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Goldfrapp – Black Cherry Lyrics 13 years ago
‘And I’ve blown it’
Sitting with my headphones up loud and my eyes closed, the sound vibrates inside my head. I’ve loved this song since I first heard it. This is about loving someone, about putting EVERYTHING in and either getting nothing back.

“Have you ever been in love?

Horrible, isn’t it?
It makes you so vulnerable.
It opens your chest and it opens your heart
and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up.
You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life.

You give them a piece of you.

They don’t ask for it.
They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore.

Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like ‘Maybe we should just be friends’ or ‘How very perceptive’ turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart.

It hurts.

Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.

Nothing should be able to do that.

Especially not love.

I hate love.”
(Rose, Sandman by Neil Gaiman.)

I always thought this song made so much sense to me, always felt i put my entire heart and soul into someone and that no matter what I did they just didn’t feel as MUCH as I did, didn’t hurt, didn’t want as much, didn’t deserve as much. .

Then I met you, and I started to mess everything up.
This song reminds me of hurting someone too. Of having something beautiful and good...and losing it (and you can’t ever get that back.) (I think.)

Pomegranates – The Bellhop Lyrics 14 years ago
(This is not the song, you were supposed to comment on :P) What can I say?
Hehe you are probably right, one of those childhood things I missed out on. (like BOWLING and BUMPER BOATS :P and ALLITERATION .... :D) but seriously, I guess I just look at it from a medium perspective, lol blame it on a fine art's background, I get all Krauss, on things :P
but no, I did not mean to dispute the impression part! That was a part I liked too. Although it still makes me kind of sad, for different reasons.

Pomegranates – The Bellhop Lyrics 14 years ago
'Everyone I've ever met, is so in love with wet cement,'
(This line, is absolutely beautiful. I think of sinking, or falling, and the cement going hard; people being stuck, suffocating. It's seems such an unusual thing to say, to love something so...deathlike.)

'And hands and feet pressed into it, of all the people they will never know.'

The Weakerthans – Utilities Lyrics 14 years ago
Guess our wishes
Don't do dishes
Or brake repairs
Make them something
Somebody could use

Emotional, real, i love these lyrics, i love this song.
And yet, every time I hear it, I think about quoting them to a friend, and their response being 'why are you quoting this as if it applies to you.'

Maybe I'm the one 'using' people. :/

CocoRosie – Raphael Lyrics 14 years ago
I love this song, I think like a lot of cocorosie lyrics, its meaning is somewhat ambiguous and that you can take a lot of different meanings from it. For me, the song is dreadfully sad and somewhat horrific. I definitely think Raphael is an angelic reference, but i think it refers to wanting someone to save you, heal you, like the person in the song is broken, and she is willing to believe that the very next person can be her savior, look past all their faults, deny reality, simply because she needs someone to help her. There's definitely desire here, but a taint as well, maybe in terms of 'In my heart a flower dies slow like a campfire covered' its like giving in, maybe to sex, maybe to desire, and not really being okay with it, like still feeling bad. Maybe similar the transition into adulthood, like 'like a child being baptized', about learning about sex, and what it means (good and bad) to be 'grown up'. I just feel uneasy listening to this song, I guess. It's not a nice kind of love, it reminds me so much about an abusive relationship, 'Apple tree, drunken brawl domesticly
Dirty dog dusty pawed bloody nose roses embroidered sheets' or 'Tears fall in the kitchen sink, don't speak, I can hear you.' and that makes me unhappy. I guess. Still such an incredibly beautiful song, I could love it for the line 'Raphael you know just how, to take me in the swimming pool'

Why? – Light Leaves Lyrics 14 years ago
You are right,how could you not think i'd like this band? :D it is beautiful and sad and makes me worry about you listening to them all day.
'I don't want no casket, no saddle,no seethrough plastic mask,no casket, no saddle,no seethrough plastic mask'
Apart from it being about suicide, this is how my mum wants to die, just decomposing amongst the leaves.

Jukebox the Ghost – Beady Eyes on the Horizon Lyrics 14 years ago
I like 27, I've never had a number I thought anymore significant than any other. Maybe I should find one. Did you give me this one? :D

The Velvet Underground – Sunday Morning Lyrics 14 years ago
Most Beautiful song. I keep hearing it everywhere, my version is a live one, where he talks a bit about one of those days where you realise how completely you have messed something up, it's really funny, because he then goes on to say I have one of those every week, and then names the song, 'Sunday morning'
I feel like that a bit.
It's about waking up, realising the consequences of something you have done. I guess it could be relevant to drinking, or drugs and waking up after etc, but it also just to knowing you have messed up, and hurt other people, and the sort of 'what the fuck do I do now?' feeling.

The Weakerthans – Manifest Lyrics 14 years ago
'So tell me nothing matters more or less'

'If I'm permitted one act I can save,
I choose to sit here next to you and wave.'

The Weakerthans – Fallow Lyrics 14 years ago
'say we'll stay for one more year'
I miss you more.

The Weakerthans – Reconstruction Site Lyrics 14 years ago
'Last call for happiness
I'm your dress near the back of your knees
And your slip is showing'

Everybody wants to be happy.

'I broke like a bad joke'

Stars – The Last Song Ever Written Lyrics 14 years ago
'this is the last time that you're gonna lose someone,'

I love this song. I have been listening to it far too much, and been sad and angry and depressed and tired and furious and upset and thinking that I didn't just lose. I lost badly.

'We didn't know we knew you till we lost you,
You tried to leave us all alone,
We wish that you had failed'

I wish that you had failed.

