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Filter – No Re-Entry Lyrics 13 years ago
Very powerful song....I could agree with the suicide standpoint. Yeah, I really see that. Just the feeling of not having purpose, and wanting to end a meaningless existence.

Mt Eden – Sierra Leone Lyrics 14 years ago
Love this song. Great dubstep, calming and a lil haunting at the same time. I'm still deciphering the meaning of the lyrics, or if they have any at all. After all, its dubstep, and the music speaks for itself.

Nine Inch Nails – Mr. Self Destruct Lyrics 14 years ago
This song is sung by the character's voice if desire. It foreshadows what's to come. Almost like a prequel song. Oh, and a side note, The person in reptile is not from piggy or closer....different woman....I saw that someone grouped that person into all 3 songs

Nine Inch Nails – Piggy Lyrics 14 years ago
Finally, someone who understands Trent's lyrical ability......few do, so thanks for being alert and observant....such a great and emotionally heavy album

Nine Inch Nails – Right Where It Belongs Lyrics 14 years ago
Extremely beatiful song, if I'm really in my zen zone, it almost brings a tear to my eye

Nine Inch Nails – Getting Smaller Lyrics 15 years ago
the foo fighters thing might be because dave grohl laid down drums for like 7 tracks on this cd. Second, this album is all about trent's struggle to be rid of his old self, if you look deeper, this album is absolutely amazing and often underrated.

Nine Inch Nails – Only Lyrics 15 years ago
I love this point in with teeth, when trent finally stands tall and tells his old self to get the fuck out, because he's comfortable with himself now, and tells his alter ego that he was nothing, a figment of the imagination. badass.

Nine Inch Nails – You Know What You Are? Lyrics 15 years ago
Again, another phase of the war between trent and his old self, almost like they're verbally arguing with eachother, telling the other to wake the fuck up and realize what they are. Excellent song, but also good to listen to when pissed off.

Nine Inch Nails – All the Love in the World Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this is like a mental battle with trent's old self, and he hates his old self for getting all the love that he feels he deserves now. Excellent song writing as always.

Nine Inch Nails – Ripe (With Decay) Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this song lets the listener know that after all the bouts of hell and lonliness trent went through throughout the fragile, he IS in fact still alive, but he has mentally decayed beyond repair. This makes a lot of sense to me, because after this point, trent's life started to crash, and almost ended all too early. Some may say that they miss this trent, but I don't, because when this trent died, a new, stable, strong, and smart trent arose, one who wouldn't let himself fall victim to his mind, and one who would keep providing wonderful music like this to the world until his day truly comes. Trent reznor is my hero.

Nine Inch Nails – Ripe (With Decay) Lyrics 15 years ago
amen to that man, a-fucking-men to that

Nine Inch Nails – Underneath It All Lyrics 15 years ago
I dont know, becuase this album has an extremely heavy theme that almost definitly points toward the death of trent's grandmother. I mean, the whole left disc is about her dying, while the right disc is about trent's mental war with himself and his battle with suicide.

Nine Inch Nails – I'm Looking Forward to Joining You, Finally Lyrics 15 years ago
Again, in accordance with my other posts on fragile songs, I think this is where trent gets a little ray of hope and remembers his good times with his grandmother, and he tries to reach out to her and asks to join her in death. However, he looks back at himself, and sees how stupid he was to drown himself in lonliness and anger. I also get the hint that he looks back at his love for his grandmother and sees that it was foolish to get so attached, because he should have known that it would all end eventually.

Nine Inch Nails – Complication Lyrics 15 years ago
I think since this is after starfuckers, it's a musically illustrated moment where trent just begins to drown in anger or lonliness, after his failed attempts at a connection in starfuckers, hence, a blend of frantic sounds and beats. He's losing himself.

Nine Inch Nails – Starfuckers, Inc. Lyrics 15 years ago
I think, that following the story of the fragile, this is where trent tries to find someone to cling to for support, but only finds one night stands, or people who only to want to be there because he's famous and important, he refers to these as Starfuckers, and also kind of says that despite how screwed up these people are, they still try to judge him. His lonliness after the death of clara(his grandmother) continues to run deeper.

Nine Inch Nails – Please Lyrics 15 years ago
I think that this again is trent talking about his suicide, but in a more enthusiastic atmoshpere. It seems that in the mark has been made, that he realizes no one will comfort him as he so deeply hopes for. So he's kinda like "hey, I can end all this right now, so why the hell not?" However, the "never be enough to fill me up" could mean one of two things, that his suicide won't staisfy anything, or that even the thought of his grandmother clara(the basis of this conflict in the fragile) could never save him. Again, my opinion.

Nine Inch Nails – The Mark Has Been Made Lyrics 15 years ago
This one is def hard to interpret, but it seems as though, in context with where is everybody, that this is the point where trent kinda realizes, well, I'm fucked, no one is going to help me out, and the reason I believe this is because in starfuckers, he may be singing about how he tried to cling to people for support in his dark time, but those people were only there because he was someone important, not because they cared about him. I dunno, just my opinion.

Nine Inch Nails – Into the Void Lyrics 15 years ago
possibly, but the fragile has a running plot of his beloved grandmother's death, and how it destroys him, so its more likely that this is about his battle with suicide.

Nine Inch Nails – The Wretched Lyrics 15 years ago
dude, i love your info man, keep it coming, this is crucial for a hardcore nin fan like me man. once again, thanks a bunch.

Nine Inch Nails – The Day the World Went Away Lyrics 15 years ago
forget what I said, seems like you hit it on the head; such a deep song. thanks for the info man.

