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Interpol – Evil Lyrics 15 years ago
Shit! I spent five years kind of wondering what this song meant but never caring enough to dissect it and then I find out it's about something so screwed up.. Damn, and it was this friggin song that sold me on the indie sound.. well this one and take me out by franz ferdinand, the band which I found out yesterday (also thanks to severe boredom and a copy of the infamous wikipedia), that has some history in it's name. (no I'm not a history buff)

/stops trying to further analyze a narrative

Mason Jennings – Darkness Between The Fireflies Lyrics 15 years ago
I don't know if he means that she shouldn't be jealous of his past or if it's the other way around. I've never been jealous of a girl's past. I've always seen the past as just that, the past. I've never been jealous of a guy that's with a girl that I want for that matter. I don't like having to make up for the mistakes that other guys have made, but that's not jealousy. That's just part of earning trust.

I've been unfortunate enough to make some of those mistakes myself. I've even directly lied to a girl as well and lied by omission in order to try to make her jealous. I've learned from my errors though, and those things only happened once. I wish I knew then what I know now, but the past can't be changed. The experience was beautiful though, and I will never forget that part of my life. I've tried.

I know now that those memories never go away, nor do I want them to. The thing is, I hope that I don't unintentionally make another woman jealous now that I've seen what's wrong and right and more importantly, now that I've already loved.

Cake – Let Me Go Lyrics 15 years ago
Guy likes girl.
Girl likes attention.
He is no longer a challenge.
She is through with him.

It won't happen again.

Hinder – Lips of an Angel Lyrics 15 years ago
Not a song to play around your girlfriend.. This one came on when I was riding in the backseat of a car driven by a girlfriend of a girl that I was in you know, an exclusive relationship with. Anyway, the conversation somehow turned into them saying that this song is about cheating. I was both outnumbered and not looking forward to hitchhiking an hour to get home, so I stopped short of telling them both to F*&% off right then. I had to drop that argument there, but I can make my point here, even if it is only projecting a gap in my emotions upon dead air. But, before I go there, I must mention that she's dead to me, for a particularly good reason also involving her girlfriend that I mentioned above.

So yeah, I did agree that this is emotionally "cheating," but that will be permitted in any relationship that I ever land myself in. That is because just like most other people, there is no possibility of me marrying my first love. If you've ever loved, you'll agree that the sound of the object of your affections' voice will always make you weak, no matter how long it's been since you've last heard it or where you've taken your life since then. My last two therapists have both asked me to describe what the kind of relationship that I'd like to be in would look like. My answer to this has been one where she and I do not cheat on one another if there is that commitment. Then I'm asked what I consider cheating to be, to which my answer is sex.

I tremble every time I hear this song, as it awakens emotions that I possess for a girl that I screwed things up with beyond the point of no return. She never felt the same way about me, but my heart doesn't know that. Although I'm sure that I'll find a different kind of love in the future that's able to distract me from this love, I believe that once you're in love with someone you will always love them. The best thing for me to do for myself is to have absolutely no connection to her at all, and doing this is what helped me entertain the thought of another love.

Blue October – Calling You Lyrics 15 years ago
There was a point in my life when this song could've applied, but now I think it's a bit ridiculous. Firstly, if you're calling her all the time she's going to get tired of hearing from you, you just can't cling that tightly. Now I'm at a point in my life where I'm able to embrace love again, but when I do find another girl to love, I'm not going to be calling her any more than is absolutely necessary. I've been down that road before. Let her spend the two hours before she goes to bed talking to one of her girlfriends, not you. The less you give a girl the more she'll want. Don't ever give it all to her; well at least not until you're sure that you're the only one on her mind.

On that thought, I wouldn't want her to be thinking of me so much that I'm in her dreams. I've had a girl that I don't love obsessed over me. Believe me, it wasn't pretty. The one that I love told me that she dreamt of me, but that wasn't any indication that she had picked me. She didn't. But then again, maybe women are just more apt to dream, I don't know.

