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Lyle Lovett – If I Had A Boat Lyrics 10 months ago
This is a children's song, but sung from an adult's perspective. It's a mixture of the narrator's dreams of freedom, thrown together in a somewhat paradoxical manner. One of the few places you CAN'T ride a pony is on a boat. And if you leave on a boat, you likely can't take the horse with you, likewise if you depart on a horse, the boat will have to stay behind.

The verse are about Roy Rogers is a child's rejection of a cowboy show's narrative. He doesn't wish to marry and prefers to sail off with his horse. He's seeking freedom and adventure in a naive but passionate manner.

The verse about Lone Ranger is also a child's perspective on a TV show, asking why the native american sidekick does the dirty work. Then Tonto outsmarts his boss, tells him "kiss my ass", and leaves on a boat with his horse.

"If I were like lightning" conjures up a child's concept of being all-powerful but needing to temper his force for his horse on his boat. The child must overcome bad forces to achieve freedom, then he can be peaceful again.

Ween – Tried And True Lyrics 2 years ago
I think I understand it. This is a song sung from the perspective of the Sun/God. I don\'t think it\'s any specific god; many cultures saw the Sun as the embodiment of God or as God itself. This song touches on those ancient mythologies.\n\nAnd another commenter quoted Ween saying it was "a song about the birth of time." (Besides, aren\'t we tired of everyone saying every song is about drugs? heh.)\n\n"At the dawn, I woke, I was alone, rising"\n\nIt\'s Sunrise -- maybe the first sunrise over Earth, where the Sun/God is alone in the sky, rising at dawn.\n\n"I called upon the force of time and space, calling"\n\nThe Sun/God is creating Time, Space and everything else.\n\n"And as she came, to me, I fell back down, realizing"\n\nThe Sun/God is now going back down (Sunset of the first day) as the Moon/Goddess rises up toward him.\n\n"Oh, that it\'s cool for you to love me now, I\'m everything"\n\nHe is the Sun/God (creator/everything) but now he realizes he is no longer alone, and is worthy of being loved by the Moon/Goddess. He may also be referring to the people on Earth who worship him now.\n\n"Everything, \'cause tried and true\nI see the light in you"\n\nAgain here he could be talking to the Moon/Goddess, of the people on Earth, or both. He sees the light in these things (either physical or spiritual -- he saw what he created, and it was good). \n\n"Oh, can you dig in my soul?\nCould you smell my whole life?"\n\nNow that he is no longer alone, he wonders if these other beings can truly see into his divine soul to understand his nature (it\'s the general longing to bee seen and accepted/loved for who you truly are).\n\n"You bent the edge, eclipsed, and turned around, aligning\nAnd through the dark sparked rays of violet light, blinding"\n\nIt\'s a literal Solar Eclipse, where the Sun, Moon, and Earth align (God, Goddess, and Earth are in harmony), which casts colorful (blinding) light in the shadow of the moon which may appear kind of violet. I think he\'s really impressed with the beauty created by the Moon/Goddess here.\n\n"I went about the job of sowing thoughts and feelings\nOh some were good, some bad, I felt the cries of healing"\n\nThe Sun/God inspires people to do all kinds of things, which are sometimes bad, and he hears the prayers of people crying out for healing.\n\nChorus repeats, where Sun/God could again be talking about the people or the Moon/Goddess or both in a way. He still sees the light in them and wonders if they truly understand him.\n\n"Rise, my Dawn"\n\nIt\'s another Sunrise (the Sun/God creating dawn); another day.\n\n"You\'ve been awake too long"\n\nHe\'s talking to the Moon/Goddess and telling her it\'s time for her to rest as he rises up in the sky.\n\n"Let me rest in time"\n\nHe\'s telling the Moon/Goddess that later it will be time for her to take over (rise in the sky) and let him rest again (at Sunset). \n\n"While I blow your mind"\n\nMaybe he wants to impress the beautiful Moon/Goddess with all the things he\'s going to accomplish/create during the day.\n\nThen the cycle repeats with that new dawn....\n\n"At the dawn I woke, I was alone, rising (I catch it)\nI called upon the force of time and space, calling (see them)\nAnd as she came to me, I fell back down, realizing (creation)\nThat it\'s cool for you to love me now, I\'m everything (I am)"\n\n"I catch it" perhaps is similar to "seize the day," meaning the Sun/God is going to go to work to create more beautiful things during the day. "See them" may be referring to the people on Earth or other things he has created -- maybe he\'s showing them off to the Moon/Goddess to "blow her mind." Then It even specifically mentions "creation" and ends with "I am," which is literally one of God\'s catch phrases, heh.\n\nIn the end, I think this is a beautiful love song about the divine relationship between the Sun/God and the Moon/Goddess. In fact, I note that the last two verses are sang with two voices -- perhaps the second voice represents the Moon/Goddess now signing along with the Sun/God.\n\n-tinyvast (borrowed this account just to make one post, heh)

