But either was this song is fantastic. The people above me pretty much nailed the meaning; life, regrets etc. Really great song.

The Gallery – Who's In the Right Lyrics 13 years ago
Such a great, amazing song, it's been in my head all day and just felt like I needed to comment. It's such a simple message, that's what angers me the most is that people still can't get it. But anyway, awesome song.

The Gaslight Anthem – Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis? Lyrics 13 years ago
Right now, my best shot at what I think this song means is just the general wear of life. You know you've got your heartache, you've got these weights and expectations and so many other things just wearing you out. You're just trying to figure things out. Just one of those moments when you feel under all of it? If that makes any sense.

But that wasn't a really great attempt, but that's just my opinion. Beautiful song.

Brand New – At the Bottom Lyrics 13 years ago
This sounds weird and a bit like rambling, but am I the only one who gets an "At The Bottom" feel to this song? I had to pick a song for this music assignment and I have explain it's musical elements, obviously I chose At The Bottom and while I was explaining it's "Timbre", it occurred to me that this song has a weightless, sort of heavy feel you know, the kind you get when your at the bottom of a pool or something like that. Don't really know how to explain it further without posting my actual assignment... but yeah, weird. Just thought I'd mention that.

Explosions in the Sky – It's Natural to Be Afraid Lyrics 13 years ago
I was feeling so stressed out about everything, so I decided to grab my iPod, sit with my back against a wall, close my eyes and listen to this song. I kept my mind blank and just let random thoughts wander through, but eventually they stopped and this song sort of become everything. Everything I felt, everything I saw, everything I thought. Now I feel so freaking calm, it's so strange. This song is just too good.

My mothers really into this "Alpha Brainwave" Music stuff, that stimulates your brain and whatnot -- it sounds so much like Explosions in the Sky. I thought that was pretty cool, because here you have these scientists trying to give you brain music that makes you smarter etc. when Explosions in the Sky was owning it all along. No Science needed, just pure, raw emotion.

The Gaslight Anthem – The Backseat Lyrics 13 years ago
Reminds me of the time my brother convinced me and my other brother to go out with him and some of his friends to this picnic thing. Eight people in his tiny car, driving on the highway with the windows rolled down, blasting music. Not a lot of knee space, but kind of cool.

Really like this song.

Bright Eyes – One for You, One for Me Lyrics 13 years ago
"You and me, you and me that is an awful lie
It's I and I,"

I was thinking about what a great line that is. It's sort of saying "you and me" isn't enough, we're all together in this. I was watching a live version of this last night on Youtube and what was really awesome was that when Conor sang "One for you, one for me" every time he did 'one for you' he patted himself, and 'one for me' he gestured towards to the crowd. I was thinking that's kind of the I and I thing right there.

What I'd do to get to a Bright Eyes concert, sad thing is they don't usually tour countries they only have a handful of fans in. All we get is U2, big deal to some but to me? I'd take Bright Eyes any day.

Bright Eyes – Jejune Stars Lyrics 13 years ago
Such a great song, such a great album. I guess my take on it is how we're all equal, I've rolling the word jejune around my head the whole freaking day (partly because I've been listening to this album the whole day) but a basic dictionary definition is sort of ordinary and naive. So jejune stars? All these feelings, all these emotions we thought were so profound, they're all part of life. We should just make the most of it. Doubt my meaning is even in the area of the real meaning of the song, but my opinion, right?

Bright Eyes – Drunk Kid Catholic Lyrics 13 years ago
I know not all catholics are drunks, but most of the kids in my class have dabbled in some kind of alcohol. Really, I'd do anything to transfer schools. I had a theory for this song, but it just sort of it escaped me. But the just of it would be that these lovely catholics I meet with every morning of every week day; its more like do whatever you want - repent later. You're drilled with these values and stuff, but in the end people think they live a separate life from religion. Like 9 to 12 is be a perfect student, then its lets skip next period or get super drunk and do some things in some empty classrooms. But this is me, venting my frustration on having to attend a Catholic School. Don't do it your kids. But okay, underlying - Catholics somethings going to save us, if we believe God he's going to swoop down and save us; why would we do anything to have to deserve it? And Drunk Kids, I should quit drinking, oh, wait no, look beer - not my strongest subject. I'll ask my classmates and get back.

