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fun. – Some Nights Lyrics 11 years ago
First, get the shift key on your keyboard fixed. Second, people with "bipolar brains" don't have the option of simply "growing the flip up." They have the option of letting things kill them or killing themselves first. At least in my case. Every person is different. Third, don't comment if you don't like it.

Karen O and the Kids – All Is Love Lyrics 14 years ago
I love this movie so much. I sobbed and cheered and have been listening to the music score 24 hours a day. It makes me feel warm fuzzy crayon drawn love letters on the blacktop playground.

Broadcast 2000 – Pep Talk Lyrics 14 years ago
I love this song. Motivation at its finest. It's my warm up song when I'm in the schooling ring at shows. Basically it's just saying no matter how good you are, there's going to be people who won't believe you. Even if you're scared to, suck it up and show them who's boss. You gotta be ready to do whatever possible to defend yourself and get where you want to be. Forget about all the naysayers in the world. Like my trainer says, "Chase the dream, not the competition."

Regina Spektor – Two Birds Lyrics 14 years ago
Cody- Or it could mean all the agoraphobics stay on their wire because they're too afraid to go see the effin world, unlike the fearless relatives who want to save the world. Sometimes I'm on the damned internets because it's the closest I can get to people without having a panic attack. Such as nao.

Owl City – Fireflies Lyrics 14 years ago
MrZombieNerd, major kudos to the Taoism reference! I was actually thinking about that reading this reply thread. I think auberginedreams09's experience was moreso an experience of Wu Wei or maybe even P'u had the experience made a lasting impact (that anwser belongs to the OP), to those unfamilar with Taoism, its kind of a spiritual aligning of everything and almost having a humbling moment surrounded by the power and vastness of the universe. To me, thats what I exactly pictured. I sit on my rooftop at night and look at the stars and put myself into perspective. You should try it once in a while. I'm competely fine with the religious ideas of others on here, just don't shoot them down because they are different than yours. I don't care if you're catholic or ba'hai or pagan. The goal of religion is to find a balance with ourselves. To be okay with us, we have to be okay with others so we can understand "It's alright that I'm different, people accept me. I accept them." Help yourself and help everyone step it up. I agree with Maslov that we aren't going to get ANYWHERE with ourselves until we're accepted by others and they accept us.

Journey – Don't Stop Believin' Lyrics 14 years ago
My friend John had an unhealthy obession with Journey. While painting sets for the musical, it would be into the wee hours of the morning and he would be belting this song like there was no tomorrow. He loved this song because he said it should be everyone's motto. It's just about taking chances and remembering that good things fall apart so better things can fall together and you can't lose faith no matter where you end up. Chances are ment to be taken, so just don't give up. He died yesterday in a car crash. We're playing this at his memorial service. Any time I hear this song now, not only do I have to smile and cry, but remember John's philosophy on life.

We'll miss you and your eternal optimisim.

Vertical Horizon – The Mountain Song Lyrics 14 years ago
At the end of each camping session at the camp I work at, we sing a song to the the whole camp. This year it was this song. Anytime I hear it I am taken back to the chilly nights on lake erie and this incredible love of strangers and friends you haven't met that you can only find at places like theses. Even back in the real world, all the people you meet there are still there all the time.

Perfect song.

Taylor Swift – The Way I Loved You Lyrics 14 years ago
First, in the first refrain, she talks about the old relationship she had. She had to fight for everything. There was never a dull moment, and you could always see the sparks. Now, she has a new boyfriend. He's "the perfect man" who treats you like a lady; she knows he's great, but she feels something missing. I always relate this song to the Notebook, it's like when Allie starts dating the officer and then sees Noah in the newspaper.

It's not love if you're not fighting for something.

Silversun Pickups – Lazy Eye Lyrics 14 years ago
My guitar teacher first told me about this song and I am addicted to playing it. Guitar (and bass) line for this song are so easy, and they're hypnotic; I could play them all day and not get bored. :D Meaning: I'm kinda agreeing with most other people on this, two young kids in love, but afraid to confrront each other. Possibly from a silly quirk, like a lazy eye.

Anyways, love the silversun pickups. :)

Jason Mraz – 0% Interest Lyrics 15 years ago
jassss, i think he's just referring to another story about this girl/friend/sister, whoever you believe he's talking to. he's saying there's a joke behind that, but i would need another 8 minute song to explain the great times i had with the person.

Jason Mraz – Little You & I Lyrics 15 years ago
"Did I kill the song for anyone? I know there's someone like 'This song was for my boyfriend and I and it was about a cat?!' Well, thats why the cat comes into the bedroom while you're listening to this cd. xD

Jason Mraz is such a cool cat.

Jason Mraz – 1,000 Things Lyrics 15 years ago
Now suddenly the thousand things unseen
Were nothing more then dreams of you and me.

Semplicemente stupenda.

Animal Collective – Peacebone Lyrics 15 years ago
I always thought at the beginning and end of the song he said "Danser" which means dance. I dont think it sounds like Boneface

Regina Spektor – Wallet Lyrics 15 years ago
I don't know how often people here read Post Secret, but I freuqent the site and books. I think this song is sort of like Post Secret. She is trying to create a whole person through their wallet; she figures out their life, family, even if they like leather boots. It's seeing a piece of a stranger and feeling connections stronger than friendships: the look into a strangers life.

Regina Spektor – Two Birds Lyrics 15 years ago
When I first heard this song, I was in shock. I felt like the bird that wouldn't let go of the wire. Me and my brother are very close, and he is graduating next year and wants to go out and do something big. He wants to join the coast guard or the army and fly away from our little wire. I want him to live his life and dreams but I don't know what will happen after he flies away.

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