The Clash – Life Is Wild Lyrics 2 years ago
@[pittsburghgirl92:40563] \r\n\r\nYou have no idea what this song is about and I hereby revoke your license to listen to any more Clash songs. I don\'t care if you posted this way back in 2010, you have been banned.

Kim Carnes – Bette Davis Eyes Lyrics 2 years ago
@[j109875988:40356] While I don\'t particularly care for the above parody, you are ill-informed at best or delusional at worst if you think there is any chance of being sued over such nonsense. There is a concept of "fair use". Maybe get that stick out of your behind... Not everything you don\'t like has to be illegal!

4 Non Blondes – What's Up? Lyrics 2 years ago
no one cares

4 Non Blondes – What's Up? Lyrics 2 years ago
@[janeaparis1:39408] Regarding It's not something that they decide they are, well anyone can decide they be gay but some people are born gay.
Can't edit own comments which is a bit disappointing.

4 Non Blondes – What's Up? Lyrics 2 years ago
This song seems to be for me about emotionally surviving in a time where homosexuality was seen as a taboo, with repression against it and a mental illness, hence the institutions that claim to cure homosexuality. This song was about trying to hide feelings for someone they love/admire romantically that is the same sex of them and that sometimes they cry because they cannot be open with them while still staying true to yourself and the great big hill of hope that homosexuality can be seen normally instead of something that is perceived to be frowned upon. Coming out of the clauset of their sexual orientation, with no fear or legal repercussions, so to speak.

"Brotherhood of man" refers to those in charge that create laws against homosexuality, like politicians, law makers, wealthy people, people who are anti-homosexuals etc. Also Organizations like religious organizations (Catholic Church etc) and other oppressive institutions that are demonizing homosexuality and treating it as being possessed by the devil, or some other superstitions. People can be born gay. It's not something that they decide they are.

Laura Marling – David Lyrics 2 years ago

She was fascinated with Ryan Adams for many years. They may have had a relationship. He wrote songs about her. His first name is David and this song is about him.

Alamo Race Track – Black Cat John Brown Lyrics 2 years ago
According to Wikipedia "Singer Ralph Mulders wrote "Black Cat John Brown" inspired by a black cat that frequented his house."
So maybe it's just about a random black cat :D Though the question of the oddly specific name remains.

Alamo Race Track – Black Cat John Brown Lyrics 2 years ago
- According to Wikipedia, John Brown (May 9, 1800 – December 2, 1859) was an American abolitionist leader who was hanged for his violent insurrection against slavery.
- In most Western cultures, black cats have typically been looked upon as a symbol of evil omens. They are also linked to witchcraft with a belief, that witches can transform into black cats
- The full moon represents the height of a circlular rythm but is also connected to witchcraft rituals
My Interpretation:
John Brown, who is a violent insurgent against slavery (the status-quo at the time) is a "black cat": an unpleasant omen for the ruling white class of changing times and eventually the civil war. Since Brown was himself white but fighting for the rights of the black slaves, the adjective "black" gains another meaning. Further associations are "the black panthers" (panther = cat) and "black sheep".
His "big yellow eyes" represent his hope for a brighter future - which is asserted with the words "full moon is rising" (=his time is coming). The image of the big yellow eyes is mirrored in the image of the full moon, signifying that his hopes are not illusory.
Now for the next lines I assume one has to have intricate knowledge of Brown's biography. Cats usually jump through windows and over fences but they can also be obstacles that require risk taking.
"You catch the world, big open eyes" suggests that 1) he understands the world correctly by being open and receiving (in opposition to being judgemental) and 2) gaining followers for his cause and eventually drawing the "whole world" (here the USA) into his cause (leading to civil war).
Catching some "berries from trees that reach the sky" signifies that he accomplishes something extraordinary, truely grand, dignified and/or honorable - which probably refers to his impact in the struggle for human equality.
The next line, however, sets a limit to this greatness: he is a cat (human) that gets older (=weaker, less impactful) and eventually dies. He had a positive impact ("a good life") but couldn't "fix" inequality and slavery in his lifetime (which cannot be expected of a single person).