I've only just recently started dreaming again for the first time in what seems to be years. It's good though, because for the past two nights I've had similar ones that include my ex-girlfriend, my crush and the girl that I'm writing this about. All I can really remember about them is that they are all three there, but I'm so happy that I've been having these dreams.

Give your girl space, especially in long-distance relationships, and be true to her...and yourself.

Weezer – The Other Way Lyrics 15 years ago
I don't really know the merit of the Wiki article about Rivers writing this song about consoling Elliot Smith's girlfriend after the suicide or murder or whatever, but I guess it could make sense.

This song is a fit for any geek who has loved in the past and is afraid to love again. Take me for example, after nearly 2 years have passed from my first real experience with love, I finally feel like I have the ability to love a different girl. This scares me to death.

I'm pretty much in the same mental and emotional state that I was in before, except now I'm a little wiser and more mature. I know that I will not make the same mistakes that I have made in the past, but my therapist and I are working on making me able to handle the unknown and start talking to people again before it's too late.

Ben Folds – All U Can Eat Lyrics 15 years ago
I think I've eaten at that Denny's! There's even a WalMart in the same parking lot.. It's essentially a pun on the effect of consumerism among the mid-to-lower class. It's all about a disgusting cesspool of underlying narcissism that has spiraled out of control since the 1950's or so that will never end. We're all victims. The best way to be able to see his point is to vacation in a tertiary country for as long as you can, and then it'll hit you shortly after you return.

Oh, and check out Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead.

The Strokes – Soma Lyrics 15 years ago
I thought of soma the other day when my friend was drinking an energy drink that had nicotine in it (sorry-I'm on an extended holiday from the US, so you're not getting any you fiend). I already stopped drinking that crap anyway, but seeing that there are ones out there with nicotine in them took it to a different level. But anyway, there's gotta be an energy drink with soma in it out there somewhere.

This has always been my favorite Strokes song for some reason. I don't like it enough to read the book though. Though, I probably will read it if I get bored like I am right now and anyone has it with them. But I hardly have time and spend what little time I do have here or sleeping. I like to start a long run with this song because it starts out all mellow-like and then it's all amped, just how I imagine soma's affect, and also the way I like to run. The Strokes are great to listen to when you're running. Try it.

The Killers – Human Lyrics 15 years ago
Holy Shit! I can't believe that I'm just now learning that Flowers is Mormon.. I've been listening to these guys since their debut (but not so much these days). Even my roommate confirmed it. Wow. Seriously now, if he's a devout LDS I highly doubt that the human/dancer thing represents free will versus fate or determinism. Come on. I've never met even a "bad Mormon" who hadn't already made that decision. I've worked with MANY Mormons in my job (including both my current and last boss), and also, my ex-girlfriend and I went to her friend's church to satisfy my curiosity, so that just doesn't really make sense to me.

Green Day – 21 Guns Lyrics 15 years ago
It's about a fighter. It's multifaceted, and not just anti-war. The fighter has been soldiering for years now. The thoughts in his mind are asking him now whether the cause he's fighting for is worth all it takes from him. Before he began to question himself, the fight brought him a great deal of pride.

But something happened. This experience, whatever it was, has manifested itself in every thought inside the lover's mind. He's done everything he can think of to carry on with the fight like before, but this memory is in the way.

That's just my interpretation, but what the hell do I know?

Foo Fighters – Everlong Lyrics 15 years ago
Is it really all about sex? I honestly thought there was more to it than that. I guess that's the point..

Coldplay – Viva la Vida Lyrics 15 years ago
This song piqued my curiosity for some reason. I suppose it started with the sound. I figured I'd look at the words.

For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world

I like this part. I don't really get the rest of the song. I don't get this part in the context of this song for that matter, but it makes me think of myself. It makes me think of the callous demeanor that I held before I became the man that I am today.