The Weakerthans – Sun in an Empty Room Lyrics 14 years ago
take this moment to decide (sun in an empty room)
we were meant to if we tried (sun in an empty room)
felt around for far too much (sun in an empty room)
things that accidentally touch (sun in an empty room)

This song is beautiful. I'm listening it at about 10 in the morning in our living room, first sunny day all week. It reminds me of falling in love with someone, and rushing in. But after, debating whenever you had ever really loved them as much as you thought you did at the time. Awman. At first it was making me feel happy and upbeat, hehe now feeling pretty messed up :P ahwell.

Oh, and on, 'hands that accidentally touch' ever had a moment when you were walking with someone, you liked but couldn't admit it and then brushed hands (held hands, touched) and neither of you can look at the other person, just holding hands and pretending to be oblivious. :D

P.S. Eliot – Tennessee Lyrics 14 years ago
A friend gave introduced me to this band a couple of days ago, I never realized how appropriate they would be to both my mood and current circumstances. 'and I'll quit when I'm 25'

Casiotone for the Painfully Alone – Oh Illinois Lyrics 14 years ago
'i'm afraid of what we might start to say
& i don't want to start missing you again'

Reminds me of not wanting to 'feel' anything, after someones hurt you, or broken up etc. Everything hurts so much that 'nothing' often seems a better alternative.

Casiotone for the Painfully Alone – Attic Room Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is terrific, but man, I get such a nauseating feeling from it, like this underlying secret, or nightmare. I used to get nightmares which would wake me screaming, and in a way this song could refer to childhood fears- 'the fits and the screams', but I don't know if it's just me but theres something horrible about it. As if the problems the girl(? I can never tell genders, especially as often he sings from different perspectives- another aspect of Casiontone for the Painfully Alone that I love) hadn't been solved- 'what ever happened to you/only the worst can be assumed/you're dreaming often of the attic room'
There is something so emotive about the way he sings, slowly and with this weird mix of nonchalance and intensity- it really draws you in, forces you to listen hard.

The New Pornographers – Chump Change Lyrics 14 years ago
GOD I love this song, my favourite line:
'I stole a page from your book
And a line from your page
And flew into a lesbian rage'
I always heard this line as 'take you to a lesbian rave' and thought it was cute, odd and slightly kinky, but lesbian RAGE is just as good.

I guess I've always thought this song (at least in part) is about the pretentiousness surrounding art, particularly that everybody is trying to be 'new/unique/different'. Referencing Duchamp, is not only funny, but expresses the complete irony of the artist preaching the death of art, to now be REVERED but practically WORSHIPED by the supposedly dead institution. This goes on with 'Inspired by queens', which seems to point to something 'deep', but with the 'So is mine now' it just reveals the falseness of this, how art is often just a competition, everyone either trying to be or imitating the 'new thing'.

Anyway, great GREAT song. Makes me want to dance!

CocoRosie – Lyla Lyrics 14 years ago
'You guessed Yugoslavia
But it's not Yugoslavia
It's hardly Yugoslavia at all'
I haven't seen the film, but I always understood the line to refer to poverty, prostitution happening in in your own neighborhood, and the fact that people imagine that it happens in other countries, poorer places, but not where they live, as a 'that doesn't happen to us' kind of thing.
Also the idea that the guy wasn't saving her at all, he was buying her, she might have a nice house and all, but she was still regarded as property.
I don't think they turned to prostitution, just sympathize with people forced to.

The Mountain Goats – See America Right Lyrics 14 years ago
'Went and got the case of vodka from a car
And walked the two miles to the bus stop'
This line is hilarious! I never expect it, at first it seems so out of character then you start thinking about the guy being a alcoholic without a drivers licence...
Man, and,
'If we never make it back to California
I want you to know I love you'

The Mountain Goats – Old College Try Lyrics 14 years ago
'The warning signs have all been bright and garish
Far too great in number to ignore'
I want to quote this entire song, it feels so honest and filled with a very sad kind of love.
'In the way those eyes I've always loved illuminate this place
Like a trashcan fire in a prison cell
Like the searchlights in the parking lots of hell'

Yeah, and the slight bitter/grim aspect amongst the sweet sounds and the beautiful lyrics, it reminds me of the realization that you are never meant to be with someone, never going to 'work', but the FACT that you love them way way too much to ever leave them.

'I want to say I'm sorry for stuff I haven't done yet'- God I feel like that a lot.

Guided by Voices – The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory Lyrics 14 years ago
I love this song. I don't know what it's about, but I to me it feels like someone you knew/loved, going mad or dying and the temptation to follow them, except you don't really care about them anymore, so act indifferent basically because you just want to get on with the rest of your life.
'she runs through the night as if nobody cares'- it's wicked how it breaks in, it's really mad.

The Antlers – Wake Lyrics 14 years ago
The intensified breathing at the beginning and present all throughout the song is just beautiful. It entirely fits with this idea of sickness, and silence. When I listen to this album, I can't even do anything else, it takes up everything and leaves me full of.....weird...sad
'Don't never let anyone tell you you deserve that.'
At the end. Good Album.

Broken Social Scene – Shampoo Suicide Lyrics 14 years ago
Love the song. The first time I heard it I was writing an essay and had the volume quite low,I was right at the end of the song before I realised it wasn't an instrumental! God.... I had to go back and listen to the entire album.....I felt so stupid. All the lyrics seem to come in and out. I like how you can half hear things, certain words seem to stick out, i hear 'You had it all, you still use/ shampoo' whatever it is it's massively awesome.

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