The Rays – Silhouettes Lyrics 3 years ago
Ah, the dangers of living in Levittown.

Kim Carnes – Bette Davis Eyes Lyrics 3 years ago
It's about cocaine.

Marilyn Manson – Tattooed in Reverse Lyrics 3 years ago
another theme in the video supporting this is that both both Marilyn Manson and Glo Taylorr switch between white and full black outfits and there is a white "tattoo" on her back is white in some scenes.

Marilyn Manson – Tattooed in Reverse Lyrics 3 years ago
Maybe the line "Tattooed in Reverse" is meant differently. Usually when you get a tattoo you get your skin "turned black". The phrase Tattooed in Reverse could both mean that the skin is turned white, but also that you were born white not black, or black not white.

If you say that Marilyn Manson is dark (thought wise, music wise, soul wise, etc.) you could also say that he is dark inside, while white outside.

One could also see it as being the outsider, despite being white.

I think most of the lyrics other than the phrase as well as the video make sense with that interpretation.

Crass – Shaved Women Lyrics 4 years ago
I know how petty it is to start a comment fight with a 10 year old thread, but wow, every comment here misses the mark entirely.

“Shaved women” is clearly a reference to the women tortured and humiliated in France after allied victory for being *accused* nazi collaborators. There is widespread understanding now that most of these accusations were baseless, none received anything close to a fair trial, and anecdotally, there’s even stories of women sleeping with nazis to pass on information to the resistance and still being tortured as “collaborators”. Many women were simply trying to survive the war, and even if they were sleeping with nazis, had no real control of the situation. Meanwhile, countless men who actually supported nazi occupation escaped punishment.

The image Eve Libertine is trying to evoke is this: after surviving years of the horrors of war, somehow keeping your children alive despite starvation and bombing in a situation where you are absolutely powerless, now, after being supposedly liberated, you are drug out into the street, child torn from your arms, attacked by angry men, shaved, beaten, tortured (or worse) as your children look on. Screaming Babies.

This has nothing to do with antifascist revenge and everything to do with misogynist violence.

Just look at the artwork on the back of Reality Asylum. It’s a shaved woman and her child running away from a horde of clergy, including a seig-heiling priest. The idea is the meaninglessness of this “liberation” for women. Inescapable violence.

The later lyricis are a simple “as it was then, it is now”-type rhetorical device. It’s more abstract here, but the implication is that the threat of male violence still controls women’s bodies regardless of one’s place in society (the disco elite or the dope-shooting underclass).

I mean, cmon y’all, Crass, and punk in general, is all about screaming back at the powerful. It’s about reminding us all of the violence they commit against the weak and vulnerable, not about body shaming women.

Purity Ring – Crawlersout Lyrics 4 years ago
It's deep thought about life interpreted through the world of Minecraft.

Fall Out Boy – The Phoenix Lyrics 5 years ago
@[naunga:30192] You spelled Bieber wrong

The Cure – A Night Like This Lyrics 5 years ago
@[fleaaaaaa:29696] I cheated on my wife, and I'm trying to make it up to her, I want her back. Was listening t the song thinking about what you say, came here, and read your words. 17 years later. Yep, you are right.