Although mostly legally conforming, my actions weren't always ethically or morally sound. Since I've grown up and learned to be truly responsible for my actions and be more forthcoming, I've come to regret a lot of the choices that I've made over the years. Anyways, a flashback of myself a couple of years ago gives me the notion that I felt like I ruled the world.

I still have personal qualms about authority. In fact, my renewed beliefs are paramount to any other thoughts I've ever held, but now I don't dance around an issue...I make the point. I realize that I might need to take a step back from certain situations, and look at them from a different angle, and I do. In the end, the choices that I make these days are..well..the right ones. Although I have not and will not have my life dictated by any established doctrine, I have begun the process of removing myself from the position to resist and into the right one to help make the changes that I feel should occur.

The Shins – New Slang Lyrics 15 years ago
I think this is about a guy who calls up a girl from his past, perhaps one that was only a friend, maybe more. Anyway, nothing became of their relationship before, and it withered away. It seems they remained on good terms. So he calls her, and in the back of his mind he is wanting something very special between the two of them again, but he is aware that things aren't the way that they were before, and they aren't the same people that they used to be. Ultimately, after the joy of reminiscing, he returns to his life and she returns to hers. It's one of the happiest love songs that I know of.

The Shins – Girl Sailor Lyrics 15 years ago
This song was a favorite of mine a while back. I've got to admit that it was one of the many songs that I tortured myself with over a girl. To me, it sort of gave me the thought that the girl that wrote me off would come crawling back to me at some point, only to encounter nothing more than a roadblock. The reality of it all is that I was the one who was torn by loss. I still am. Not only that, but I did put a wall up when she gave me a second chance, only to realize that I was looking at things all wrong to begin with. It's crazy how confusing things can get when you're healing that sort of wound. I suck at love.

Foo Fighters – Everlong Lyrics 15 years ago

Nickelback – Photograph Lyrics 15 years ago
I wish I had that much fun in my high school days. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be where I'm at today if that were the case though. I wonder if having great memories like that would be better than the future that I've worked so hard for will be. I'd probably be a bit more socially mature now, or maybe just as repressed. It makes me wonder.

Statistics – A Number, Not A Name Lyrics 15 years ago
I've been on both sides of the equation. I still don't entirely understand why people are compelled to lie when they things end. It's the worst defense mechanism that one can have. Nothing will ever come of it.

In a foolish attempt to soften the blow as I was being ditched by a pseudo-gf, I portrayed myself as some sort of player. All in all, I was (and am) the exact opposite of what I wanted her to think of me. The result was making her feel used, and me feeling guilty about lying about something so stupid. Immediately after starting this fallacy, I realized that I screwed up, as friendship is precluded by dishonesty. I will forever regret losing her friendship, and there's no one to blame but myself.

Fast forward a bit to a week or so after I ended things with my ex-girlfriend. It was because it was going to turn into a long distance relationship, which I wanted no part of because of past experience. I told her that we could be friends, but not right away. This is when she sends me an email saying that she tested positive on a pregnancy test. Soon thereafter, I was able to call her bluff and needless to say, the friendship offer no longer applies.

We Are Scientists – Callbacks Lyrics 15 years ago
It is really quite simple. It's the life of a needy guy (like me) that's just starting to learn how to date. Later, he'll regain whatever confidence it took to pursue that girl in the first place and he'll be the one ignoring calls. It's really a sad state of affairs. Really, it is.

The Fray – Over My Head (Cable Car) Lyrics 15 years ago
I like how the line "I wish you were a stranger I could disengage" contradicts the part in the opening: "It's coming down to nothing more than apathy." Apathy for her, sure..but for him, not so much.

3 Doors Down – Let Me Go Lyrics 15 years ago
The video depicts the meaning better than anyone can here, but it definitely fits in other situations. A lot of people fall in love with someone that they don't know everything about. The beauty of it though, is that power of true love trumps whatever isn't known.

Clay Walker – Hypnotize The Moon Lyrics 15 years ago
Well, it's about, you know, falling in love.. I've liked the song for years now, long before I first loved. I must that it's pretty accurate.

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