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The Smashing Pumpkins – Disarm Lyrics 14 years ago
idk what the song is really about, but i have a lot of bulit up agression from my childhood and being left alone and thats what it means to me. "the killer in me is the killer in you, my love." is like me speaking to my dad (verses) and son (chorus) telling my son that my killer is also his but disarming him with a smile and my choices will give him a much better life than i had and at the same time explaining to my dad the damage he brought upon me.

Seven Mary Three – My My Lyrics 14 years ago
mixed signals from a girl with no mercy to the guys feelings what so ever, what else is new?

Seven Mary Three – Cumbersome Lyrics 14 years ago
this song had a lot of meaning in my life as well, i got my girlfriend pregnant only to have her break up with me, i became so depressed and started abusing drugs only to have all my friends and family start to look down on me heavily for it and at the same time could not get a job with my education. i was cumbersome to my world... i overcame and quit abusing, got my girl back, and got a job. i can honestly say this song helped me through that time more than anything else bc i could relate so much.

Alice in Chains – Them Bones Lyrics 14 years ago
awesome song! i think the general message, depressing, yet is that all of us will end up a pile of bones. the world will continue on and we will all just become its fossils. i also agree 100 percent with metalhead layne staley and AIC were the greatest there ever will be!

Alice in Chains – Check My Brain Lyrics 14 years ago
submetal i couldnt agree more, its just not the same without layne, you can never replace him. although i still like the song and album it doesnt compare to any of the songs layne wrote. I do think the riff on this song is pretty badass though.

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