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A Wilhelm Scream – The Rip Lyrics 14 years ago
i disagree with MZA.

i think the song is about opposing the reality of our own "disposability", the notion put fourth and pushed by our corporate overlord. (hear me out)

"It's not your fault. You're just worthless. You're one in a million." is what is preached, subtly, by nearly every pulpit that we encounter on a daily basis. this is refuted by "Don't believe this. You're not worthless. It's us against millions and we can't take them all. But we can take them on.". earlier they rip on (sorry) the idea of a "scream that ignites the world", to conclude that reaching everyone was unnecessary, and that one needed only to reach the people who truly believe in the cause and understand the purpose.

Lifter Puller – Lifter Puller Vs. The End Of The Evening Lyrics 14 years ago
3/2 is beer with 3.2% alcohol maximum. some states have laws restricting when full-strength beer (usually around 5%) can be sold, and in those states 3/2 beer is usually sold 24/7.

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