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In This Moment – Whore Lyrics 9 years ago
Straight from an interview with Maria Brink herself:

"Our single just came out, "Whore." It's a powerful song. I want people to know the meaning in that song. It's about taking the power back for something degrading and public humiliation — when people are cold to other people or stoning other people because they're different or they don't understand them. ... It's about learning to love ourselves and not letting other people's words and harsh ways affect us, because that's really their perception and that's their world. The reason why I used such a strong word ... (is) so that they can really get the empowerment behind the song."


Periphery – Jetpacks Was Yes! Lyrics 14 years ago
I don't know if my interpretation is what's intended, but this song has made its way to an elite group that really connect with me.
How I interpret these lyrics is the feeling of being trapped by your past and unable to progress. Almost... wanting to progress, but with things (or people) from the past.
From 'The ground upon which I have grown..." seems that the person has gotten past their past (haha) with the knowledge that He is not alone.

Trivium – A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation Lyrics 14 years ago
MKH has stated in many interviews that it's about domestic violence...

Machine Head – Crashing Around You Lyrics 14 years ago
Also: Having seen the Guy Ritchie film 'Revolver' helps in interpreting this song :P

Machine Head – Crashing Around You Lyrics 14 years ago
I don't think it is about 'split personality' Think about it this way:

"I am your ego"


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