Brand New – Two-Headed Boy Pt. 2 (Neutral Milk Hotel cover) Lyrics 13 years ago
I don't think covers are supposed to compare to originals, it's why they're covers. Its someone playing a song they like. Whether you're Jesse Lacey or the guy who sings for tips. Some people will like it, others won't. I really love this cover, and because of Jesse's Covers I've gotten into a lot bands I never knew about before, NMH for one.

Brand New – Bought a Bride Lyrics 13 years ago
You know what on second thought, screw it.

Brand New – Bought a Bride Lyrics 13 years ago
Okay so I finally got my hands on the Bought A Bride version from the Daisy sessions? If you haven't heard it I suggest you do, the lyrics are a lot clearer, and I'm really starting to think it's:
"Tree's will make a forest, tree's will make a boat."
Because of the last line.
"Sleeping on the stairway, dreamt I had a boat,
Sailed it out the harbor shot it four holes,
Folded up my prayerbook couldn't see no lines,
Drowning in the kelp bed, I bought a bride."

Brandon Flowers – On The Floor Lyrics 13 years ago
Religious or not it's a really great song.

Brand New – Jaws Theme Swimming Lyrics 13 years ago
I know its like 7 years later, but I need to know something. Did Jesse or Vinnie write the song? Because I was going through whats left of my Deja Booklet - don't ask me how I lose these things, I just do - and I'm missing the last page, but am I was looking at the little marks next to the titles that show who wrote them, I have from Sic Transit to Jaws. * and +, I'm starting to think I imagined it all. The key for these "marks" are on the last page. And Jaws has a + which I'm thinking means they both wrote it... the lyrics. That's what I remember it saying, not just the music but the lyrics. It was bothering me because on the Daisy pages everyone comments on how Vinnie's lyrics don't compare to Jesse's, which I don't agree with cause Vinnie wrote some songs on Deja. Is there anyone who can help me with this? Dig up the Deja booklet, its on the last page of lyrics right at the bottom.

Brand New – Vices Lyrics 13 years ago
I just realized it's been a while since I listened to this song... Man, forgot how much I freaking loved it. It's going to be on repeat for the next hour. And to the the haters, I don't think you're giving it a chance. At first, shamefully, I hated Daisy, kept complaining about how it wasn't Brand New and how they'd "lost the plot". But Daisy grew on me like a freaking extra limb and now I can't live without it. Especially this song. Let Daisy grow on you, because it will. If you really loved Brand New then trust me, it will.

Pillar – One Thing Lyrics 14 years ago
I agree with both of the statements above but I just want to add to what they have already said, but the way I see it and sorta see it in on my own life is how sometimes see we ourselves as worthless. How we'd rather keep to ourselves, deal with our issues than talk about it to someone else. I wish I could explain it better, but my minds pretty screwy today. So all I can end this with is how are there only so little comments on this song? This song is so freaking insane and awesome. Definitely racks up on my favourites.

Rise Against – Gethsemane Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm sorry Atheist Lurker I'm being a hypocritical jackass. I'm really sorry, try and forget the comment. I don't mean it anymore.

Rise Against – Gethsemane Lyrics 14 years ago
No offense, AtheistLurker, but that's a perfect example of how people jump on the, "What I think about religion" band wagon, he came to post what he thought about a song, not have his faith poked at with a stick.

Ben Harper – I Shall Not Walk Alone Lyrics 14 years ago
Oh and the Ben Harper and Blind Boys of Alabama version is so so good. Google it, you will not be disappointed.

Ben Harper – I Shall Not Walk Alone Lyrics 14 years ago
I went on camp a couple of months ago, and we had to walk through the forest in the pitch black, alone, gripping onto this thin piece of rope to lead us through and I sang this song the whole way through. Call me a baby but I'm deathly afraid of the dark. And this song, this song got me through it because the whole lesson of walking through the forest was that theres always someone with you, even if it is a lousy piece of rope it will lead through the darkest times. For me the meaning of the song is that even when your low and down, and you're walking in the darkest time of your life God's always going to be with you, and you shouldn't forget what you're living for thats there's a light at the end of the tunnel and things will get better. They always do.