Nerf Herder – Van Halen Lyrics 5 years ago
@[nietzsche_66:28177] Open your mind, 66. Why so intolerant?

Urban Dictionary > Oxford Dictionary

Nerf Herder – Van Halen Lyrics 5 years ago
@[nietzsche_66:28178] Open your mind, 66. Why so intolerant?

Urban Dictionary > Oxford Dictionary

Nerf Herder – Van Halen Lyrics 5 years ago
@[enchantingwizard:28176] You posted this is 2002 but you right then and you're still not wrong now in 2018.

Diablo Swing Orchestra – Exit Strategy of a Wrecking Ball Lyrics 6 years ago
I remember Daniel saying this song is dedicated to his daughter ;)

The first two lines sum up the whole song and the whole situation and the rest of the song elaborates on it.

The daughter was in a relationship with a guy who was emotionally abusive. One with a martyr/underdog complex. Someone who wants to be consoled for his non-existing suffering. It's a kind of narcissism in which the guy drags everyone down with him so he feels better than the people around him do, usually by complaining about the significant other towards other people, causing a rift between the significant other and the people she knows. They usually use fear and terror in order to keep the significant other as far away from reality as possible. Causing rifts in old friendships to isolate and desolate them.

The singer, as a nice person, has always been nice to the guy and tries showing him the good sides of life, but the guy hates it because when people are nice to him, he can't be the underdog or a martyr and he can't get consolance from other people when he complains about 'what a jerk his father-in-law is'.

The second line is about the singer realising what a toxic relationship it is and he tries to get him out of their lives by what the guy hates the most: people being nice to him.

The rest of this song elaborates this:

This state of chaos suits you - shows that the guy loves wallowing in his own problems, elaborating on the 'martyr complex'

But now I've got a nation to crush you on my command - The singer has many people around him who know about the guy's lies and want him gone as well

I've come to erase you - I think this is clear now

I'm here to replace you - The singer is there for the emotional support that her daughter needs at the moment

This time words won't save you - This shows that the guy is a lying git, and that everybody now knows that everything he says are lies

This time no one fears you - shows that his reign of terror was through lies and that he isn't physically abusive (which is hardly ever the case for people with a martyr complex because, the moment they hit someone, it's undeniably the fault of the 'martyr')

And I can't wait to get you out of my mind - the moment the relation is over and they'll never see him again, everything will be good again.

I searched a world to cure you - The singer wanted to cure the guy from his melancholy

so now I wear the scars of your bitter disease - While searching for the 'cure', the singer discovered this faul part of humanity that the guy is part of. Something he rather didn't know (I'm not sure about this line, though. It could mean something completely different).

I'm rage and ruin before you and without a thought in my mind I'll make you come clean - Before he knew that the guy can't be helped, the singer once confronted the guy about his lies, but the guy believing his own lies, didn't admit he lied, making the singer, as the honest person he is, absolutely furious (I'm not sure about this line either, though)

You'll never see her again - the actual declaration of war towards that guy.

The martyr complex is a certain kind of narcissistic personality disorder. My father has it. He isolated my mother, was grumpy for the sake of being grumpy and he emotionally abused her so he felt better than her therefor he felt good.
If I were to sing this song to my father, it would be spot on
Except that the person 'bringing the starts to burn him', 'trying to turn him around with their beauty' and 'searching the world to cure him' was my mother.

(From Youtube)

Misfits – Cough/Cool Lyrics 6 years ago
Brilliant analysis!

Streetlight Manifesto – They Broke Him Down Lyrics 6 years ago
It's about coping with the suicide of a loved one.

The speaker thinks about whether/that he showed signs that he was suicidal after he "lost control" of his life. They expect to find no comfort from attending the funeral, instead clinging to his last words to them.

"They broke him down" in trying to explain his death. The speaker expects to kill themself soon and be broken down by attendants to their funeral as well, having "bottled inside" and "given up on letting go" of their grief.

The "holy debt" could refer to damnation as punishment for suicide after subscribing to a religion or to being otherwise beholden to "angels" that "just sat there" as he died.

