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Radiohead – I Might Be Wrong Lyrics 12 years ago
Yes, I completely agree. Although, a lot of their songs from OK Computer and onwards may can be interpreted from a more personal view from a particular outlook on something, the bigger theme in the songs from all these albums including Thom Yorke's Eraser all have to do with societal and world issues of which you mentioned. Only in In Rainbows and TKOL they started progressing back towards personal perspectives and issues in life.

Thom Yorke – Analyse Lyrics 12 years ago
"The unexamined life is not worth living."--Socrates' analogy about how busy people stroll through the streets of the city with only short term goals; working for money and becoming a slave of consumerism to feed the needs and standards of the system, without questioning and focusing any energy on how to explore themselves and look for long term goals of personal success/happiness, which results in a lack of meaning, value, and purpose in their lives; perfectly fits the meaning of this song.

Goldfrapp – Utopia Lyrics 12 years ago

Thom Yorke – Analyse Lyrics 12 years ago
I agree because Thom yorke himself said that's what inspire him:

" 'Analyse' was inspired by a blackout in Oxford. Yorke 'used to live in central Oxford, on one of those historical streets, with all these houses built in the 1860s. I came home one night and for some reason, the street had a power cut. The houses were all dark, with candlelight in the windows, which is obviously how it would have been when they were built. It was beautiful.' "

Airiel – In Your Room Lyrics 12 years ago
Just heard this song in Kaboom. Strange, weird, bizzare, yet an entertaining and hot film by Gregg Araki.

Radiohead – Lotus Flower Lyrics 13 years ago
I'm not sure that's what this song is about, but interesting information.
Thanks for sharing.

Radiohead – Morning Mr. Magpie Lyrics 13 years ago
I believe the correct lyrics for the second and fourth stanza are:


Good Morning, Mr. Magpie
How are we today?
And now you stole it, all the magic
Took my memories


Good Morning, Mr. Magpie
How are we today?
And now you stole it, all the magic
Took my melody

Radiohead – Codex Lyrics 13 years ago
Finally, someone who agrees with me. I've been telling this to everyone, but no one listens. I thought Thom has been practicing Transcendental Meditation or has looked into Buddhism because that is the central theme of this album. It's all about realization, letting go, separating the ego from the super ego, and death/rebirth (metaphorically) or reincarnation.

That's also why I believe this album is most powerful because it's more focused on the natural process of living. They started doing this with some of their other songs from In Rainbows, like Reckoner, Faust Arp, etc. telling the story of selling the soul to the devil as well as life/rebirth and then they continued by using it as the central theme of this album. That's also why the sounds are similar with those songs.

I love how each song is like an episode of the entire story of the album. It bothers me that so many people are complaining about this wild, repetitive, and boring sound, but if you just analyze the context of the songs more, you can see that this dreamy/experimental/ambient sound all makes sense with the message they are trying to convey and make the songs more meaningful and beautiful to listen too.

Oh and would you mind explaining a more in depth analysis of "Bloom" because before I thought the song should come after "Codex", since he already loses himself by allowing the ocean to swallow him and then as he watches the jellyfish go by, he realizes how important the process of life is and is living for the first time doing somersaults.

Radiohead – Separator Lyrics 13 years ago
I think it's called Separator because his dreams are what is separating him from reality.

In the first part he sounds very nostalgic about his dreams because they provide him with this eternal bliss and happiness that reality does not. And it's frustrating, which is why the dreams seems so "long and weary" because he feels so devastated and wishes it could be easier to achieve that happiness and peace in real life too. (Also dreams are usually positive, but in this case he's falling, so it shows his lack of control over life? but falling gives him a sense of freedom from all the weight he carries on his back due to stress, etc. from real life.) He's like a "fish out of water" because his dreams separate him from his home environment. When he awakens "I fall open, I laid under" he just wants to lay back under his covers and tip them over him to dream again. But even though he has to wake up to a bullshit reality and it's hard to let go, he knows he has to fight, he's hopeful, and wants to believe that he can be happy in real life too, "If you think that this is over, then you're wrong." and that's why wants to be awakened in real life, "Wake me up, Wake me up," so he can stop being depressed, start living and making the best he can out of life.

I also love that South Asian chanting sound in the background. It sounds like Thom has been practicing some Transcendental Meditation. That's might also be why most of the songs on this album are about letting go, realization, separating the ego from the superego, and metaphorically death and rebirth/reincarnation.

I think this is the best song to end their music career with because all their other songs are heavy and depressing, but this song although depressing, it is more encouraging, inspiring, hopeful, and beautiful.

Also I don't think that the lyrics were NOT done on purpose to hint a second part of the album because I just found out this song was made a year ago, but titled, "Mouse, Dog, Bird". You can see the live version played with an acoustic, on youtube:

Radiohead – Little by Little Lyrics 13 years ago
There are so many little nuances in this song and all of the songs from King of Limbs, you just have to pay really close attention. This is what I got out of it:

Basically, I think it's about how we let our "evil" sides slowly get in control of us. Especially today, in our society, most people do whatever to impress their boss, or in big corporate businesses they let their greed take control of them by getting involved in these stupid little games, (that's why the song sounds so dangerous and mischievous) even if playing games hurts them.

"Little by little by hook or by crook
I'm such a tease
And you're such a flirt
Once you've been hurt
You've been around enough"

Then you behave certain ways or ignore your own emotions/thoughts, (it could be done by taking drugs/alcohol or not) and even though you're not an idiot and you know how it's killing yourself and affecting others, you don't look. Your oblivious to your own ignorance.

The fourth part is like the breaking point because the all the messy sounds start to disappear, he starts singing slower, etc. You're stuck in this vicious cycle, following "Routines and schedules," and it's like you selling yourself ("Obligation") to the devil, letting your darker side take complete control over you, "The last one out of the box, The one that broke the seal" I also noticed here that the sound the folk guitar instrument thing makes in the beginning, is reversed here.

Lastly, the chorus repeats, and the distracting sounds come in place again:

Little by little by hook or by crook
Never get nervous
Never get judged
I'm no idiot
I should look

The person isn't an idiot so they should come to realization that they shouldn't simply put things past them and get away with things by hook/crook.

I know there must be many other things this song means, but I haven't looked that in depth into it yet. This is why I love Radiohead, and think they're an immediate classic. Their songs are always associated with important current issues but because the lyrics are abstract, and not too specific, you can connect to them from any time period.

So far, one of my favourites from the album. I love the dangerous, exotic sound.

Radiohead – Give Up the Ghost Lyrics 13 years ago
It's don't hurt me

NOT "haunt"

Makes more sense too, and you can find the proper lyrics on lyrics wiki:

Radiohead – Feral Lyrics 13 years ago
A feral organism is one that has escaped from domestication and returned, partly or wholly, to a wild state

This song reminds me of Black Swan the scene where Nina (Natalie Portman) went to the the night club with Lily, started dancing and getting paranoid and then you see her creepy hallucinations in the background.

Radiohead – Separator Lyrics 13 years ago
A lot of people think because this is titled Separator and the album was released a day earlier, that it's only the first half, and the second part will come out tomorrow or something.

Death Cab for Cutie – Your Heart Is an Empty Room Lyrics 13 years ago
haha now that i think about it, you're right.

Stars – My Radio Lyrics 15 years ago
I believe the lyrics for the third verse are:

Hot sun on skin
That crimson dress too thin (I used to think it was "That girl's in dress to thin")
"Or into other words"
I touched it, it felt good

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