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Gomez – Revolutionary Kind Lyrics 14 years ago
I always thought it was about being unconcerned about a friend that gets high all the time because they're harmless and not likely to try to start a revolution (or a fight, or anyhing particularly dangerous).

They're saying, just keep on going out and having a good time and getting high.

I think that they're also calling this person a bit of a sheep... just go out to dance parties like everyone else and take the same drugs as everyone else and it doesn't really matter, because you're not hurting anyone, and neighter is anyone else... the only ones you have to worry about (their state of mind) are those who could potentionally cause problems.

That's assuming that they're not looking for revolution though... it might be completely tounge in cheek...

The White Stripes – Ball and Biscuit Lyrics 15 years ago
Bah, i should learn to proof-read!!

I thought this exact same thing - from the first time i heard it i thought that's what it meant. I thought maybe I was wrong, but it just makes so much more sense...

The White Stripes – Ball and Biscuit Lyrics 15 years ago
I thought this exact same thing - from the first time i heard it i thought that's what i thought. I thought maybe I was wrong, but it just makes so much more sense...

Yves Klein Blue – Polka Lyrics 15 years ago
now that you point out who Jim and Syd are, it makes an awful lot of sense :)


Yves Klein Blue – Polka Lyrics 15 years ago
i saw them live a few months back - they blew me away - i had such a good time! everyone in the bar was dancing around crazy having a wonderful time. I expect big things from Yves Klein Blue :)

The Mountain Goats – High Doses #2 Lyrics 15 years ago
I dont' think it has anthing to do with acid - i suspect that "acid in my throat" refers to heartburn - he's written a lot of songs about the period he was heavily into methamphetamine, when you haven't eaten for days, you can get some terrible heartburn. "wringing my hands, grinding my teeth" "the songs that keep me up at night" "Thank god for small favors in high doses" - this all sounds like a come-down to me.

The Mountain Goats – Letter from Belgium Lyrics 15 years ago
I just love this song. Having spent quite a lot of time on meth benders (and actually managed to come out the other side reasonably unscathed, and had some great times in the process) i can really relate to this song. His images are fantastic - you can tell he's speaking from personal experience.

Martin calls to say he's sending old electrical equipment
That's good we can always use some more electrical equipment
(I always think that this could be two things - firstly, that electrical equipment can be sold for money for more meth or exchanged for the drug its self. Alternatively, it could be that when you're high, you like to play with toys - stereos, flashy lights, synthesizers etc. It does sounds sarcastic, which makes me think they may be sitting in a room already full of electrical junk.)

In the cold clear light of day down here
Everyone's a monster
That's cool with all of us
We've been past the point of help since early April
(meth makes you look ghastly - your skin gets pale and translucent - scars and blood vesles and pimples stand out like crazy - after a particularly long time, some people develop sores, their teeth degrade and they generally look monsterous - i'm happy to say i never got that hard into it, but you still look pretty sickly when you're high on meth, evern after 8 hours or so - but you just don't care, because everyone looks like that, the only important thing is finding more meth)

Susan and her notebook
Freehand drawings of Lon Chaney
Blueprints for geodesic domes
Recipes for cake
(the crazy things you do when you're high - you have a lot of time to kill and youre brain is working at a million miles an hour - sometimes you just need to get it all down on paper - some of the most amazing things have come out of evenings on meth.. and some utter crap as well.)

Yeah we're all here
Chewing our tongues off
Waiting for the fever to break
(self-explainatory, meth makes your jaw clench and makes you hot)

When we walk out in the sunlight we tell every we know it hurts our eyes
When the real reason we don't like it is that it makes us wonder if we're dying
(this is such a surreal feeling - i remember hating going out in the day after a night on it, you feel like a night creature, like you don't belong in the pure, sunlit world. The light does hurt your enlarged pupils - but it's more than that - you feel almost dirty.)

And Martin's found an old trunk full of stage makeup in the basement
And he's sending it along
We can always use more makeup
Yeah more creams and powders
(to me, this is about covering up how hideous you look so you can face the world, the fact that it's stage makeup is particularly important - it's about pretending to be someone you're not, ie a normal member of society.)

And Carrie's got the feeling
That the people next door
Will close in like a wolf pack
Should we make one small mistake
(the dreaded paranoia. I'm happy I have never experienced this either, but i know some people who went a little off the deep end in this regard - it's scary)

Yeah we're all here
Chewing our tongues off
Waiting for the fever to break
(i wonder if this repeated line about the fever breaking may actually be about waiting for it to all be over - whether "fever" is the addiction its self...)

Yves Klein Blue – Polka Lyrics 15 years ago
yet another song about how much fun it is to take drugs - and what can happen if you go too hard. I love this one. I find it especially funny that it's being used for a car ad here in Australia - it's good that people don't tend to listen to the words! I've put my interpretation in **stars**

Brother hold your head this way
And bustle to the front of the line
Coz if they catch your eyes before you get inside,
Well you'll never be allowed
**keep your head down as you go in the door so they can't tell you're high as a kite (large pupils)**

People got a name for us
**druggies/additcts - or something equally dismissive/degrading**
Coz we escape the strain of the days
**taking drugs as a break from the mundane**
Oh we stretch in the side and bend in the middle,
But we never ever break
**could be a description of how people on some drugs dance, or how skinny a lot of drug-takers are**
But if you feel that way now
Or if you ever feel so inclined
**if you want to get high**
Skip past the doors of boring forty-somethings and rise
**come in to the club past the "boring people", get high and have a great time**

