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Lady GaGa – Born This Way Lyrics 13 years ago
Honestly. I'm a straight male who finds Gaga's music catchy, and I get that she's all about advocating for the homosexual community. Honestly, if it's to LGBT youngsters who are suicidal or anything like that, awesome. But it just comes across to me as preachy.

Brokencyde – Bree Bree Lyrics 13 years ago
Hipno. This is not music. This is any number of things, but this is not music.

Brokencyde – Bree Bree Lyrics 13 years ago
If their songs don't have meaning, and aren't supposed to have meaning, then how do you know they're brilliant? It's not brilliant to know what drunk sluts in the club will dance to, it's a learned concept. I imagine they went this route because they got C's in their creative writing classes trying to write songs for a legitimate band, and the teacher made them realize they can't write worth a fuck.

Brokencyde – 2 Drunk Lyrics 13 years ago
Yeah, there's no way this is going to be classic. I give it less than one more year, and this shit music and you people who like it will wind up even more looked down upon than the juggalos.

Blood On The Dance Floor – Bitches Get Stiches Lyrics 13 years ago
It's actually a song about pretending not to give a shit, when you really do give a shit. If he didn't give a shit, the message would just be the "haters make you famous" or whatever bullshit part, and it would wholly lack the "bitches get stitches" part. Obviously the "haters" get to him on an emotional level, or he wouldn't want to give the bitches stitches.

Wrap your head around that, o supporters of a rapist!

Blood On The Dance Floor – Lets Start A Riot! Lyrics 13 years ago
So what I've gleaned here is that all their songs are about the same thing.

A fat mexican rapist who wants to think he's a j-pop and rap influenced David Bowie.

Oh, and if you're under 18, he really wants to have sex with you.

Because he's in denial about wanting dick.

This is all.

Blood On The Dance Floor – SEXTING Lyrics 13 years ago
This band is a disgrace to music, and they besmirched Glenn Quagmire's good name.

Blood On The Dance Floor – IDGAF Lyrics 13 years ago
To everyone saying that Dahvie Vanity is a rapist piece of shit:

Kudos. Keep it up, fight the good fight.

To the fangirls who think that's impossible and couldn't be true:

Two options exist. He'll get to you eventually, or you were just too ugly.

Pearl Jam – Life Wasted Lyrics 13 years ago
In an interview Eddie Vedder said that it's about the feeling you have after leaving a funeral, about how precious life is, and that whether that feeling lasts a day or a week, you always go back to taking life for granted. Said the inspiration hit him going home from Joey Ramone's funeral.

Rise Against – Hero of War Lyrics 13 years ago
I kind of think this song is an exploration of PTSD, being forced into bad situations in war (the beating and degradation of the prisoner, shooting the woman with the flag of surrender), and a condemnation of an American public that thinks back pats, parades and super-patriotism are going to make memories of things that happened go away.

Rise Against – Hero of War Lyrics 13 years ago
This song is more supportive of our troops than a false flag, which is all the previous administration provided us with. That man captured in this song was probably an Iraqi civilian that had nothing to do with the insurgency against our "spreading democracy." I'm all for our troops, but do I agree with everything they're sent to do? Hell no I don't. You probably think that the Abu Ghraib prison scandal was a good thing, and it's not good that you think that. You probably think waterboarding isn't torture, but I bet you'd recant the stance if you were subjected to it. The war in Iraq wasn't one that needed to be fought at the time it was, plain and simple. The man who orchestrates the attacks on the US, such as 9/11, is Osama bin Laden, and he was in Afghanistan, where we should have stayed in the first place, we might have caught him. I'm proud of the men and women who serve our country, but I wish they hadn't been pressed into service where they were.

Insane Clown Posse – Fuck the World Lyrics 14 years ago
If people ever wondered why ICP and their fans are looked down upon, look no further than Hatchette.

Insane Clown Posse – Miracles Lyrics 14 years ago
So what we have here apparently is:

1) Butthurt Juggalos

2) People white knighting for said butthurt juggalos

3) The people who honestly realize that this song is an utter piece of shit, however hilariously stupid

4)Hilariously stupid song.

A Perfect Circle – Judith Lyrics 14 years ago
Zenter has the point of the song right, it's about Maynard's mom having a stroke and being put in a wheelchair for the rest of her life because of it.