Nine Inch Nails – The Day the World Went Away Lyrics 15 years ago
i think the he is trent himself, and if I'm correct, this song has to do with his grandmother dying, who was very important to him. his whole world went away when she died.

Nine Inch Nails – Hurt Lyrics 15 years ago
Alright, my final song analysis for this album. Whew. Anyway, I for one belive the character of TDS killed himself at the end of the downward spiral. In this song, he visits his lover after his death, before he leaves for eternity. He tells her about how despite his most valiant and terrifying efforts, he still can't put the haunting memories of his torturous consciousness behind him. finally at peace, he realizes that he drove everything that meant anything to him away, and that it was no one's fault but his. he now sees that all his past views and opinions, the ones that he aimed at religion and his lover, were false visions taken through a cloud of desperation. he tells her not to mourn for him, because it will only cause her pain. he finally tells that if he was given another chance, he would fight his tortured mind, and make better choices, beating his mind, however he would do it far from anyone he cared about, making sure he didn't destroy them like he has here. the loud conclusion in my opinion is the character's soul being dragged away to its fate, whatever that may be.

Nine Inch Nails – The Downward Spiral Lyrics 15 years ago
i belive that in the TDS story, this is where the character has finally realized that his vices aren't doing him any good and that the voices in his head are near total victory. I for one DO belive that this is where the character ends his life. Just look at my explanation for hurt and this little analysis will be over and hopefully make some sense.

Nine Inch Nails – Reptile Lyrics 15 years ago
this is where the character of TDS finally extends his feelings of hate to the one thing he values most, the lover that made him feel like a god. he also hates her because since being with her, no other lover will fill the whole she left. he believes she tainted him.

Nine Inch Nails – Eraser Lyrics 15 years ago
I think in this song, the character tries to give his whole hearted allegiance and everything he has to the god he defied, only to break down and reveal that he really just wants the god to kill him and end his struggle. Oh, and this explanation is in accordance with my opinions on the other songs and the main storyline, so if ur lost, go check those out.

Nine Inch Nails – A Warm Place Lyrics 15 years ago
When I hear this, I picture the main character of TDS crying and retreating into his head after the voices in his head emotionally batter him. We the listener are treated to what happens everyday to this character in a warm place and big man with a gun, I envision this as a short breakway from the main storyline to showcase what the character goes through every day

Nine Inch Nails – Big Man with a Gun Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this song is a look at one of the many torture sessions the main character of TDS goes through with his consciousness. The Voice in his head is basically boasting how it's much more masculine than he will ever be, and basically referring to the character as a pussy, or his bitch, using the line "im gonna cum all over you" to show his dominance over him. the voice knows that the character will just cower in a corner, as he has before.

Nine Inch Nails – I Do Not Want This Lyrics 15 years ago
i believe this is the stage in the album when the character's lover returns after betraying him and tries to tell him whats wrong with his views or feelings. While inside, he knows he needs the help, his previous temporary surrender to the voices in the becoming are clouding his judgement. Yet again, the voices have won.

Nine Inch Nails – The Becoming Lyrics 15 years ago
quite simply, i belive the main character of TDS gives a piece of himself to his other consciousness, the negative side, and the after effects traumatize much more than he forsaw, and this song illustrates the event. The voices show him things he is terrified of, and he almost succumbs to them, but the pain continues for the other half of the album. HAHAHAHAHAHAH......sorry

Nine Inch Nails – Ruiner Lyrics 15 years ago
The fact that song follows closer changes my previous interpretation. I think that this song is about whatever took the lover from closer away from the character, the chorus about the penis being the character's visualization of what the lover siad, maybe the same thing she said to him to make him feel closer to god. So, the character refers to this other man as god, because this lover has made him a god, just as she did to the character. sorry if i got a little confusing, this just came to me.

Nine Inch Nails – Ruiner Lyrics 15 years ago
The fact that song follows closer changes my previous interpretation. I think that this song is about whatever took the lover from closer away from the character, the chorus about the penis being the character's visualization of what the lover siad, maybe the same thing she said to him to make him feel closer to god. So, the character refers to this other man as god, because this lover has made him a god, just as she did to the character. sorry if i got a little confusing, this just came to me.

Nine Inch Nails – Closer Lyrics 15 years ago
This song is a follow up to piggy in my opinion, where the character was feeling sorry for himself about this lover leaving him, in closer he puts her on a pedestal for her ability to make him feel in control, and her ability to take his pain and problems away. It ends with him telling her, either physically, or in his mind, that without her, he's not going to make it. The character later goes back on this in reptile, where he looks upon this woman with disgust, hatred, and a bit of sarcasm(beautiful liar;precious whore)

Nine Inch Nails – March of the Pigs Lyrics 15 years ago
I think that the stanzas containing the lines i wanna smash it up and lets discredit it are pigs speaking, the pigs being the voices in his head, who ultimately overpower the character who in the end is so drained by the whole struggle that he believes the pigs winning is alright, and he gives in

Nine Inch Nails – Piggy Lyrics 15 years ago
I agree with your explanation of march, but I believe this song is about the same lover that is described in closer and reptile, except in this song he looks at her in the light of him feeling sorry for himself, whereas in closer he puts her on a pedestal and in reptile he looks at her in disgust and hatred.

Nine Inch Nails – Mr. Self Destruct Lyrics 15 years ago
I think that i love liana has this pegged, each stanza tells of one of the vices or evils that drags the main character down the preverbial spiral, starting with sex, or his lover, religion, and then drugs. Moreover, the narrator of this song, the voice inside the character's head, is taunting the character, kind of telling him that no matter what he tries to save himself with, he'll be there, and he will win in the end by causing so much disarray and pain that the character will end his own existence. Therefore, the voice gets it's way.

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