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Neon Indian – 6669 (I Don't Know If You Know) Lyrics 14 years ago
You could also interpret it as a strand of DNA. It's so fragile; When it falls apart we get cancer and die. There are so many things in the world that can mutate our DNA like this. It just takes a gentle hand from our environment.

Even if you live long enough to not die from organ failure or any any number of tragic events, you'll still die from cancer. Humans are meant to die. It's built into our DNA.

The XX – Crystalised Lyrics 14 years ago
I have two ideas about this song:

I think it's a couple singing back and forth to each other. The girl thinks the guy is moving too fast, but he doesn't think he's going fast at all. They both think that this relationship is going to be something really great, so they both really don't want to mess it up. They're each trying to go at the speed they are most comfortable and think will have the most success in the long run.

I think it's just one person singing to about a relationship they are in. They really want it to work out well, but they are feeling a lot of pressure to fulfill that. They more pressure they feel, the more they want to take things slow. Just because they want to go slow, doesn't mean that this relationship means less to them. In fact, it's the opposite.

The second version seems more cohesive to me.

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