Brand New – Jesus Christ Lyrics 14 years ago
I don't think this is question God's existence, that was Millstone (Maybe.. idk). This one clearly states he believes in God, he's says so in the first line. And Jesse said some songs were about the Limo crash, not the whole album. Honestly, people can write their own interpretations, write essays about this song, books. But we'll only be as close to the meaning at the next person, only BN really knows. At the end of the day we've got a great band who gives out great great music and amazing lyrics.

The Killers – My List Lyrics 14 years ago
Dude, just as a by the way, Christianity is not a denomination, it refers to the whole faith. Mormon happens to be one of them. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.

Brand New – You Won't Know Lyrics 14 years ago
I listened to it with your lyrics, the first line fit perfectly but I always hear bright at the end. Tight lyrics though. Insane song on the whole.

Oasis – Stop Crying Your Heart Out Lyrics 14 years ago
My art teacher played it during an extra lesson, and I so badly wanted to get it, a couple of days later my brothers playing the song in the car. It's so amazing, man, has to be one of the best songs. My grandmother died a couple a months ago, and I've been in such a bad place, and it's songs like these that help you got out of those bad places you know? So beautiful.

Rise Against – Survive Lyrics 14 years ago
Life for you has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive is what makes us who we are

What I got from that is that nothings peachy for everyone, we've all screwed up, and we've all felt pain. But its how we deal with those screw ups and that pain is what makes us the person we are at the end of the day. You don't ever come out of a bad situation the same way, if you've ever felt that pain you know that you don't come out the same bright-eyed person, with hopes and smiles. You come out with scars. Visible or beneath the skin, it's still there. Life isn't a picnic, well at least not for some of us. Life can be hell sometimes, and we have to scrape through it. Survive it. And it changes us.

The Killers – Tidal Wave Lyrics 14 years ago
Yeah, I agree with the being young and naive thing. About first love and all, but the narrator knows all about it. I think its not necessarily about the narrator himself, but another couple. Idk, still a great, great song. I wish they'd played it live when they came to South Africa.

The Killers – Tidal Wave Lyrics 14 years ago
Yeah, I agree with the being young and naive thing. About first love and all, but the narrator knows all about it. I think its not necessarily about the narrator himself, but another couple. Idk, still a great, great song. I wish they'd played it live when they came to South Africa.

The Killers – Tidal Wave Lyrics 14 years ago
Yeah, I agree with the being young and naive thing. About first love and all, but the narrator knows all about it. I think its not necessarily about the narrator himself, but another couple. Idk, still a great, great song. I wish they'd played it live when they came to South Africa.

Brand New – At the Bottom Lyrics 14 years ago
Glad you liked it, my friend leaned over my shoulder while I was playing the video and goes, at Vin, "He's playing flat." I need new friends.

It does still seem like "they" though, I guess only people who really know the lyrics are Brand New. And they don't seem to believe in lyrical booklets anymore. But at least we still have them - and that makes up for a lot.

Brand New – At the Bottom Lyrics 14 years ago
I was trying to get a nice version of it live, cause you know sometimes on the vids of their concerts it's kinda hard to get anything substantial, so I managed to get this (Okay, it came up like third after I youtubed it); It's a few months back.
And yeah, for me its so hard to explain how cool this song is. I mean, I have this and Sowing Season in a playlist, been listening to it the whole day. Just awesome, especially this part, the lyrics are just so amazing.

Brand New – At the Bottom Lyrics 14 years ago
Lol, I just watched a vid of them doing the song live and was about to post it and then I saw your post. It's kinda unclear on the album, but on the vid it was just Jesse and Vin so you heard it pretty clearly. So basically I 100% your 96.969697%. Nice catch.

Brand New – At the Bottom Lyrics 14 years ago
Agreed with Arter and PrivateEyeAP. It's really hard to catch it, but try and stretch out Heavenly Gates and you get Almost Everyday, also push the volume up and you can hear dam. Amazing lyrics though. Its sort of like doing a little bit of a bad thing, until it eventually blows up in your face. I'm sure someone can explain that better, and I hope they do. Great, great song.

Brand New – You Stole Lyrics 14 years ago
Idk what it really means, what's the main underlying moral. But I did decide to really think about the lyrics and think up a meaning, probably not to close or right. Supposedly I'm not good at seeing deeper meanings but here I go;

With the first few lyrics I agree with some of the posts that said it's about people who just pray, and think God will just automatically help them. And sometimes - most of the time - it doesn't work out that way. But other than that... I am stumped.