Depeche Mode – Judas Lyrics 6 years ago
Attempts to draw a distinction between religious and romantic topics with works by Martin Gore can be a misguided effort: he self-professedly writes songs in a way that blurs the line between the two themes (ie: 'World In My Eyes' according to Gore is a profession that sex and faith are one in the same, that "sex is not a bad thing").

Personally I interpret 'Judas' as an answer from God to Man's prayers, delivered in a way much like a conversation one would have with an unfaithful or troubled lover, someone He loves enough to console lovingly and criticize sarcastically; to offer salvation to, or a solution to his or her problems.

He accusingly and humorously mocks Man's modern ideas and adages:

"Is simplicity best"
Or simply the easiest?

He offers insight:

The narrowest path
Is always the holiest

He offers us the way to achieve His love, or the 'solution' to his lover's romantic problems:

So walk on barefoot for me - Set yourself aside; let go; live selflessly
Suffer some misery - Grow up; lose your naivete
If you want my love

He simplistically and truthfully speaks to ease mankind's constant anxieties and fears (this is a timeless verse in that it will always be applicable to us -- we will always have our mundane, forgettable daily anxieties, be them of dying alone, terrorism, climate change) with His divine insight. He tries to quell his lover's anxieties so she will relax:

Man will survive
The harshest conditions
And stay alive
Through difficult decisions

So that she will have the ability ("You have the ability" - Get Right With Me) to make a decision with a clarity of thought and a strong conviction and accept Him, to go out of her way to be worthy of His love:

So make up your mind for me
Walk the line for me
If you want my love

He criticizes His lover as hypocritical, conniving, unfaithful. He condemns all of mankind like a gilted lover would: You say one thing but do another, you do not keep the promises you make. You are dishonest, selfish, you doubt me.

Idle talk
And hollow promises
Cheating Judases
Doubting Thomases

If you want my love:

Don't just stand there and shout it
Do something about it

Botany Bay – Nineteen years later Lyrics 7 years ago
It's a song about time passing and people changing.

"Nineteen Years Later" is the title of the very last chapter of the Harry Potter saga. In it, JK Rowling gives an outline of what happened to the heroes after the final events of the main story. How everyone got to live a happy und meaningful life.

This song depicts an alternate turn of events. It's a song about how there's not always happy endings in life. About people losing their idealism and their hope ('will you still feel the thrill?' / 'lose yourself in dreams of what could have been?'), and about breaking up.

Stars – No One Is Lost Lyrics 7 years ago
This song opens with a french spoken word verse:

Au lendemain de fête
Les consequences vécu
Répète et répète jusqu'au au sommeil
Personne ne reste
Personne ne reste
Personne ne reste

Which google tells me means:

The day after the party
The consequences
Repeats and repeats until sleep
No one remains
No one remains
No one remains

This sets the scene foe some sort of Sisyphean tale of party life. Which seems devoid of meaning. The music begins.

It's sounds are taken from club music. Wide electric "strings" have soft distorted attacks that begin to sharpen as a synth plays out a melody which is joined by a drum machine and a picked electric guitar. These elements come together to form an upbeat club feel with where the chorus is repeated over techno style buildups. We are asked to put our hands up like an audience at an EDM show, but instead of exalting in the false immortality of youth we are asked to rejoice in the steady continuation towards death:

Put your hands up 'cause everybody dies.

The verses set the scene of club entrances and loneliness. Of waiting for some sort of absolution which we presumably get from the chorus.

In this way the fabricated moments of dance club joy are re-purposed to help assuage the fear of death. It is both critical of the feeling of community in the club (is it meaningless?) and yet sympathetic to this party (we are encouraged to participate). Later choruses expand this to the feeling of loss and the fear or loss. Amy tells us than until the moment we die / lose we are still alive and we can still win. Interestingly, the last chorus asks us to participate if we ever feel afraid which recognizes the emotional reaction we have to death and loss, but by this point we are already dancing too much to care about these things.

Infected Mushroom – Killing Time Lyrics 7 years ago
I think he's mourning the loss of a loved one. If you break up, suddenly you have a lot of extra time on your hands, and he's also unhappy because the new boyfriend or whomever set her free, meaning she's way happier with the new person.