Garth Brooks – Friends In Low Places Lyrics 14 years ago
The Oasis was a liquor store chain at the time

Dethklok – Black Fire Upon Us Lyrics 14 years ago
Lyrics from the album booklet:

Tonight we ride on clouds of fire
We're damned by gods, our DETHS conspired
We fear no mortals in these worlds
The gift we give you is your soul

Fly with us tonight

The sky
Will break
Black fire
Will wake

Fly on through the night
We built an alliance
Our numbers are strong

We gather
But we don't pray to gods
What fools, what lunatics
They must think of us

On this night we will journey
Far beyond this world
And you must know that we will never come back home again

But now we must fly
Beasts in the night
Tragic in the sky
Battlefield in sight

Storm gathers strong
Cold blackened flame
Tell us our future
Stories of the slain

Fire grows strong
Freezing our skin
Vision is clouded
The rain will begin

Dangerous creatures
Those who oppose us
Raped all their power
Battled with warlocks
Cheated the demons
For ancient spells
The blackened fire
Waits to consume us

So now we'll say goodbye
Because tonight we die
So we say goodbye
So we'll say goodbye
We die

Tonight we ride on clouds of fire
We're damned by gods our DETHS conspired
We fear no mortals in these worlds
The gift we give you is your soul

Don't correct me on the spelling, both Dethklok album booklets spell it DETH, in case you're uninformed.

System of a Down – Old School Hollywood Lyrics 14 years ago
To the people saying that others are being overly analytical of System's lyrics:

Not all of their songs are fueled by drugs, in fact, even if they are drug users, i don't think it has a huge effect on the songwriting. Many of their songs have social and political meanings, and if you're fucked out of your skull on whatever drug you prefer, you can't really make a coherent, meaningful point. Two large examples of the actual meanings behind their songs would be PLUCK and Holy Mountains. Both songs pertain to the Armenian Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire during World War I, which the Turkish government still refuses to acknowledge to this day.

To say that most of their catalog is inspired by drug use is asinine. Seems like your thought process goes "I don't know what it means, so it must not mean anything and these people are dickheads who don't realize that OMGZ SoAdz is t0ta11y 0n DRUGZZZZ"

Point being, if you don't know what the songs mean, just admit you don't get what they could be about, and move on with your life, don't come down on people who have a halfway intelligent idea.

System of a Down – B.Y.O.B. Lyrics 14 years ago
Hokay, here we go. BYOB. Bring Your Own Bombs.

Breaking down bigger lines here.

The chorus is basically a satire of how the military and its ad campaigns show all of the great world travels you'll have, and show various soldiers in other countries just livin' it up as opposed to showing the reality of combat. They're basically saying that the government veils the real combat in the middle east behind the veil of a party in the desert where everything's all sunshine, daisies, and rainbows.

A large part of the song is condemning the fact that the armed forces heavily recruit people who aren't well off, playing on the notion that the people have no other options.

The blast off part I view as being directed at the Iraqi citizens, who on the whole did not really seem to want American involvement in their country.

And the draft hasn't been used since Vietnam. When a citizen turns 18, they sign up for the United States Selective Service, which is basically submitting your name to the draft board for their use in the event that the draft is reinstated.

System of a Down – Forest Lyrics 14 years ago
Okay, first thing. Chop Suey is NOT, I repeat, NOT about 9/11. The Toxicity album was released on September 4, 2001, one week before 9/11. Taking that into consideration, the songs have to have been recorded in late 2003 to early 2004. The song X was actually intended to be on their first album, but didn't make the cut and was reworked to be put onto Toxicity. So that being said, how exactly could a song written and recorded anywhere from a few months to a full year before 9/11 be ABOUT 9/11? Unless you're saying System of a Down was complicit in the attacks? Though I highly doubt you intended to imply that.

Second, Prison Song is actually about the high rate of incarcerations pertaining to minor drug offenders (potheads). Our ever expanding prison system is being used to house people who did nothing more than choose to smoke some weed in the privacy of their own home, and the main statement of the song is that the policy of mandatory minimum sentences for minor drug offenses should be eschewed in favor of rehabilitation.

I don't really have any idea about what Forest is about. The Father/Son relationship of Christ is an interesting read, and the introspective aspect is also interesting. My best guess would be that its an introspective song about how a person's creative and intellectual side is stifled by outside influences of the world. Thinking of it this way, it somewhat reminds me of the concept of the Memory Palace as explored via Thomas Harris's novels concerning Hannibal Lecter.

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