Basically, these are just sentences or lyrics out of some of the verses that I tried to "Analyze".

"... just sit around like broke down cars in the lot waiting for repairs."
What I got from that is that we all have our problems, our flaws and basically we live with them, waiting for them to be fixed.


"Well, I wish that I was as good as you caring and trusting."
I'm not really sure about this, but I kind of came off with the God thing. Because; caring & trusting? God is the loving God, the one who cares for us and who people trust...

I know that's a crap meaning, andI haven't even explained the half of it. But, it's all I've got, idk if it makes any sense, feel free to criticize.

Brand New – Bought a Bride Lyrics 14 years ago
Yeah, I guess it kinda does. A little bit. Me, I'm confused, reading the lyrics its like the song goes from one meaning to another and its to late for me to into any deep analysis just yet. Maybe in the morning. But I thought I'd drop by and just say how much this song is growing on me. I even got my ultra preppy friend hooked on it. No kidding, now she tells me she wants to listen to Sink. Serious, the girl goes to John Legend Concerts. The beauty of Brand New. :) :) :) :)

The Great Escape – Fearing The Weekend Lyrics 14 years ago
I really love this song, I've been looking for more songs from The Great Escape, anyone know where I can find some?

Taking Back Sunday – Summer Stars Lyrics 14 years ago
No ones posted in months, but here I go;

I actually like the vocals. And I freaking love Jesse on the backing vocals. I do prefer Adam, but on this song Antonio Longo freaking owns it. His voice fits the lyrics if you understand what I mean, TBS's songs with Adam were sort of more... critical. Nowadays, would they honestly write a song like this? This song seems to have a more.. idk, how can I say happy in a song like this... idk, its just different, another genre but I love it.

Oh and Adam wasn't in the band yet, Adam replaced Jesse after he joined the Rookie Lot. I could never imagine Adam singing these vocals... it wouldn't fit.... hmm.

And leod89 I agree with you 100.1%.

Taking Back Sunday – Where My Mouth Is Lyrics 14 years ago
Please. Keep your mouth shut when someone has a really good interpretation you can't reach their same standard. I totally agree with thehonorstudent, I think Adam knows that the band has changed so much from what is used to be and it isn't as great as it was when they first started out. They might appeal to the masses, but that doesn't necessarily mean the music standard is the same. Pop music appeals to the masses, but sometimes all those songs need is one catchy lyric and some bass and it's at number one.

I mean look at TBS, one original member. And Adams sort of center stage and he replaced Jesse as a bassist. I mean listen to a a really old TBS, like Summer Stars, Longo's still on the vocals and Jesse's backing up. Compare that to the new TBS songs, it's like two different genre's basically.

So basically, don't think that just because an album sells to the masses that its 100% golden music, I mean that could be the case sometimes -- Deja by BN -- but not always. It just means more teenage girls with radio's... I'm joking :P But I like this song, it does have a TAYF vibe, just more refined and a little bit mainstream tweaked. But good. And TakingTheFall, maybe they are more successful but I really don't think the music standards the same, that might be only me and you probably don't agree but I guess that's life :) Tell me, what is your favorite TBS album?

Taking Back Sunday – Belgium Waffle Song Lyrics 14 years ago
I can't believe I'm even commenting on this song but the posts were just to hilarious. This has to be the most randomest song in history, and I have to give props to pretorben for having one of the funniest post. Definitely about John.

Brand New – Failure by Design Lyrics 14 years ago
Sure as hell this song needs to be celebrated. Awesome guitar and fitting lyrics to every person who's stayed up late, screwed to hell finishing off a project/essay/assignment etc. Kaylzazz you need to relax, not every song needs to be made with precession and "concentration", sometimes songs are made when you're a little screwed to hell and "unmotivated". We know that and that's kinda why we love it. You don't always need to apply yourself to make something great and this song is an example of that. This is a great song and my late night essay writing anthem.

Brand New – Good to Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have to Do Is Die Lyrics 14 years ago
You know, I got this CD last year and I only realized that this song ins 7 minutes long five minutes ago. I've listened to it 52 times... ... ... anyway, yeah about the hotel california part.

This is a really amazing song though, I really, really love it. Something about Deja's feel is really great.

