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Chet Baker – My Funny Valentine Lyrics 13 years ago
I believe it's a reference to Greek goddesses or Greek statues who are represented with a perfect figure.
Valentine is not perfect, but in his eyes she is.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Maps Lyrics 14 years ago
I'm not convinced by the gay interpretation...

I think that "My kind's your kind" only means that her kind is the kind of man that he his. She loves him specifically and is not referring to men in general her.

Also, "I'm straight" can mean a thousand things. For instance, that she will stop doing stupid things. Or that she's absolutely sure about her feelings. Who knows why they're breaking up in the first place?

Let's find out. This song was written for Angus Andrew (singer from Liars), her then boyfriend. Is he gay or not?

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Maps Lyrics 14 years ago
You're right. It's about her relationship with Angus Andrew, and MAPS is an acronym. This said, I don't know the details of their relationship. I see that some of the discussions here are about whether he's leaving her for a job, for another girl, or for a guy.

Someone says that "my kind's your kind" means that they both like men. But I think she just means that her kind is the kind of man that he his. She loves him and is not referring to other guys here.

Also the "I'm straight" fueled the debate. But I'm straight can mean a thousand things. For instance, that she will stop doing stupid things. Or that she's absolutely sure about her feelings.

I don't think it's about someone being gay. But again, I don't know Angus Andrew.

Tears for Fears – Head Over Heels Lyrics 14 years ago
I really thought the same too!

Camille – Pâle Septembre Lyrics 14 years ago
I think you're right. The way I understand it, it's a girl who describes her romantic feelings, at the time of September 11. She's experiencing the loss of meaning, because her love is not shared, and the attack of the world trade center, that she observes on TV, is the background picture of her despair.

"Mais qui est cet homme, qui tombe de la tour
Mais qui est cet homme, qui tombe des cieux
Mais qui est cet homme, qui tombe amoureux?"

She projects her pain in the act of despair of a man who was trapped in the tower and jumped out of the windows. She wonders how one can do that. Was this man, himself, inlove with someone when he jumped?

"...qui tombe amoureux" means "...who's falling inlove"
But "...qui tombe, amoureux" means "...who's in love, and falling"

The last line "il serait temps de s'entendre" is very powerful because it was used earlier in the lyrics and meant something different. It meant "to agree upon..." at first ("il serait temps de s'entendre sur le nombre de jours..."), and at the very end, it means "to get along," which refers both to her and her friend, and to the different cultures in the world, as September 11 is a strong symbol of the clash of civilizations (Huntington).
Camille is a political science major.
She's also incredibly smart... and a little bit crazy.

Tears for Fears – Head Over Heels Lyrics 15 years ago

"My mother and my brothers used to breathing clean air
And dreaming I'm a doctor"

With my excellent listening skills I though the singer was saying "I'm dreaming I'm adopted". Probably because he mentions his parents in the previous line.

Don't you think the lyrics were expressedly written to be confusing and confused?

Tears for Fears – Head Over Heels Lyrics 15 years ago
I was pretty sure he said "you keep your distance with the system of touch"..

"The system of touch" would be this phase where 2 people who like each other actually establish first physical contact. Like he's going to leave his hand on her leg, or hold her arm but in a very shy although playful way. And she's keeping her distance with that. She obviously isn't comfortable with the touching. Which could relate to the "traditions" he's talking about.

That'swhy he says that she's wasting her time. Because he doesn't know for sure if she will ever give more. He doesn't know if he should invest in this relationship or if it's just not going anywhere.

But I'm French so I may be wrong.

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