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Brandon Flowers – Crossfire Lyrics 13 years ago
Like jeffersonsteelflex has pointed it out before, I think the song is about finding shelter in a relationship (his wife). 'Hell', 'the devil' and 'the storm' seems to be outside, and 'heaven' inside. The video also makes sense with this interpretation :)

Slipknot – Snuff Lyrics 13 years ago
Good interpretation. The two women concept does make sense. However, I still think these two women could be the very same person, and the narrator is going through mixed emotions, caused by a complicated relationship where nobody knows any more who is a the betrayer and the betrayed. It's like one moment you are blaming yourself, and remembering all the good things in the other person, then you realise what you have lost and start blaming the other for leaving. It's like pushing somebody away, then being angry at them for finally going away. You're absolutely right about the healing pain left by a complex past relationship, and ultimately letting go part, though.

Slipknot – Snuff Lyrics 13 years ago
I don't think anybody is missing the big picture... It's putting a violent end to something, it's extinguishing a relationship.

Karnivool – All I Know Lyrics 13 years ago
Nice interpretation, very personal, and I guess, that's what it's supposed to be :)
To me, this song has a very similar, and very personal meaning too.

After many many years of not seeing each other, and not talking about how and why things ended, I met my first big big love. The plan was to put a proper end to things, talk everything over and forget about each other for good - a very mature step we both thought - as we're both in relationships.

This is my sense of reality
This is proof of my coming of age
This is truth in captivity
This is losing a theology

Turned out those old feelings were still there, stronger than ever, and we never got over each other, and probably never will. Kinda backwards, isn't it? :)

It's backwards it makes no sense
So real that we can't pretend
It's backwards it makes no sense
It's harder to just pretend

As we have moved on with our lives, and neither of us can (or will) just throw everything away, hurt everybody else for our own sake, we decided we can't have a future together. We both know this is not right, and that we're actually lying to the people we are with, pretending that everything is okay...

I'm a soul taker
I'm a cruel witted mind

A few days after the 'incident' I started listening to this song again, while we were still going back and forth trying to decide what to do about our feelings for each other. I could have written those lyrics, if I was talented enough :) When we finally made a decision that we are not going to see or talk to each other ever again, it felt like a part of me died. I'm still not sure we did the right thing, but there's no way back now :)

Say what's more, say it again
Hey is this the end of all I know
Say what's more, say it again
Hey is this the end of all I know

Kasabian – Fire Lyrics 13 years ago
I agree with willowsong, the beginning is sexy indeed :) It somehow reminds me of the rhythm of the night, dark spirits dancing around a fire... Can't find a better way to explain it. It somehow reminds me of Oliver Stone's movie The Doors too...

Also, I don't think the song is about drug addiction, not this one - some other form of addiction, yes. I'm finding it really hard to get a good interpretation though. Just a feeling that it's about somebody who is obsessed with something or somebody, willing to do anything, their blood 'boiling' - on fire because of this addiction. Like chasing something they are not supposed to, something forbidden, maybe something criminal. Something instinctual. They want to experience it so bad, they can't stop. They would become anything or anyone just to get to the object of their obsession. Maybe it's some sort of love or sexual addiction, I can somehow see sexual references in the lyrics too - but this might be a little bit too far fetched :)

Anyway, how about the lines

Move on, you got to move on
You got to hit 'em to the lip
And get your shake on
Move on, you got to move on
You got to hit 'em to the lip
And get your shake on

being spoken by a doctor or a psychologist telling this person to take their meds, and forget about their obsession?

Anyway, this is my take on this song, let me know your thoughts.

The Pretty Reckless – Make Me Wanna Die Lyrics 13 years ago
I think the vampire references are not present in the lyrics by accident. I mean, why not put them there, when there are a whole lot of twilight and vamp-related-anything fans out there? It might help bring your music closer to them. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Plus, the rest of us not really into vamps will just interpret it differently :) Luckily, the lyrics leave space for the opposite life-death, light-darkness, forbidden/unrequited love kinda interpretation as well.

P.S. I really respect Taylor for making rock music, hardly anybody does that any more.

Slipknot – Snuff Lyrics 14 years ago
What I think, exactly :)

Garbage – You Look So Fine Lyrics 14 years ago
It's probably the most moving love song ever written...

I think nobody mentioned this before:

I think the song is about a relationship where the guy does not let her in, does not let her get to him. He's been hurt before, that's why she's trying to prove to him that she's not going to fake it, she's not going to share it, she's not like the others and she's not going to betray him.

She knows the guy has feelings for her, that's why she cannot give up on him. Although he has feelings, he's too hurt to be open about it, he tries to keep it to the sexual level, pretending there is no emotional side to their relationship. Sometimes they get close to each other, then the guy freaks out and pushes her away.

The guy is probably having superficial relationships, but she wants something different, she truly loves him and wants to show him that.

She's risking it all by trying to make him spend a night with her, hoping that would change everything, trying to make him act on his feelings, trying to get him out of his shell. While she is afraid it will be the same thing again, getting closer, connecting on the sexual level, and then going back to the same distance as before.

Just pretend happy end
Let me know let it show

Ending with letting go...

* This information can be up to 15 minutes delayed.