Oh and if you wanna lose your frown
Or your name or even your face
Lick up a dream that seemingly sings with whistling neon breath
**If you want to have an amazing experience and forget everything for a while eat some of this (Personally i think this is about LSD - but it could describe any number of drugs, likely hallucinigans or maybe opiates - which are mentioned later in the song)**

Come and have a drink with us
A little wine or a nice champagne
Oh thanks sounds nice and I will decline
But at night things seem to change
**a lot of poeple choose drugs over alcohol - or sometimes both?**

People got a name for us
Coz we escape the strain of the days
Coz we stretch in the sides and bend in them eyes but we never ever change
**there are always people taking drugs?**

And if you feel that way now
Or if you ever feel so inclined
Well kick in the shins of all the fucking whingers and rise
**ignore all the people telling you how bad it is to get high and have a great time**

Yeh and if you wanna lose your frown
Or your name or even your face
Lick up a dream that seemingly sings with whistling neon breath

Sid was at the gates of dawn
**end of the night? (or perhaps a drug reference that I don't understand)**
And Jimmy said ride the snake
**sounds like a refence to "chasing the dragon" - opium? - perhaps at the end of a crazy night out on LSD or maybe Ecstacy they went to someone's hous to take an opiate?**
So we bent our spoons and howled at the moon to find what science replaced
**I think this is a reference to how opiates - like opium, are now engineered artificially**
And it turns out it aint that much
**it wasn't as exciting as they thought, or science didn't really make many changes to the natural chemical**
Though I may have missed it in the haze
**although it's hard to recall**
Oh it drips in your mind
And fills up your eyes
And you'll never be the same
**it takes over your mind and changes the way you think - possibly forever - not necessarily negative**

But if you're ever coming down
Or if you ever take too much
Remember that's much better than never ever getting enough
** it's better have a bad come down then to have a nagging additcion where you never ever seem to have enough**

Oh so if you wanna lose your frown
Or your name or even your face
Lick up a dream that seemingly screams with rushing neon death alright
**this seems to indicate that the person is going too far, perhaps taking too much, and knows it**

All your spirits gone, and you are barley alive.
You hand me a smoke, though it�s like you hardly notice
**after addiction has taken hold**
And it�s sad I suppose
When I look into your eyes you say
It seems to go this way, no matter what�s at stake,
Oh it seems to go this way with everything I start
**a person lamenting that they seemd to get addicted to everything they have, even if they know the consequences of going too far and do so anyway**

Oh so if you feel that way now
Or if you ever feel so inclined
Skip past the doors of boring forty-somethings and rise
But if you want to lose your frown
Or your name or even your face
Lick up a dream that seemingly sings with rushing neon death

Air – Alpha Beta Gaga (Mark Ronson Vocal Mix feat. Rhymefest) Lyrics 15 years ago
what a good way to ruin a beautiful song... ugh.

Air – Cherry Blossom Girl Lyrics 15 years ago
except when they play live - then he has a voice-modulator :)

i'd have to agree with you about 10000htz legend - i used to think moon safari was their best, but over the years i have absolutely fallen in love with 10000htz legend - it just seems to have so many surprising themes and things you don't notice until you've heard them for the 100th time. The virgin Suicides soundtrack was also amazing - but not-so-fun to fall asleep listening to haha.

Air – Cherry Blossom Girl Lyrics 15 years ago
a lot of the time film clips are made by people besides the artists - they give songs new meanings that may not have originally been intended - or, it might be exactly about this!! :)

Air – How Does It Make You Feel? Lyrics 15 years ago
I actually always thought he was a guy who'd had an artificial voice-box implanted because of throat cancer, and that he was actually singing to his cigarette - the sombre and kind of drawn out way they sing "how does it make you feel?" makes me think it's not exactly a love song - I assumed it was a song about addiction.

Bloc Party – I Still Remember Lyrics 15 years ago
what's wrong with it? homophobe.

The Prodigy – Out Of Space Lyrics 15 years ago
"condescending to outerspace" = that just doens't make any sense at all anyway

Underworld – Born Slippy Lyrics 15 years ago
that doesn't seem like a stretch at all; it makes perfect sense!

Underworld – Born Slippy Lyrics 15 years ago
ok so i had trouble deciphering what you were saying, but once i did, i'd have to agree!

This song actually makes me feel like i'm high when i'm not - a song that can evoke that kind of emotional and physical response is amazing - no wonder it spans the genre-boundaries, i don't know anyone who doesn't like this song!

Underworld – Born Slippy Lyrics 15 years ago
"this is a song for collapsing drunk and high on some dude's sofa and wondering what the fuck you're doing with your life."

haha - i believe they wrote another song for that - "choose life" (although the words are from Trainspotting and they just supplied the music methinks)

Talking Heads – Psycho Killer Lyrics 15 years ago

08-12-2002 anthracis said: to Roger Wilco, this song is about Sam Berkowitz aka Son Of Sam

Talking Heads – Psycho Killer Lyrics 15 years ago
punk is about being non-conformist - it developed into a musical style and therefore became something people conformed to... because people want to be sheep...

but the original concept was "i'm going to do whatever i like and if you don't like it you can get stuffed" - so really, it's just about doing something out of the norm' and for themselves, not for money or your record lable or even your fans.

Talking Heads – And She Was Lyrics 15 years ago
it never says she died...

Talking Heads – And She Was Lyrics 15 years ago
"To me it's just about a girl living in the moment and taking everything in. "

That's what acid is all about :)

Talking Heads – Once In A Lifetime Lyrics 15 years ago
I like it! - how about this: Water IS life, and what's holding us back is life its self.. perhaps he's suggesting we need to leave our physical body behind and experience something more spiritually fulfilling - maybe like an acid trip :)

the way i see it, all great songs are about drugs - even the ones that "aren't" haha

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