Chance the Rapper – Same Drugs Lyrics 7 years ago
In my opinion this song directly refers to Peter Pan's chapter 17 "When Wendy grew up". It uses the drugs as an analogy of taking different paths. It might refer to his personal experience of distancing from someone or something of his childhood, but that is a wilder interpretation and it would be easier to ask Chance about it.

The song reminds me a little bit to the phrase of a Keane song "everybody's changing and I don't fell the same"

Heaven 17 – Come Live with Me Lyrics 7 years ago
I always felt these lyrics were quite dodgy given the age gap between the vocalist and the girl he's asking to live with him.

Blondie – Maria Lyrics 7 years ago
At least in the version from the album "Live", the chorus is sometimes sung with "regina" and sometimes with "latina". And both make sense:
While Regina is a proper name, that's not what it means here. Next to the Latin words "ave maria", it should probably be interpreted as the female form of the Latin word "rex", which means king. In other words, Maria is considered a queen.
Latina also makes sense, as I'd consider Maria a common name in South America.

Rebelution – R Way Lyrics 7 years ago
They are telling the story of how the youth grow up in today's society.

With the sudden influx of connected devices, the youth have a voice all over the world, but at what cost?

Underworld – Cowgirl Lyrics 7 years ago
In the past I've always heard this as "eraser of love" but have just noticed it as "eraser of luck". It's hard to tell with final aspirants and studio mix but hard to miss the -k once you notice. It really changes the direction of the song.

Conjure One – Center of the Sun Lyrics 8 years ago
@[pervnerve:13678] Yah it really bugs me that so many lyric sites have "dark market of above" which makes no sense because "above" doesn't rhyme with "again"! Thanks for pointing that out. Just goes to show that most lyrics sites mindlessly copy the lyrics off other sites.

DarkHelmet correctly points out that she pronounces "violin" strangely. It sounds like "vi.....o-lin". Almost sounds like "olin" is a separate word.

Duke Special – Freewheel Lyrics 8 years ago
"I don't wanna stand still,
I just wanna freewheel,
I don't wanna lose this."

I see this as someone who is hoping for some changes, but is afraid that if he makes an effort to achieve that goal he'll go to far.

"I don't wanna stand still" = I don't want to be exactly where I am right now.
"I don't wanna lose this" = I like something about where I am
"I just wanna freewheel" = I just want to see how this goes, without forcing it

Black Flag – The Swinging Man Lyrics 8 years ago
This song is the opposite of the "Family man" song from the album "Family man". In the beginning of the "Family man" Henry asks "Do you want the family man or do you want the swinging man? You choose." and whisper answers "Family man". This song represents another option.

John Grant – GMF Lyrics 8 years ago
This song is humorous take on the bullshit artists and self-important that live with us, it is encapsulated in the lines.
"I am usually only waiting for you to stop talking,
so that I can,
Concerning two-way streets,
I have to say I am not a fan,
But I am the greatest mother fucker you are ever gonna meet,"
The following lines,
"From the top of my head to the tips of my feet,
you could be laughing 65% more of the time,"
could be bullshit "percentage" talk and self-importance these shitbags and know-it-alls vomit in when you talk to them.
" me while it's still a crime,"
This could be a reference to shacking up when gay,
There is some other lyrics where Grant sings about "having the nerve to make me feel" and
"I should have practiced my skills,
I should not be attracted to males
make up your mind Dr. Frankenstein,"
shows that angry edge these people show when confronted,
The closing lyrics,
"You could be laughing 65% more of the time,
-You could be laughing 63% more of the time,
-You could be laughing 25% more of the time,"
Is a clue to detect these backpedaling and lying people.

Basically it is a PSA & tribute about these people that we share the Earth with.

Rancid – Gunshot Lyrics 8 years ago
There is no Duty Quiz.
After singing the song they went back and interpreted "Beauty Queen" to be "Duty Quiz" because "Beauty Queen" wasn't punk enough.