I always thought this was about a failed relationship, but the record label thing makes sense now, except "We're comatose, but we're audible" always seemed to mean to me like, we're here and we're listening. Cause sometimes when people fall into coma's they can still hear the things around them, people speaking.. etc. It might not be true because I read a book about a kid like that when I was.... uh.. 9. But I think it's like people not realizing you're there. Have you ever woken up and people are talking about you cause they think you're sleeping? Like that.

Anyway, thats what I think, idk if its right, but overall it's a great song, my favorite lines are;

I will hold the past over your head
I'll speak my mind whenever I feel slighted
I am hellbent on extracting all of my revenge

:) Just great.

The Mountain Goats – Up the Wolves Lyrics 14 years ago
I really like this song, I haven't ever heard of the Mountain Goats, which shouldn't be so weird cause I live all the way in southern africa. My brothers girlfriend left him some of her cd's and he gave me this one to listen to, basically I wanted one song and wasn't even by them but now listening to it. It's really growing on me.

Brand New – Degausser Lyrics 14 years ago
It's definitely "I think this staying up..." why would he say, "Goodbye to sleep" then? Listen to it with some good earphones and lots of volume. You can hear him pronounce the ing.
This is really one of my favorite Brand New songs, aways came across to me as a song about a guy who loves a girl but she doesn't feel the same way;

Well, you’re my favorite bird and when you sing
I really do wish that you would wear my ring

And right now he's a little bit screwed to hell. But this song still has me puzzled at parts and I know that my meaning is probably not the half of it, or really off. Like Antarctica off.

Still a great song, my brother like to play this with my both my parents in the car... lets just say they make some interesting faces. Haha. Brilliant song nonetheless.

The Color Fred – Minnesota Lyrics 14 years ago
Was I the only person who smiled at "Damn sure"? Cause I freaking grinned. It's a great song.

The Color Fred – If I Surrender Lyrics 14 years ago
Haha, I'm not thinking gay but whiny kinda. But I do think the song is about TBS... :P
It does sound kinda TBS in some parts, and I really like the backing Vocals. The guitar has a Reilent K vibe to me for some reason. But I do like it, I think Fred did a great job. I really love;
They took from you all they could get
You hold on tight to what Is left (You'll never give up like you used to)
They took from you all they could get
You hold on, what did you expect? (You'll never give up like you used to)

The song to me is about finding out whether it's easier to keep on fighting/arguing or giving up. And some other stuff on top of that.
But awesome job, Fred, I really love this over New Again. Don't get me wrong I love Taking Back Sunday, but New Again was an epic fail in my eyes. Not that it really counts what I think :P

Brand New – Millstone Lyrics 14 years ago
If you believe in any type of God, you're gonna know that their comes a time sometimes when everything seems so screwed up that you doubt your faith, Brand New do have a lot of references. Someone in the beginning of this whole damn thing said it's about "Falling from Grace", which yeah it is. I mean I know the feeling of being such a perfect student, perfect person, perfect friend to becoming someone who doesn't give a damn about anything. The lyrics "Now I've made this bed and I can't fall asleep in it", reminds me of the saying, "You've made your bed, now lie in it", an easy meaning of it is You've created the situation, and now you have to live with the result.

But music is your interpretation, how you perceive it. And sometimes about it fits with your life. Maybe it was about that accident, and the meaning to me is about screwing up your life and loosing touch with everything you cared about or believed in and it's just to much to handle and you can't live with it.

Taking Back Sunday – Sink Into Me Lyrics 14 years ago
I just can't force myself to listen to the whole song, I mean I almost get to the end but then I go "HELL NO" and put myself through musical therapy. The lyrics are reasonable, but everything else is just... trainwrecked, and the old TBS just didn't make it. I mean this song is kind of mainstream to me, I can practically see all the teenage girls singing along to this song. It sounds like a screwy relationship... Adam can write songs about messed up relationships; One-Eighty by Summer, Little Devotional, Spin. But I feel like they're becoming exactly what most of their songs have criticized. They're still one of my favorite bands and I'm hoping they'll see the light someday.

Before I get torn to literal shreds. I know a band evolves, none of us were expecting Tell All Your Friends or Where you want to be be II. But we were expecting a TBS original. Not mainstream crap. I think they tried to get to the refined sound, but missed the plot and ended up in the wrong genre.

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