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Delerium – Stopwatch Hearts Lyrics 14 years ago
It is clearly about prostitution... and the "slaves to society" clients that they service. Particularly in hard times, these high-rolling clients seek prostitution and that means good business for the "working girls" who hang out on the street corners. Felt hats (fedoras) are particularly indicative of pimp fashion.

The song is simple, fun and beautiful. Haines' high-note vocals in this song gives me the chills.

Metric – The Police and the Private Lyrics 14 years ago
I also wanted to point out that Emily Haines has sung about prostitution before on the Delerium song "Stopwatch Hearts." If you haven't checked that one out, I highly recommend it.

Metric – Gimme Sympathy Lyrics 14 years ago
Agreed; I came here just to see if anyone picked up on that. What a cool concept for a song... that bands have influences and perhaps two of the most influential bands in rock are The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Both from the 60's and both defined a different variation of the style. I think the idea is that if you were to narrow down music influence to just two bands... it would be The Beatles and The Stones.

Metric – The Police and the Private Lyrics 14 years ago
It's about drugs AND prostitution.

The first verse is about drugs; "keep one eye on the door, keep one eye on the bag." Seems like dealing to me; "stop asking strangers, no one wants what we want." Etc., etc.

Second main verse is clearly about prostitution; "keep one eye on the door, keep one eye on the bed."

I don't think prostitution is more predominant theme than drugs, but they are used in the whole "lost love" theme. And not necessarily romantic love in my opinion but that of family.

I can't say for sure what the meaning is behind the orphanage closing; it may be a metaphor for something like someone who has lost their way or the love of their family. Perhaps drug dealers and prostitutes are orphans by choice but trying to find their way back home.

Finally, I think the "fingerprinted, waiting for the train" implies that this person(s) were caught... and now their regretting their lifestyle? I don't know for sure.

Belle & Sebastian – Piazza, New York Catcher Lyrics 15 years ago
My interpretation is that there is no "woman" in this story. Miss Private isn't a person, it's seclusion and solitude. The character of the song is a baseball player and yes, I do believe that it is about sexual orientation... specifically of the player in question who wants to be left alone rather than discuss his personal life.

Piazza was always a private person and a devout Catholic player; when New York tabloids questioned his sexual orientation, Piazza retreated from the media rather than confronting the allegations. He's currently married to a Playmate with a second child on the way, so those accusations are obvious kaput. "The Catcher" in this song is based on Piazza (who hit for .318 in 1993) not specifically him. "The Pitcher" is based on Koufax... although he played in the 50's and 60's, he had his best years for the Dodgers when they were in Brooklyn and before the Mets became a team. Most Mets fans closely identify with the Dodgers teams before they moved to LA perhaps even considering Koufax an honorary Met as a hometown hero in NY, particularly to the local Jewish communities. He refused to pitch Game 1 of the 1965 World Series because it fell on Yom Kippur. Koufax was (and still is) extremely private... after abruptly leaving the game at the height of his career due to arthritis, Koufax has seldom appeared in public.

Back to the song, "The Catcher" wants to spend his time off the field (the diamond) away from the public spotlight. Miss Private and Heroine Pretend refer to this solitude the ballplayer wants. Nights in hotel rooms refer to the constant travel baseball players endure playing away; "pagan holidays," to me, refers to the fact that baseball players are not given days off for regular holidays.

The game in San Francisco between the Mets and Giants tells of one of these "away games" where the subject of song spends his free time hanging around, presumably with "Miss Private" and avoiding the questions from the media regarding his sexuality.

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