CHVRCHES – The Mother We Share Lyrics 8 years ago
Perhaps there are 2 personalities sharing the same body & therefore the same mother. Facet A of her is in a conversation with facet B.

The video has echos of the end of Fight Club. Another, more extreme, 2 minds in 1 body situation.

Maximum The Hormone – Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura Mura Purin Purin Boron Nururu Rero Rero Lyrics 9 years ago
Adding my Google Translate translations and rough, pragmatic(, incorrect?) interpretation:

Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura
purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura
purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura
purin purin boron nururu rero rero
Chuu chuu lovely muni muni mura mura
purin purin boron nururu rero rero

That girl tears off her rock 'n' roll pantyhose, revealing her burning hot body!
The moshing of the stalkers of undeniable tendencies starts right here!

Vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl SEX!
Aluminum aluminum aluminum aluminum aluminum (in a way, it's) ROCK!

Bitch you! Get you! A gang of middle-aged slaughterers ever at death's door
Laid off and holed up in a Gusto*
Bitch you! Get you! A gang of middle-aged slaughterers ever at death's door
Laid off and holed up in a Gusto

A ageless, thin-waisted masterpiece from the beauty salon-cum-host club
The stress of helping, the stress of responsibilities, the endless race with males and females
A game of justice? A sex slave can't suppress those desires
In that suitcase, there's a coil of rope, packing tape and a cutter knife


"I just want to see you naked! I want to see how you look! It's a life of masturbation for a guy!"
The moshing of the stalkers of undeniable tendencies starts right here!

Vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl vinyl SEX!
Polyester polyester polyester polyester polyester T-T-T-T-TORN APART!



A college student would be great; a high school student would be great too; a middle school student would be good as well, no?
An elementary school student would work too, especially if they're charming; a kindergartener is fine too

Chorus: erotic onomatopoeia
Gusto: 24/7 Japanese chain restaurant

Ryan Adams – Two Lyrics 9 years ago
This song is about Ryan's love of getting finger banged in the ass. While he could get off on just one finger in the past, it now takes two as his fart box is quite stretched.

Albert Hammond – I'm a Train [*] Lyrics 9 years ago
He's a train.

Radiohead – All I Need Lyrics 9 years ago
I'm 95% sure he says:

"I’m just an insect
trying to get out of your eye"

The Black Eyed Peas – Alive Lyrics 9 years ago
When I listen to this song I imagine a couple who broke up and the lyrics describe some thoughts they go through after the break up.

I like how they did the verses for both vocals, they used similar words but kept the same meaning. The verses have two different characters but they still follow the same train of thought and it's something that binds them together even though they come from very different perspectives.

Anyways, those are my thoughts.

Two Door Cinema Club – Beacon Lyrics 9 years ago
@[takeapiece:32] It only makes sense that its light, because the following line says "The light that never dies" referring to the beacon light. It makes perfect sense because a beacon is defined as: a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning, or guide.

Two Door Cinema Club – Beacon Lyrics 9 years ago
@[takeapiece:31] It only makes sense that its light, because the following line says "The light that never dies" referring to the beacon light. It makes perfect sense because a beacon is defined as: a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning, or guide.

Two Door Cinema Club – Beacon Lyrics 9 years ago
@[takeapiece:30] It only makes sense that its light, because the following line says "The light that never dies" referring to the beacon light. It makes perfect sense because a beacon is defined as: a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning, or guide.

Two Door Cinema Club – Beacon Lyrics 9 years ago
@[takeapiece:29] It only makes sense that its light, because the following line says "The light that never dies" referring to the beacon light. It makes perfect sense because a beacon is defined as: a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning, or guide.

Two Door Cinema Club – Beacon Lyrics 9 years ago
@[takeapiece:28] It only makes sense that its light, because the following line says "The light that never dies" referring to the beacon light. It makes perfect sense because a beacon is defined as: a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning, or guide.

Two Door Cinema Club – Beacon Lyrics 9 years ago
@[takeapiece:27] It only makes sense that its light, because the following line says "The light that never dies" referring to the beacon light. It makes perfect sense because a beacon is defined as: a light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning, or guide.

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